Rimba Racer

weekly RR thread,

This week episode 4 have been uploaded to the official RR youtube channel:


>Legal is a lawyer's word, it doesn't apply to genius

Meelo confirmed for traitor?

only one decent update this week, at least it's about someone we all love, until she opens her mouth

>Today we've got a special production peek for all the Torres fans out there - like all the other characters, Torres' animation rig went through a complete overhaul. During the production of Season 1, there were various deformation problems with the skirt, and frequent penetration issues due to Torres' many layers of clothing (it usually fell to the comp team to fix those problems in post). For Season 2, all those issues have been ironed out, and Torres is now more flexible then ever! She's free to carry on with RGP business and put everyone on the Ark in their place - and look good while doing it

found ot something neat:

(...)Torres, however, was an immediate hit within the studio too. Her conception was actually accidental - she was just a sketch next to the Ark secretary (one of the rabbits) when we were still designing background/generic characters. Our creative director for season 1 noticed the stern bunny with glasses, and decided there and then to include her in the series as Mr King's PA.

plus great piece of artwork from CD.

He betrays only conformity, but never his friends.

I'm still not convinced their plan is going to succeed. I don't think the show is going to find a second life on YouTube. There aren't thousands of fans waiting in the wings.

it's not. no one gives a damn.

Oh, don't worry. Nothing is going to succeed. Nothing good will ever happen. Everything is going to be terrible forever.



im annoyed they didnt share pike nor xeno's concept arts yet





>downloads page under maintenance

yu managed to download that comic, right?

Why is Meelo the best character?

She's a futa, isn't she?

Someone did, reading now.


Is the Hippo suppose to be Kingpin?

No, not evil enough.

if she's a she. she's not futa.

sort of.

Don't argue with futafags, they will deny reality (and fiction) in order to have their precious fetish.


I think he's probably referring to the hyena's psuedopenis

Dude, Alpha female hyena got fake dicks that they use to assrape beta males.

>Dude, Alpha female hyena got fake dicks that they use to assrape beta males.
That is what futafags actually believe.

>zootoia meets speed racer

Great, more furry garbage inspired by fucking Disney

It came out long before Zootopia. They're just trying to cash in on it. Honestly, if I could give them some advice, I'd tell them to stop using that line. It's not a good line. It doesn't even make that much sense.

furry fandom meets mario kart?

Because he's an edgelord in every way?

>Episodes on YT are reaching 2,000 views each
Surely that must be way more than their previously isolated showing right?
>newfag Zootopia shitposts thinks anything anthro even if it existed before Zootopia somehow is a ripoff of Zootopia
This is getting annoying.

I have to agree with the youtube guy, it's original how they implemented the flashback in this episode

>until she opens her mouth
>not liking her accent and lisp

It did well enough in Malaysia and India to get a second season. I'm pretty sure it would have been cancelled with those numbers. So it probably did better locally.