Hero Alliance

Story time. 1989. Lots of art from guys before the were big. Pretty cool characters. Capes!


























It's weird seeing Silver Age style costumes with 80's hair.

Issue 2
Anybody into this?

















Anyone think they changed Victor's costume from blue to green so he looks less like Superman?

These back issues list give us a good summary of what was available from Innovation comics in the late 80's / early 90's.





Nice art. Great nipples on the women.


IIRC the strength of her powers has something to do with her level of 'stimulation' which I guess could include stimulus from wearing a super-tight costume.












Bump for reading, OP!



























Well, that's it for issue 3. Are any of you enjoying this? Or would you rather have more Dreadstar?

Its making my dick erect. More.


Issue 4





