Besides Hellboy and Sin city what are some other books from dark horse that are worth checking out?

Besides Hellboy and Sin city what are some other books from dark horse that are worth checking out?

Other urls found in this thread:

Usagi yojombo. All ages akira kurosawasa samurai action.

The goon

Harrow county is pretty good. It deals with ghosts and witches so it's kind of similar to some of the stuff in hellboy

Resident Alien is the comfiest comf that ever comfed

Signal to Noise
Violent cases
The massive


Lady Killer, but I'm biased as I really love the 50s housewife aesthetic.

Black Hammer
The Goon
Usagi Yojimbo
A small killing
Give Me Liberty
Sabertooth Swordsman
House of Penance
Fear Agent
Mister X and other Dean Motter stuff
Richard Corben comics
Matt Kindt comics
Anything with Geoff Darrow
All those Neil Gaiman short stories
They also have nice editions of classic comics like the manara and moebius libraries

OP here thanks for the recommendations.

The Umbrella Academy is really good.

>Black Hammer
One of the better cape comics out right now.

>no one remembers Concrete
Why, Sup Forums? Why?

because they need to hurry up and release some nice library editions of it

Beasts Of Burden

Didn't Dark Horse make "The Mask" comics?

Age of Reptiles
Beasts of Burden
Criminal Macabre
Anything drawn by Richard Corben
The Goon
Halloween Legion
Harrow County
Joe Golem
The Marquis
Resident Alien
Usagi Yojimbo
Weird Detective

With all the good shit from DarkHorse how does it come that Marvel and DC still are THE comic book publishers? Capeshit is shit for the most part.
I should also mention that I am not american and as such do not have the insight in the industry you might have.

Their Conan run was very enternaining by the way

some others:
red rocket 7
ring of the nibelung by p craig russell
the best of milligan and mccarthy
conan by busiek
they've also got some dave mckean stuff that's really god

The classic reprints of classics: Conan, Creepy, EC, etc.
Aren't they the ones publishing Blacksad in English?

Yes. Edgy, but still fun. John Arcudi is reliable.

It's not about being good. It's about selling marketable icons.

AvP EU is so good.


Don't tell me they stopped.

Just discovered there's an omni of Grendal coming out in august here thanks to this thread, cheers.

The Mask

dark horse is mostly medicore, they've been around for a long time and only have a bit of good stuff


Hard Boiled

Why can't Image be as good as Dark Horse?


Sometimes it's even better




it coming back feels so good

Usagi Yojimbo

Star Wars: Legacy

Alien comics are top notch, and so was Ostrander's Star Wars.

The entire prose novels from the creator of Vampire Hunter D. These precede the movies as the source material. Author Hideyuki Kikuchi is still writing new novels in the series to this day.

Dark Horse has translated the novels from Japanese. Pic is Japanese covers.

Sabretooth Swordsman is like the Goon in a fantasy setting. It's in black and white but the linework is really gorgeous.

Ohhhh fuck, does anyone know where I can download issues of this? Shit looks soooooo goooood

>One of the better cape comics out right now.

I was putoff at first because I was sort of over post-modern takes on superheroes, but the characterization was so damn smart.

I also love to see Lemire blurring Kirby's work (and others) between Marvel and DC into gestalt characters.

Yeah. But I wonder why didn't Dark Horse collect the original miniseries yet...

Gotta say that dark horse has plenty of variety when it comes to their books

>I should also mention that I am not american and as such do not have the insight in the industry you might have.

Dark horse made most of their money from licensing Star Wars and Indiana Jones into comic books. That's where they made most of their money for years. Hellboy was their only other big hit.

Dark Horse has about 5% or less of the comic market.

Image Comics has about 10% of the market thanks to the Walking Dead and Saga.
Image is better at cutting deals.

Mesmo Delivery

motherfucker charges like $15 for it though

I love grampa but he gouged like a mother on the pricing for what amounts to a double size comic


Secoding this, its really short and by far the best thing way has ever done, aside from cashing in on the 2000s emo fad

Two Brothers
Pixu: The Mark of Evil

Isn't Empowered from Dark Horse?

They did and then let it go out of print

Damn, how long does it take to draw something like this.


Darrow can be fast when he wants, but it's intensive. He makes way more money but not working in comics unfortunately.

Major Bummer

The Hero by David Rubin, it's a retelling of Heracles including contemporary technology and a pretty good Atlas.

Beasts of Burden. It's a horror comic about house pets investigating supernatural occurrences, I can't recommend it enough

It's technically Marvel now, but Knights of The Old Republic is still the best Star Wars ongoing ever.

Black Hammer
Dead Inside
House of Penance
Resident Alien
The Umbrella Academy
Two Brothers

If it's still ongoing, does that mean it's canon?


I'm pretty sure this is published by Kodansha now or at least they got the rights because they're releasing a new edition later this year.

It's strange to think that at one point, Dark Horse had quality manga like Ah! My Goddess, Gunsmith Cats, Usagi Yojimbo and Blade of the Immortal standing along side of Aliens, Predator, Star Wars, and Hellboy. They weren't DC or Marvel but they were still a damned giant in comics.

Does anyone have any news about the imprint Karen Berger is going to start with Dark Horse? The last news I saw about it just said she's going to start something and that was back in february.

Give it time. If she's still got the talent she'll assemble one hell of a lineup.

Beasts of Burden
Black Hammer
Harrow County
Resident Alien
Monekymam and O'brien
Fear Agent
Joe Golem
Usagi Yojimbo
Strain is okay

He's doing a good job at a Vertigo take on an Astro City sort of thing. It helps that he's somewhat modernizing old comics without shitting on them.

The first few volumes of Solomon Kane are pretty great, even if they are written by that creep with the weird hair.
Not getting lefty political over it: guy's just not a good person.

does anybody know if the Predator comics are any good?

don't know which ones collect what but I like the bloody sands of time, bad blood, batman vs predator

they do Berserk's english US release

I wish they didn't though because they still use that awful tiny ass format and most of the volumes are out of print, if Viz had the rights there would already be Vizbigs of it

dark horse is my favorite desu wit you senpai

In the 90s they were fucking INCREDIBLE.

Look here for a few of their better comics:

Fun story and great art, as well.

I liked the first two years of Ghost, in a "90's cheesecake" sort of way.

They published my friend's comic, Henchgirl. I think it's pretty solid but from what I've seen about it around here Sup Forums isn't to into it.

DH seems to have a level of breadth and variety that the Big 2 often struggles to have. Even in the current day.

30% of their library is diverse. 20% is manga. 50% is supernatural detective stories.

If you want to get a supernatural detective story published, go to them and Mignola will draw a cover.

Scott Allie? The hell did he do?

Joe Yodel, Birthday Suit, Get M.U.R.D.E.R., and Disordered Priorities. That's just off the top of my head.


>tfw there will never make a star wars comic again

I only needed Hellboy, the Goon and Usagi Yojimbo to became a Dark horse fag.

Harrow County

the goon,but i don`t remember if it was all published by dark horse or just a part

>wizard magazine can never update this

Started at some small press (Antarctic?) but all except the first 1-3 were Dark Horse.




Brody's Ghost by Mark Crilley. The whole thing.

The Star Wars: Republic series.

Their EC comics collections are top-tier.

I liked this one a lot,, though i guess he isnt making anything similar at this point?

>50% is supernatural detective stories.
Can someone give recomendations on this? I'm interested in that genre.

Why is that anime girl there?

Dark Horse publishes a lot of translated manga.

I think she's from Oh My Goodness. That was one of their major manga projects like Berserk or Lone Wolf and Cub

>most of the volumes are out of print
I'm pretty sure they put a lot of them back in print since the new volume is out or coming out.

Dark horse does 3 in 1's too, the Blade of the Immortal one is nice. And DH people have said their are plans for bigger berserk collections

Usagi Yojimbo is always worth checking out.