It really wasn't that bad

It really wasn't that bad.

In fact, I honestly enjoy it. It's good campy fun that doesn't take itself too seriously and isn't ashamed of its comic book heritage.

Neggar pls

It was dull. Not bad but not great either. The best thing that happened was Chris Evans being saved and turned into Cap.

THe sequel wasnt too bad either. I mean, it felt short and could have used an extra 30 minutes. The fact they skip galactus was pretty stupid, but yea. These movies are watchable. Unlike some other really bad movies.

>It really wasn't that bad.

Yeah it was even worse.

Best live action Mr.Fantastic in terms of appearance.

>Most of it is sitting around the house bitching about having these powers
You're not all Ben for christ sake. Thank god for Evans

Except when they replace Galactus with a fire tornado

When the fuck are we ever going to get a good F4 movie?

Never. The well is poisoned and its in a tug of war between 2 companies

not really a tug of war when one side doesn't have their hands on it in anyway nor care to even get it back

>nor care to even get it back
Is that true?

The one positive comment I have on it is that it's way, WAY better than Fant4stic.

Not really.
They're both 5/10 movies.
Fant4stic isn't unwatchable like people say, it's just kind of bland and boring.

I liked it OP, it was good. It wasnt fantastic (kek), but it wasnt Amazing Spiderman 2 either.

The sequel was worse but still ok. It would have been better than the first if they didnt fuck up Galactus so badly.

>and isn't ashamed of its comic book heritage
>no science adventures, just a typical spider-man movie split between three and a half protagonists

yeah okay

>Doesnt care to get it back
Marvel previously was willing to let go Daredevil and Ghost Rider in exchange for the F4 material, did their interest change that much?

The Incredibles.

OP is right. Honestly this film is my guilty pleasure.

>2004 version
son, you posted the wrong one
you gotta go with the corman version

Not bad but it runs into the same problem with a lot of origin story movies by waiting until the last 20 minutes to actually have some real superhero action. It sucks to go to a superhero movie, and not see any superheroes until the last scene.

Jessica Alba was miscast, especially as Johnny's (Chris Evan's sister) much less as a scientist, and not in a Denise Richards as a rocket scientist way but just as a stupid move, plus she was never a good actress. The guy who played Reed was a British theatrical actor and they should have picked someone who could keep up.

Too bad they screwed up with Doom. I get the impression a proper Doom adaptation could have saved the series of movies.