Are these netflix series part of the MCU?

Are Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist in the same universe as the recent movies? Are these netflix series part of the MCU?

I thought they were an universe apart, but I just saw a character make a joke about Murdock being just a simple guy with no "iron suit or magic hammer", which got me thinking.

Was it just a reference or are the Avengers from the movies in this universe?

They mention the attack on new york and the green guy, no names though.

It's like Agents of Shield. They take place in the same universe but they will never be acknowledged by the movies.

>Are these netflix series part of the MCU?

They were meant to be, but ultimately aren't because of being produced by entirely separate divisions of Marvel. AoS and the Netflix shows are produced by Marvel Entertainment, which is headed by Perlmutter. The MCU is produced by Marvel Studios, headed by Feige.

Basically, the tv/netflix shows are to the MCU as the Expanded Universe/Legends is to Star Wars. The former stems from the latter, but the latter has absolutely zero regard for the former and will never do anything based on the developments of former.

Except, of course, for properties that the former uses in the case of Marvel. So the MCU will never have their own versions of Iron Fist, Daredevil, Cloak and Dagger, ect.

they are. agents of shield is the most directly tied, and its even acknowledged luke cage

Yes, the Netflix shows are part of the MCU. Wow, you're either incredibly late or don't pay attention

why are there so many threads about this same topic?

Sorry man, I'm extremely late
Just today I started to watch Daredevil

thanks a lot, people!

if confused people keep showing up is it their fault or is the situation not clear enough?
think about it.

>Are these netflix series part of the MCU?

Fan fiction writers and some casuals think so. But since they never refer to them by name or the major players by name, you know the answer is no.

Marvel wants to have it both ways, but only Agents of Shield and Agent Carter really exist in the MCU in so far as nothing they have done is really ever going to be contradicted much by the movies (except as box office demands dictate) and definitely NOTHING AoS or AC were allowed to touch could contradict the movieverse.

>But since they never refer to them by name or the major players by name, you know the answer is no.

They said Captain America in Daredevil and Tony Stark in Luke cage, so using your own argument against they are in the MCU.

>Are these netflix series part of the MCU

just skip the thread, mate

They're certainly bland enough to be part of the MCU.

I really hope The Defenders has a Coulson or Fury cameo so people can finally stop asking this question

I asked Joss whedon and he says Claire Temple is actually Nick Fury with a wig and strap-on boobs. He's going to reveal this in the Defenders.

>Nick Fury not wanting to kill the bad guys

Luke Cage mentions Cap and Iron Man by name a couple times

>You're Harlem's Captain America
>Iron man mentioned in Redman's Freestyle

Metro General Hospital from Daredevil was in Dr. Strange.

It's technically the same universe, they reference the movies in all the shows but they've say many times that the Netflix characters will never appear in the movies and vice versa.

>Anthony Mackie
As if he has any say.

I don't get the "shared universe" shit.

All the characters can appear in every show or movie in the line, watering it all down. Yay.

>posting in a superhero thread
>not understanding the appeal of shared universe

Yes, I think they also referenced Dare devil in Aunt-man. Haven't touched AoS at all

He doesn't but he is almost certainly echoing Feige's opinion.

I think it's a mistake that comes mostly from the feud between Feige and Perlmutter. Star Trek had no problem with minor acknowledgements of the ongoing TV shows in the movies (Defiant and holographic Doctor cameoing in First Contact, Dominion being mentioned in Insurrection, and although it's horrible, Janeway as an admiral in Nemesis).

Yeah, Jessica is a much stronger character when she's just a PI who got super-raped.

I hope they settle their shit and allow characters to cross mediums or else Ghost Rider is stuck in a limbo in Agents of Shield on ABC TV

>feud between Feige and Perlmutter.
They should do something creative with that feud, like
>Guardians of the Avengers
> Agents of Defenders

>I think they also referenced Dare devil in Aunt-man.
They didn't.

Honestly, probably not. They won't wanna say it, cause they want people to watch. Just wait, in like 3-4 years we might see them use absorbing man, kingpin and so on in other projects, cause fuck you it's not canon.

Unless Avengers 3 or 4 references them, they feel like a pocket universe to me.

I'm pretty pissed that the first GR we got in the MCU is him but at least Johnny made a cameo and indicated that his origins are probably comic-based and not pussy footing around a new one.

>Generic comedy team-up done before and better in film by the same company is better than sticking to something original.

I disagree.

I guess they didn't want to use Johnny Blaze due to the Nic Cage movies.

It's more likely that Feige is never gonna touch Ghost Rider to avoid alienating the Chinamen.

Actually Jessica wasn't raped in the comics, he only raped her the show.

I think it's like the movies are canon to the TV shows, but the TV Shows aren't canon to the movies.

But Agents isn't canon.

Everything Sam Jackson appeared in is canon, even Snakes on a Plane.

They are inasmuch as everything up to and including Avengers 1 happened. Everything after that (AoU, Civil War, etc) is never referenced and does not appear to exist.

You sound like a DC fangirl with a chip on her shoulder.

According to marvels official handbooks, yes.

>Redman's Freestyle