What a douche

What a douche

God forbid male children have male role models

animtion in an animation cartoon would be enough
nobody started complaining until your budget got lower than anime

He has a point, he's just executing and expressing it so fucking poorly

They do. Steven is a great role model

Steven is a terrible role model.

Who the fuck is this and why am I supposed to give a fuck?

Inb4 the bait is taken

No one show should be expected to have a role model for every type of person

Steven's a literal California kid aka a faggot.

>not wanting to be king beef of the make believe brigade

Rick's a better role model than Steven.

>posting a Twitter post
>a Twitter post from 2015
I don't even think he works on the show anymore.

These Steven Universe hate threads are getting out of hand.

He's a little kid that started as a horribly written character and started actually developing around (in my opinion) half of season 2. And now we have episodes like "Lion 4: Alternate ending", or "Storm In The Room" which is basically the writes trying to make you understand steven's mindset in order to develop him as a character but actually show you that they bit more than they can chew. So they have to make entire episodes dedicated to steven whining about shit.
>god forbid a show that has a main character that learns from his experiences in the actual story instead of having to take up entire episodes of him trying to figure shit out by themselves, something that could happen at any point of the story, but they decide to start doing it in the 4th season.
No wonder their views are crashing

>dude my role model as a kid was he-man and he was really cool and made me want to be really masculine and manly
>he said while posting on the comics and cartoons board as a 2X year old

I started the fire and I'm watching it burn

Who are you talking about

What do they know about role models, they can't even keep characters on-model!


Pretty much sums up the left in 2017.

It's utterly retarded how they portray the gems as some kind of representation anyway. They aren't sexual, but they are. They don't have a gender, but they do. They aren't self-inserts, but come on.

Your bait is bad and you should feel bad.

I'm a grill and I just want some handsome gem dudes to ogle, I don't want to identify or self insert or whatever just give me some stone cut beefcake

but they already do in other shows

Rebecca Sugar has publicly stated that the gems are self insertions of her moods
Sometimes I stay awake at night thinking about why I like this bullshit show so much

then watch anime fujoshit
you can't even ogle anything in this show's artsyle, you need the artists draw really good looking stuff to get anything out of it

Someone has the right idea!

Steven is a whiny bitch who thinks all problems can be resolved by care bear tier methods and crying. Conflict is part of everyday life, and its your job to try and deal with it peacefully AND be expected to fight if need be. People who think that you can live in a world without fighting/war dont live in reality.

Consider murder suicide and take as many other universe fags with you.
How you doin?

So then why do women and black people cry about representation all the time.

Sorry, beefcakes are male power fantasies. They are NOT for female consumption.

You mean like

the Avengers?

Because if they don't they would actually have to look for jobs.

Post your Sup Forums related childhood heroes/role models that arent pussies

Matt Burnett is almost worse than Zuke. He's such a faggoty little numale who's obviously never spent time outside of liberal hugboxes. Can he even fucking draw?

What were you saying, user?

Name one reason why Steven is a bad male role model

homosexuals can't be good role models for anyone other than fellow homosexuals

>cartoon role models


I agree, there really is no logical reason for there to be male gems. Except that it would make Steven have a friend who is in his unique biological situation.

The only possible way for male gems to become a thing is when/if they rescue all the other Quartz's on Blue Diamonds human zoo, those gems mate with the humans on the zoo and create a new master race of human/gem hybrids.

Her ass/pants are not amused.