





Another fucking show about accepting one's differences, in this case being a monster.

Fucking old hat


A little TOO comfy, if you ask me.

we bear bears but worse

It's too comfy to run, let alone as a long-running show.

A miniseries like what Over The Garden Wall did could work possibly.

Or even take a different approach, and create a new sense of "show" where they release a couple episodes every once and awhile, as sort of a "check-in" into the life of Takesh

Boring, but I also hated that the issue was "he was trying to say I was like him" No...the problem was that he literally pointed and laughed at you in front of your peers, regardless of what he was saying thats messed up.

Not gonna lie: dialogue's top-notch and it's the contender for the draw of this short; goes really well with the realistic visuals and slice of life stuff. The design's a little bit weird, especially in the case of seeing the humans as compared to the monster himself. It seems to me like they designed the world and the monster family firstmost before settling in on a good design for the humans that would fit best. Can't drop the impression that they look like Fairy Godmother human beings except with cel-shading that doesn't really compliment their figures and makes them look "doll-ish" in complexion as opposed to the monsters themselves. The slow-paced animation doesn't help this either, and sometimes I found the humans talking and not really being "expressive" enough as opposed to T-Kesh himself.

The animation's pretty good and fits the world and what it's going for, though. The message was something that was obvious - easily seen the second the first second rolls around - but it doesn't really seem to try and be breaking any grounds, or at the very least, isn't trying to be as adventurous as other cartoons, so it's probably a more concentrated effort onto something familiar with a twist of possibilities (due to monsterhood) that would be pretty neat.

I like it. It's nothing I'd keep to and watch like the second a new episode rolls around, but if it were on, I'd definitely keep my eyes on an episode that holds my interests.

>What is this Sesame Street shit? Another episode about teaching kids to read? Haven't they learned that already?

Why would we stop having morals in shows just because they've been done before?

That was really cute. Kinda slow-paced and low-key, but in a good way.

If not for the monster parts, I would've legit believed the audio was a recorded interview with a highschooler.

It's like they tried to add a "oh no racism is the focus of this problem" into it, either way things could have been averted with an easy "Oh shit I'm sorry."

comfy is code for boring

>comfy is code for boring
Your comment is comfy! Just kidding, you're alright.

I thought it was a bit boring at first but then I got more interested when the conflict started. And it ended sweet.

exactly the blue monster is a cunt

Who the hell wants to watch a cartoon where monsters act totally like humans, sharing their same taste, daily routine and preferences?

It's not like they're adding some kind of twist to it, like the monsters still having monsters problems or personalities.

It's so fucking boring. You could just switch them with real asian people and it would've been at least a bit more true to itself.

Want to hear a teen mumble about a copy paste script originating from Tumblr? yeah, me neither.

I was legitimately under the impression that this was an anti bullying PSA and not a pilot for a show.

Pretty cute animation. I feel like this could air before CN switches to Adult Swim or Adult Swim shows it at the 4:00 mark.

>Or even take a different approach, and create a new sense of "show" where they release a couple episodes every once and awhile, as sort of a "check-in" into the life of Takesh

This, too.

stoner garbage

That ... sure is an opinion I guess. I don't get it, but it certainly exists.

Boring mumblecore shit

Another post-modernist bullshit. Just tell a straight fucking story.

stop using words you dont understand

I don't think it's a pilot.

it's boring and plotless shit.

It's not that engaging and is very "MEH". It's like someone animated the feeling of a boredom.

Yeah, it looks cute and the animation style is different from what I'm used to, but it's not that exciting to look at and was a chore to sit through, even if it was only eight or so minutes long.

I don't like high-pitched screaming/extremely fast paced shows, but the exact opposite is just as annoying as well.

It was nice. The dialogue is pretty good and the style is cute.
I wish more things happened though, or at least the one conflict it had was less...boring? I dunno, I wanted to see them fight.


>b-but it's comfy!!