The comic the defined a generation

>Going to use Damsel in distress for drama and tension

>Don't want to convey that she has been hurt or taken advantage of because that could be demeaning to women and triggering to rapist

>Restrain kidnapped woman with baby leash

Is Gabby the new Jack Kirby of her time?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't like that either OP

Why does this comic keep pushing this "EVERYBODY FUCKING LOVES AMERICA CHAVEZ" thing? Nobody likes people like her except people like her.

Honestly, I want to see how retarded Marvel can get.

This is real retarded, but I want MORE

Moon Girl looks like they drew her, scaled her down in photoshop, and then copypasted her onto the stage.

You know what? Yes. Yes, please

Is there no comic book reviewer who is trashing this?

First it was Carol Rangers, then Blue Marvel, then Whor. This is all marvel knows how to do.
Character isn't popular? Give them a Roman Reigns push because that always works.

user, how could you trash this?

I mean, sure, the art may be bland, and the story godawful, but it is the single most diverse and inclusive comic on the market.

I think that makes up for its minor shortcomings

Both issues were critically acclaimed across the board despite gapping plotholes like

>Breaking up with your GF for not moving in despite you having portals

>Retiring from being on multiple superhero teams to go to a superhero training college

>Being afraid of having a roommate despite leading multiple teams

>2nd issue having all tension and problems instantly solved offscreen, removing the whole point of the buildup and introduction of the villains and their actions.

>baby leash
What the fuck US

Remember when Ewing was doing everything in his power to make America appear like a decent character?
And then this shit came along?

You have to walk your babies every day, or their legs won't be able to carry their increasingly heavy frames.

Decent character?

She's a hip-hoppin' Radical Space Lesbian who smashes Racism, with her BROWN FIST

What's not to love?

America is an interdimensional lesbian, a space lesbian is someone like Phyla-Vell.

In her book, in ultimates she's just the annoying cunt who acts like she knows better than the people who have decades more experience than she does.

When did they ever push Blue Marvel? The guy disappeared for years after his mini bombed until Ewing got his hands on him.

She perfectly reflects this book's target audience

>Black girl is making some sort of Seinfeld face- confusing which emotion it's trying to portray.

>Little black girl copy, pasted, and clearly scaled down in photoshop in second panel.

>I'm not 100% with perspective, but I don't even think they even made her proportionately small enough.

>Hostage is literally restrained with a baby leash. Never mind the weird pose she's trying to make.

What the fuck is going on in this comic.

Never mind the black "mean girls" in the video.
What even are they fucking wearing, jesus.

>Chavez Guerrillas
Are these girls so retarded that they don't think that using this name is a bad idea?

How well is this selling?

>be Marvel artists
>need to draw a restrained womyn
>can't have her tied up because that's demanig
>even though all three of our book's readers love being tied up in real life
>so let's give her a baby leash
>have damsel in distress strike a super awkward pose even though she's just wearing a baby leash
>like seriously who would ever sit in a bed like that?

The irony being the people who laud this book are the same people who threw a shitfit over Manara's art for not being anatomically correct.

What is she up to nowadays? If I remember well she used to be a decent character.

Poorly I believe

So correct me if I'm wrong, but this group is from America's uterus utopia home world right?

What's up with the tranny off to the right then? Is their utopia so progressive they let in guys as long as they identify as girls?

Couldn't they have just put her in one of those hover spheres like in Rock and Rule?

>Phyla is later shown in Hell when Thanos and Deadpool venture there in search of the missing Death

What did Marvel mean by this?

Isn't it obvious? All fags go to Hell in the Marvel Universe.

She got cozy with an evil space dragon and screwed up a lot

Why put effort into proving a character's worth when you can just say everyone loves them and those who don't are basically Hitler?

It's too early to tell.

Orders for #1 will be high since it's a #1 and had incentive covers, and nobody knew what was inside.

#2 Marvel sent free copies to retailers if they ordered ??% of #1 (I'm not sure on specifics), so that number will be higher than actual orders.

I know my retailer barely sold any of #1 to begin with and was stuck with quite a few, but that is just one case.

>nobody knew what was inside
Except for us. Thank you, based Scanbro.

>then Blue Marvel
>Roman Reigns push

what the hell are you talking about?

Ssh you're not supposed to know it's me when I don't use my trip!

I think he meant in general, Scanbro

Is she tied up by one of those baby harnesses people use to walk their kids like pets?

So I want to know something.

In the Marvel big wig office there has to be ONE person in the room who looks at this is an openly says "Dude, guys, wtf are we doing? This is..." Do they just ignore it? They don't care? It was shown all of this is losing them money, why continue? Do none of them care about the stuff they are putting out is a shit product?

I... actually didn't knew. I was just making a statement.
But thanks anyway, Scanbro.

Well, this entire direction is bizarre, because the CEO of Marvel is a stingy Israeli who contributed significantly to the Trump campaign

>baby leash
My sides have imploded.
Even if this gets so fucking terrible it's amazing I'm not buying it. Yo ho, yo ho, hoist the colors high. Prince or pauper, kings and killers, we're pirates till we die. We're pirates till we die.

Vells are immune to comic book resurrections.

>implying the CEO care about what you do as long as you make money.


These comics are a total liability. They'd be better off just making movies

Can someone explain to me where the college is located? If it isn't in the future/another dimension, it certainly feels like it.

I just want an hentai with Captainshield hair make America ex lick her pussy while she is still in leash and after then America arrive and Captainshield hair femdom her.

I think it's 616 space?

Although, it's like any other American campus, aside from the tech, which may not be strange in Marvel

why is there a college named after a supreme court justice in space?

Marvel probably doesn't want to risk overshadowing the One True Captain Marvel Carol Danvers with characters who are actually interesting.

Because she's a PoC woman, and that's awesome in Space?

Also, why is there a racist Fraternity coasting on White Privilege in a school that looks to be 89% Non White?

In 616. That's why they had that whole drama about America's girlfriend refusing to move.

Why does Captain Marvel keep pushing everyone loves Carol.

Its just shitty writing we need to make people think shes imporant just have everyone love her like shes the greatest hero ever. If they actually wanted this their solo books would be at the end of an event or crossover where they truly do something heroic and important that earns them the love and respect.

God i love how crappy Poochies insertion to the opening is.

What's that name again? I forgot.

>an hentai
Do you actually pronounce "hentai" with a silent "h"?

I fucking live here and I think they're terrible.

See, American parents don't raise their children anymore -- they sit them in front of the television, or give them a tablet, and let the media/Internet do the parenting for them.

So of course their kids are feral little assholes that they drag around by a leash.

They didn't put the company behind him, but his entire run was basically "Hey look at this totally awesome hero that's just plain better than everyone else and everyone loves and respects him in-universe so you totally should too!".

It's not quite as bad as it sounds but it's still lazy and asinine. Just hold your kids fucking hand like a normal person.

the purple haired one with the connecting braids is a dude

>>is a dude just because she has masculine features and probably a penis

i think it's the coloring. it seems off somehow

>Little black girl copy, pasted, and clearly scaled down in photoshop in second panel.
This may be an awful comic but that's not true. Her head is turned more towards the screen in the second picture and her arms and shoulders are at different angles so it's obviously not a copy paste job.

Aren't those the headphones that Ariana Grande stole the designs from League of Legends fanart

All we need now is Geese Howard calling his gang the Geese Tapos

here you go.
it's smaller guys you have search out, they have less to lose and can be more honest. this guy has a small channel, former military, has an MA in Political Science, journalist as a career, doesn't act like an alt-right blowhard, loves comics. has no problems not ball washing marvel's awful sjw comics

a good writer would take that angle and make it into a compelling lesson in hubris, making her a better person. that will never happen though.

she was a great character

ironic isn't it?

now that it's been revealed they aren't making money, perlmutter's sheckel preservation instinct will kick in and he'll clean house... hopefully. he must really be getting old, normally a jew's sheckel instinct is usually supernatural in it's sensitivity. should've seen this coming 10 miles away, how did he miss this?
also, does disney not own enough stake in marvel to force him out? i'm they would like to after the fiege shit and split between marvel studios, and marvel entertainment.

>Peggy points that you can't solve complex problems just by punching Hitler
>Overzealous fangirls whose name reminds the Carol Corps want to get rid of a love interest they deem unworthy
Is Rivera firing some bullets at the tumblerinas?

it is an interesting concept to write about a superhero that is really popular with the general public in-universe and have that be part of the story, its just that in captain marvel they dont use it to tell stories and just use it to try and trick you into liking carol

look at her neck straining, she is in full melt down mode.

This. I want to see the comic book equivalent of accelerationism. If you're an industry insider, plz pretend to be a full sjw and encourage retardation thx.

i thought they were supposed to be some overwatch normie shit

>the only normal looking white people on the campus are evil

These anime reject looking clowns are just misunderstood. Apparently looking like total jackasses means you are a good person in this book, especially if you are ambiguously brown.

>former military, has an MA in Political Science, journalist as a career
>loves comics

He also has no subscribers.
Is he you?

"a protected space between dimensions." from the book. a high tech university is a literal interdimensional safe space... named after a corrupt left leaning supreme court justice who reinforces why this position shouldn't be a lifetime position.

I hope Sequart does.

that's marvel's new stance of no politics/agendas in their books

Marvel should push Blue Marvel. He's Superman and Reed Richards rolled into one. Just give it to Ewing. You know he wants it.

this recent statement they made about them losing money being the people's fault because they don't want diversity has me thinking that marvel getting back to basics shit a month ago was bs, and they're going to double down

nope not me, i'm fat. he's not. he said he has almost 800 subs, he doesn't make it public for some reason. someone asked him about it in the comment section


The funny part is, I was totally behind him when he was just "black Superman trying to regain his place in the world". This "black Reed Richards" characterization needs to fuck off though.

>he said he has almost 800 subs, he doesn't make it public for some reason
Don't ask don't tell, huh?

dude was in the military

they also made the little picture of sonia sotomayor in issue one on that map splash page a lot darker than she is in real life

>people like her
Got it. So only lesbians from parallel universes like this book. I agree, it sucks.

The problem with Blue Marvel was that his first miniseries was written in a very "proto-sjw" style, the kind we see now in many Marvel series. Just like you said, he was Superman and Reed Richards rolled into one, and also was super-cool and the only fault he had was that he just CARED so darn much. He was a Mary Sue through and through, and him being used solely as a vehicle for heavy-handed racial commentary didn't help things either.

As proven by Jeff Parker when h wrote the Red Hulk though, there are no bad characters, just bad writers not doing them justice. Ewing managed to give him some actual character and flaws, so that's a good start.

>be Yuropoor
>know very little about Puerto Rico, no opinion about its inhabitants
>fucking hate Puertoricans now
Thanks Rivera

I have no idea why I did a spit-take while reading your posts.

they publish this and sell it at full price, how worse can it get?

>every comic is Assigned Male
>each page done by a new amateur guest artist
>cerebus-sized anti-male rants in the footnotes
>people who write critical letters to the editor are written into the comic to be beaten by the heroes
>they get doxxed on the official tumblr
>how much you have to pay for a comic book depends on your gender and sexuality
>full-page ads for whiteness studies university courses
>20% of your money goes for lobbying for a new comic diversity code

But she does have more experience in multiversal shenanigans than they do.

Everything about this book just feels icky to me.

Like a unwrapped Jolly Rancher on a subway floor.

Like a faded sticker that's half peeled and attracted a lot of hair on it.

Like Bronies talking about cutie marks.


This is worse than Questionable Content

If Ewing's stories weren't constantly getting sidelined by events then maybe he would have a chance to expand on her character but that's not how marvel works.

At least it's over now.

>tfw I'm fairly liberal and this comic just makes our side look bad

If we're making comparisons, this comic is basically the liberal version of Asay's comics. Trust me, we're as embarrassed about it as you are.

>but it is the single most diverse and inclusive comic on the market.
Are there any Asian or Indian people in it?

Ewing's too much of a cuck to write a colored hero as a bad person. White Tiger was a white hispanic.

What bugs me is how much people are pushing this book. Free first issue on Comixology. Reviews praising this book. The fact that my LCS had this book in the WE RECOMMEND section.

God, what have you done Kieron Gilleon?