Would you, Sup Forums?

Would you, Sup Forums?

Would I!

Fuck yeah. Hell, I want her to talk like my prison rapist while we're doing it.

>Dr. Venture had clone tech
>he didn't grow Dr. Girlfriend another set of pipes and lungs
>he didn't just clone himself a Dr. Girlfriend

Rusty is fucking gayer than Shore Leave.

Is that rhetorical? I'd beat that pussy like it owes me money.

>new pipes and lungs
Dr Girlfriend just average with a normal voice.

Fuck yeah, I'd have her whisper in my ear while I do it.

Here's the next level, guys.
Would you still hit that?

Yes. Someone that beautiful and supportive while caring about her partner's well-being? 110%

This too. Non-traditional voices on beautiful women is pretty hot.

I'd lelu dallas tap that ass

>clone himself a Dr. Girlfriend
He'd have to wait a bunch of years for her to be fully grown, you lunatic.
They start of as babies.

her voice doesn't bother me, hell yes I would

Slightly different situation, but honestly if I knew I wasn't in danger or being used as a means to an end, yes. Not that that's likely since why would Ra's be a caring lover that isn't just using his daughter's sex appeal to lure people?

If you mean in a general sense of "Dude brain in woman body that can go between male and female voices", then yes.

>New pipes
Way to take away half of her appeal you fag.

>All these faggots trying to take away the sexy voice.
You people are basic as fuck.

Rusty accelerated the growth of the kid at the Day Camp in a matter of minutes. My bet is Doc has replaced more than a few of the characters over the years.


You spent so long asking yourself "would you" you never thought to ask yourself "Could you"

In a heartbeat.


I don't like her voice. It's not women deep it just sounds like weekend trans.

That's the joke.

Even if there was giant wiener between those legs.

Yeah but for me that's the deal breaker.

Honestly, by this point I've fallen so in love with the character's looks and personality that my mind instantly just transmutes her voice to that of a woman and it only seems to make hr more attractive.

No. Pic related, however.