ITT: Underrated waifus

ITT: Underrated waifus

Other urls found in this thread:

please read shade everybody


She looks like a recolor of Ben with a wig.


That woman in the car from Oliver & Company.


Would you consider animated Janine underrated?

That's not Ember.

Please, when it was airing there was nothing but fags who wanted to worship her muscles




Ember's awesome, but pick one.



>ITT: Underrated waifus


Somehow I actually recognized who this was.

I'm an underrated husbando



But she's massively popular.


Waifu does not mean what you think it does. It means the same thing as wife. It does not mean "attractive female character," or "character I want to fuck." Things like underrated or obscure don't have anything to do with having a waifu.

Everyone wanted a piece of her.

Your on Sup Forums culture territory, fuck off to your Sup Forums culture.

Where do you think "waifu" comes from, dumbshit?


Getting a little off topic here.

It's hardly off-topic to point out that the topic of the thread is misinformed.

True, I guess it would've been better to say that it doesn't really matter that much. Whatever "definition" people think it has is the one they personally should take into account for their post. That said, they're both referring to someone with a strong like, so they are similar.

There's no reason to use the term waifu unless you actually mean a character is your waifu.

i wholeheartedly agree


Samurai Jack has an ENDLESS list of waifus who unfortunately only showed up in one episode each, and Josephine Clench is one of the least underrated of them (pretty much tied with the Three-Eyed Waitress from Episode II).


Human version is better

Everybody around here prefers Yang or Weiss

There isn't enough love for best girl


Who cares


Nobody cares about any of these except the poster, but that's exactly the point of this thread.

I want more fanart of her...

