Come up with an idea for a cartoon starring a viking

Come up with an idea for a cartoon starring a viking.

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He's a Viking okay? and he's given a magic Axe to slay an evil shapeshifting creature named I dunno... Ake, but before the final blow was struck, he tears open a portal in time and flings him into the future where Ake's evil is law.

Hey. Stop that.


A space viking adventure set during the days of the Finno-Korean Hyperwar.

Storm Blown. A longship crew sailing from a alt Scandinavia gets blown across the vast ocean. They come ashore into a land of strange creatures, different magic and alien cultures.

Just remake Vicky the Viking. Also, Vicky would be a girl in this one because let's face it, he was practically a girl in the original show.

We did already and we called him Jetpack Viking.

Would Blond, bearded, slightly-more boisterous Conan be a sufficient description?

My Little Viking: Pillaging is Nordic

A misfit Viking teenager befriends one of his village's sworn enemies.

How to Train Your Dragon.
Basically they dick around with shitty little retarded dragons.

Six Shot Viking: The Wild West Adventures of Vilhe the kid

I high school kid who's also a viking and has to pillage villages but also return in time for prom night

Does that mean there's be an episode where he finds a samurai trapped in stone?

Yes. He'll need a second so he can properly commit sudoku.

Oaf the Plunderer is a muscular yet clumsy viking trying to make a living by pillaging villages or selling his services as a mercenary for big pillage expeditions. While he's a very competent figther, an avid eater and an awesome drinker, he can barely dress himself, or walk without accidentally destroying things/harming people and whatever money he manages to amass is always lost, wasted or scammed out from him.

But he's a good viking and a loyal friend so the other vikings are willing to put up with his shit. Also, his battlecry is "KISS MY AXE!"

His design is absurdly muscular, with long, braided blonde hair and a braided beard. He wears skin boots, bracers, and a loincloth, plus a bear skin he wears as a cape. The bear skin still has the bear head, which sometimes matches Oaf's expressions and constantly makes the audience wonder if it's just a bear skin or a living bear because Oaf is THAT stupid.

Hagar the Horrible: The Edgy Reboot.

Better, Asterix and Obelix, but with boobs.

This is so stupid, it wraps back around to glorious.

A Viking is sailing from Vinland to Greenland and gets caught in a storm. He washes up alone on the coast of Maine. He wanders west across North America following what he thinks is a sign from Thor. He has adventures, makes friends and enemies, has epic battles against man and beast, gathers a band of followers, gets a family, and eventually settles somewhere Cascadia.

Two teenaged vikings and tow teenaged Valkyries (plus their pet, a talking white wolf) travel across the land on a flying Drakkar to sing on every village, under the artistic name of The Pillage People.

But their trips are plagued of mystery and intrigue as every village is under attack of some evil spirit, which inevitably ends up being unmasked as a fake.


> Groink!

I already did. Girl with axe the size of her has saved the world on multiple occasions, but now that there's peace she needs to settle down and go to school. Needless to say she's still very extreme and refuses to leave her axe at home.

the size of her ass?

No, the axe is as big as she is. Although I can see why you'd be confused considering how I worded it.


Son of a great viking warrior is too much of a nerd to be a fighter, but he discovers he can befriend the dragons

Magical viking warrior girl from another dimension is sent to Earth for training. She now has to live with the "safe kid" as an exchange student and go to normal high school. While still fighting monsters, pillaging the convenient store, sailing a longboat in the school pool, and smiting hordes of mean girls in the locker room.

I'd watch it.

Funny thing is, there's canonically an alternate timeline where Star's probably like that.

Sven is the warrior with everything.
Incredible fighting prowess, all the ale he can quaff, and a guarantee to be the next chief.
But something goes wrong.
He bungles it up on an important night, and accidentally kills the current chief, who, it turns out, was really Thor in disguise all this time.
Thor is pretty pissed, and strips him of his name and power, transforming him into a frail maiden and banishing him.
He may return only once he has proved himself a true warrior.

Old style Action plus new style comedy, even comes with a waifu for Sup Forums to draw porn of.

Gimme my cartoon bag of cash.

Gimme my cash.

Adapt Vinland Saga.

>put Native American guy in historical Europe
>have lots of travelers of various races and religions that are met on the show
>throw in feminist stuff like non-sexist female warriors and sorceresses
>make it seem similar to Steven Universe somehow or Teen Titans Go
>shill it on tumblr a bunch


I actually like the idea of a warrior in highschool as opposed to the usual magical girl or ninja

..This is more or less Groo the Wanderer, only with a viking instead of an Ugly and doofus Conan with katana.

>an idea for a cartoon starring a viking
Slice of life about the viking suddenly having to live with a hyperactive artist girl and trying to lead a normal viking life with battles, dragons and videogames.

Was this ever made?

I don't understand why everyone is so obsessed with this shitty 'out of place character in commonplace, contemporary setting' crap. It's literally the cancer that is killing cartoons.

I propose a Gothi priest kidnapped by a band of rebel aliens, so he can go with them to their degenerate home planet and help them establish a society based on viking values.

because this is shit and no one would ever want to watch it

That sounds up its own ass and masturbatory.
Writing tip: a concept should lead the mind to jumping off points for plots. The concept is not the plot, because that only gives you one way to go and is boring.

Still better than Star vs Your Cuck Fantasies pt. 2

Ragnar, Ulfric, and Hilda are teenagers in medieval Sweden. Ragnar and Ulfric dream of being vikings one day and sailing the world, conveniently leaving out the raping and pillaging part. But one day there's a violent explosion near the village. They all go to check it out and find a crashed alien spaceship. At first assuming the aliens are fairies, they agree to help them repair the ship without telling the adults. But when it takes off, they're accidentally caught onboard, and the aliens can't turn the ship around! Now they have to have fun space adventures armed with nothing more than their Ragnar's axe, Ulfric's knowledge of navigation and astronomy, and Hilda's wits.

some viking wins a glorious battle but dies the next day due to wounds, he goes to hel and has to fight an army of old people, women, and children

Viking dies and is given viking funeral.
His longboat washes up on the shore of a distant continent whose natives assume it was ignited by lightning or something when he was trying to sail it.
They magic him back to life and then I haven't really thought this through beyond that part.

Viking milfs seek each others "companionship" while their husbands are away sacking foreign lands.

But they already remaked it like 3 years ago

I hope this is set on Earth.

A Viking is forbidden to enter Valhalla until he helps the worst under 12 football team win the championship.

Nords are the worst race and culture in all of Elder Scrolls



It is set on a close parallel world, where the cultures and geography are close but not quite.

I love farmland saga

Reminds me of pre-boat Miura

>Was this ever made?
Sadly not... it was just the pilot episode. And the webcomic but it rarely shows the viking, who is best character.



I came here to post this, fuck

>Viking Jack landing in Malmo

Oh my fucking sides

>Come up with an idea for a cartoon starring a viking.
Super Kawaii advetures
Erik is a bloodthirsty viking who by an accident has his mind transported to the body of a cute girl scout.
in our present times
Erik goes berserker and kill a lot of people
really a lot. blood everywhere
R-18, and ends with suicide by cops after 35, two hour long each, episodes
no need to thank me, disguised CN author.


A great Viking warrior who wishes to go to Valhalla on his death instead wakes up in Fólkvangr.
Angered by this he decides that if the Valkyries will not take him to Valhalla, he will find his own way.

I'd watch this, unironically.

First two lines is all that's needed



>a good boi from Detroit discovers that hes the reborn god of thunder and can shoot lightningbolts outta his gun. He needs to bring together a group of diverse teenagers (who are also reincarnations of norse deities) to fight the white dev-... frost giants.


>Exiled raider sails past Siberia and around the northeastern tip of Europe
>Winds up in feudal Japan
>Can't speak with anyone there
>Clothes are strange and mostly leather
>Locals assume he's some sort of ogre
>Shogunate mounts an offensive to track him down and kill him
>This plan does not go well
>One warrior attempts sudoku
>Viking slaps some sense into him.
>The two of them try to conquer Japan, but through a series of episodic understandings wind up becoming folk-heroes.

It's called Smacketeria, and it's about a burly viking in a food truck (food boat?) and his beloved pet goat, trying to sell delicious viking meals to the masses. He's prone to violent outbursts and speaks only in incomprehensible nordic gibberish

Crew of Vikings sailing home after plunder
Some sort of magical storm blows them off course
End up stranded in a sort of multiversal ocean
Try to find their way home
Each "island" they land on or get forces onto due to storms/etc is a different reality
Can have some sort of drama take place at their real home a la the odyssey if needed

I read this in Fat Priest's voice.

Goddamnit so did I.

That fat fuck has no right to be that memorable

Just do a Viking Commando animated series.

Timelost Viking joins the US army to fight Nazis. Tell me what's wrong with that.

The Son of the Son of Odin: raised in traditional artreyu religion and customs by his psychotic swedish- nationalist father, our kid hero longs to become a real Viking. To this end he builds a dragon boat out of rubbage and sets sail to raid England. Predictably he goes off course and ends up in New York. After a botched raid attempt, he ends up in the care of child services. Each episode focuses around him being fostered by a different family of a different ethnicity, and Kid Viking's attempts to raid them, bring them around to Nordic values or to cleanse their racial impurity from his new land. Arc-villain is his dark-skinned child protective services agent.

Still looks like a girl.

When I was a child I thought asterix and obelix were vikings.

Vid vaguely thread related.

Vexo Vikings

They're not?

They're french barbarians. Gauls, like Vandals.