Yet another Ben10 reboot starts this week

>yet another Ben10 reboot starts this week

The voice actor for Ben10 mush have the best job security in all of voice acting.

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How many fucking shows does this have already?

This shit is extremely, extremely popular in China.

It will keep getting made no matter how it does in America.

No shit, Tara is already in everything. Not to mention another popular show that will get milked for as long as Spongebob.

Wait, Tara does the voice? I always thought it was another women, nevermind.

>The voice actor for Ben10 mush have the best job security

No the production is in Canada and she's one of the few who lived close enough for it to not be a problem.

Yuri Lowenthal was a better Ben.

If he was such a good voice actor, why didn't CN bring him back? Obviously there's no way he charges nearly as much as Tara.

Is reboot Ben a teenager?

She lives in LA, dude. She gets Canadian gigs because that's where she was born. There's some union thing in Canada that prefers nationals working on the cartoons.

Same reason she got the main pony role.

>main pony role
She doesn't voice Glimmer.

I wonder how much they'll play it.

Will "YOUR FAVORITE SHOW" be cut for a few hours?

I've missed a few episodes of this season (because people can't leave the fucking DVR alone) but does Glimmer really get that much screen time?

She gets half the premiere, 3 regular episodes, and all of the finale.

Stopped watching this shit after Ultimate Alien. I feel like that was the perfect place to stop, but they kept at it with fucking omniverse.

Alien Force and Ultimate Alien were complete shit. Omniverse saved the franchise, well until they killed it again with this shitty reboot.

>Omniverse saved the franchise
People believe this? Omniverse was the worst part of the franchise.

>People believe this? Omniverse was the worst part of the franchise.
>there are people who believe this

>yet another Ben10 reboot starts this week
This is the first reboot

>actual humans existing on earth that think omniverse was good
Jesus Christ

Fucking this. AF was fucking garbage, and UA gave disappointment after disappointment. And then they did a 180 with OV with great side characters, great villains, great alien designs, and a great season structure

>great side characters, great villains, great alien designs, and a great season structure

Fucking what?

Ben gets a sword, and faces off against darksied. Truly the best ending of a show where a kid can turn into aliens, like 10/10 my dudes.
UAF was just so fucking bland, quit the nostalgia and read more comics you faggot

>doesn't even bother defending OV anymore

I was honest to god under the impression it had already started, I just thought it was so bland that people didn't even feel like bitching about it.

There's a bunch of leaked episodes already. I didn't realize they were leaks and thought it just got canceled already.

>twilight rage fire.gif

Holy shit this show still airs? Who even gives a shit about Ben 10 anymore?

This franchise should've been done after Omniverse.

It's also a shit reboot

>people are fapping to Gwen we can't have this
>cancel and reboot the show to make her uglier
>people are still fapping to Gwen we can't have this
>cancel and reboot the show to make her uglier
>WTF people are still fapping to her cancel the show altogether
>let's reboot the show one last time and make her an androgynous little girl with a stick for a body and let's give the show horrible animation so no one will ever fap to Gwen again
Such is the clusterfuck that is Ben 10. Why can't the executives just accept that people only watch bad cartoons so that they can fantasize about fucking the characters?

Sequels aren't reboots, you fucking weebshitter.

>That horrible art

I have no hopes for the animation quality art

The first one had the best quality

They fucked up by making her a red head.

Red heads are literally the best waifu material.

It's not Proximity, it's National Nepotism.

They either only hire Canadians, or have a Canadian Quota. I wish the US had the same Laws, because I'm sick of all these retarded Canadian actors everywhere

Tara can only voice young boys, Yuri Lowenthal voices teenagers mostly.

That's not the only thing she does with young children. She also gets them killed by starting a fundraiser for a deathly ill child who's parents needed the money because alternative medicine wasn't covered by their insurance.

Alternative as in Medicine that's not yet officially covered by insurance, or Alternative as in some Chinese Medicine Man?

alien girls are hotter than gwen.

Their gofundme knockoff just says aternative treatment.

I dunno if this is really what they were trying, but it's what came up with a quick Google search.

>Chemo could put our daughter at serious risk
>Better get "Spiritual Treatment" instead
>Oops, she's dead
>Burbank, CA

Those parents should be shot

>don't forget to hop on twitter to let all your fans know a little girl died

Not only that, but present yourself as some saint in the process.

Seriously, this is the most vapid virtue signaling I've ever seen.

What a cunt

Nah the old bitch who voices goku has the most secure gig

]jessus you guys will try and make ANYTHING bad to have an excuse to shit on someone.

>that person donated to charity what a fucking monster!

She didn't just donate. She started a campaign around it to get bronies to donate. If they didn't get that money, they may have resorted to using their insurance to provide real medical treatment.

No, it's the fallen aliens living on earth who think Omniverse was bad, the actual humans think Omniverse was good.
Omni is 10/10. We need more Ben as a beat cop.

>Oh no, she bought into a snakeoil salesman, because she's a retard, that got a kid killed, because her parents were retarded hippies who don't trust evil Western Medicine
>How dare you be mean to my big tittied poney waifu

>tfw no continuation of Omniverse

Anyone mind if I post my thoughts in Omniverse that I just dropped in a thread for another user? I want to see how my thoughts match up with other people since I never got to discuss it with anyone because my friends suck

Don't ask questions like that. Damn man, just post your thoughts and I'll tell you if you're right or wrong.

Just felt obligated to ask, it's later than I should be awake, my bad I guess

Well, are you going to post it?

>>yet another Ben10 reboot starts this week

What do you mean starts its been airing for months already.

My thoughts on Omniverse
First as a side note about the artstyle, while looking kind of crappy at first, after you give it a chance is actually really interesting and full of personality, though it is sad that they went for such a simple style after Generator Rex looked fantastic
Now for the show itself, I went into this show not expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised when it turned out that it was actually kind of enjoyable and fun, I was annoyed that Kevin and Gwen weren't main characters anymore, but I actually grew to really like and enjoy Rook as a character. The episodes can be on or off, but a good amount of them are actually somewhat enjoyable and for a little while I actually liked the story a bit (I also made sure to watch in production order after CN fucked up) so I was actually having a surprisingly pleasant time with Omniverse until one fateful day Season 6 came and specifically "The Rooters of All Evil" episode where the show started ruining literally- and I mean- LITERALLY EVERYTHING and Omniverse was sent on a downward spiral into one of the shittiest abominations I have ever had the displeasure to watch

I mostly agree about the art style. It does look like shit from a quick glance and after you watch a couple episodes, it does become quite enjoyable. Although, I'm actually glad they went with it, despite what they could have done. It ended up being very fitting for the show.

Rook is indeed quite a phenomenal character, I'm really glad we got to experience him, and I don't mind that Kevin and Gwen were mostly written out. They're pretty good as recurring side characters.

I don't know what you mean about season 6 and beyond. It was just as enjoyable as the rest of the show.

I'm not surprised by women voicing little kids but isn't Ben like at least 15 in alien force?
Everything sucked after ultimate alien anyways

There's another voice actor for teenage Ben. The reboot is back to his childhood, so Tara's taking over again. Everything sucked from Alien Force to Ultimate Alien. It got a lot better once Omniverse started.

Well The Rooters episodes are easily my biggest gripe with Season 6, in one fell swoop they retcon and completely dismantle Kevin's backstory and destroy his character as well as dragging the plumber trainees from the previous series into it all

Not to mention how all of a fucking sudden Ben could make Alien X do whatever he wanted, which was fucking dumb

Kevin's story and the plumber trainees were fucked since Alien Force. Omniverse was just trying to retcon it back to normal.

I really dislike omniverse but to each their own

He got to know how to work with Serena and Bellcius. The entire reason Alien X was nerfed in the first place was because the two of them could never agree on anything, Ben being there could always be a swing vote on what to do. Not to mention there's a whole race of celestial beings like Alien X, who aren't crippled by their inner voices.

Their stories were perfectly fine though, especially Kevin's, his father was a huge inspiration to him and big part of his characer and just retconning that is bullshit

>Their stories were perfectly fine though

Kevin was a terrible character.

The writers just fucked with his story too much.

Probably my biggest fucking issue with the last couple of seasons of Omniverse though, aside from the boring episodes, is THIS FUCKING BITCH

None of the love interests were that great. Shows really fuck themselves on that note all too often.

I can't believe they literally brought back the bitch that wanted to 'tame' Ben and keep him as a pet.

Frog waifu was the best.

Just "oh hey, you remember that chick that was a total bitch to Ben and then Gwen laid her ass out and it was a really good bonding moment for the two characters and Ben learning to move on from her helps him grow as a character? Let's bring her back, oh and guess what she's still a cunt, and has apparently has been DESTINED to be with Ben the whole time! It'll be fantastic!"

>Ben learning to move on from her helps him grow as a character?

He clearly didn't seeing as he was fantasizing about her in a later episode.

Isn't that-like-six episodes?

>Omniverse saved the franchise

By being the lowest rated Ben 10 series. I believed CN dumped the remaining episodes in the early mornings.

I meant that on a quality-based level. Just look at this nu Ben 10 Go! series. It'll probably run better, but so far it's utter dreck.

Wasn't Omniverse a reboot?

Somewhat. They retconned some shit, but it was still a continuation.

It was a restart, like Alien Force kinda

Not really retcons if they reset the universe

Literally who.

I think Ben was a success in certain time in the past. The first installment was definitely the best. Next ones were more or less mediocre. Now this reboot... I really wish all the best but don't think one can step to to the same water and beat first Ben.

It's still very popular in China.

As long as they like it, they'll keep making it.

Blame CanCon law

huh, it does kind of look like a chinese knockoff. that explains it

Some random character from the first series who's only character trait was bring a furry.

She was suddenly brought back right near the end of Omniverse as Ben's one true love interest. And even for the first few appearances in OV she just kept whining about how Ben isn't using his furry alien form more.

Ben 10
Ben 10 Alien Force
Ben 10 Electric Boogalo
Ben 10 Omniverse
Ben 10 "The one nobody saw"

The list goes on and on its kinda like Yu Gi Oh for Western Animation

All Ben 10 series are awful to me, but the first one was definitely the most popular of the bunch. Ben 10 was a mega hit for CN, but it all began to die down when the second series aired.
I don't know if kids just moved on, or if there was something more. Man of Action never managed to duplicate the success of Ben 10 with Generator Rex.

>tfw you will never eat at Mr. Smoothies.

It's Tara Strong, so of course she's got job security.

blaming actors for the return of a series you hate is like blaming workers when a factory shuts down.

She was a symptom of the problem, but not the cause of it. Problem was that the writers couldn't decide on anything. Part of that was the whole Ben-Shipping thing. I mean, I was pissed that they wrote Julie off without anything. Seriously, about 8 episodes into Omniverse without her being mentioned or referenced or anything, turns out that Ben accidentally broke up with her via BS Storytelling. Then they started throwing every character they had at the wall to see what stuck, the Craho-bitch, the Frog-bitch, even my Muscle-Goddess Looma was a symptom of what was wrong with the show. Regardless of how much I want to bone her, she directly hurt the show.

>Celebrity wants her fans to donate money to save a little girls life.
Literally worse than Hitler and Stallin cross-bred into a Comu-Nazi Super-monster.

Difference being that all the Ben 10 shows up to the end of Omniverse were in the same continuity, while Yu-Gi-Oh stopped giving a shit about a coherent timeline after GX.

In the YuGiOh franchise they made it a bunch of different universes, according to Zexel