/CTG/ Channel-tans General

The Playmate Edition

Drawfags and Writefags are more than welcome to contribute

>What is a Channel-tan?
An anthropomorphic personification of a television channel.

>Why are you making these?
For the simple reason that we can.

>Why are they all girls?
Japanese -tan tradition. But we do have some boy -tans too.

>Where is the gallery for all the images?

>Where is the Pastebin for all the ideas?

>Previous Threads?

>How can I help?
If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them.
If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.

>How many Channels do we need?
All of them. but mostly those who are Sup Forums related.

And last but not least, remember to have

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Welcome to /CTG/!

Oh good lord, look at those legs!

I wanna die on them.

I feel you bro, legs are pretty cool

Hello /ctg/! I haven't had much free time lately, so I thought I would clear my schedule and just draw a request () from the previous thread!


Welcome back user, that's a really nice draw

It was a good weekend for the super spies duo of FXEX!

Requesting Boomerang-tan having a nice date with Mr Bugs Bunny

You're quite new to me but I really like your style, good job user!

I see your request and raise your idea to Bugs Bunny with Boomy and Playboy Tv on each arm

That time of the week again folks, taking simple drawfag requests done traditionally :D

>It's all coming back to you

2017 official motto, seriously first Jack, then Ducktales and now Invader Zim. Feelsgoodman.

Good morning Bastion. R/ing Teletoon at Night, that's it nothing else.

HBO smiling with an alcoholic drink in his hand

Wait a minute Spy vs Spy from MAD has its own cartoon?! Holy shit must watch that shit right now!

But first, that's very cute I really like your parody to White and Black Spy.

Requesting WDC proud that she set up an easter egg hunt for the kid tans only for Stoner and XD to ruin it with their EXTREME antics

Can you do something [as] Stoner and Teennick.

Morning guys
its finally happening
G4 is finding love

Who's the most attractive male tan?

>inb4 G4's cucked
Obviously Turner

Morning Spoops! G4 finally found hope... but he must wait a little longer.

Spoops she doesn't want love she wanna kick his ass and be the most radical channel ever created!

But user, that's not HBO

hello hello /ctg/!

how he found love. HOW.


Mustache is superior to the beard

she want them raviolis too.

Good morning lune

But user they're father-son[/spoiiler]

It's time for the son to shine

>implying G4 can make it past second base

OR here! Many thanks user I love your style!

Yes, three series of cartoons since they began to publish the comic, isn't a lot but they're pretty fun IMO.

Now to conclude another fight

no, it can't be possible that amc is dead.

Well at least Boomy's free from sexual harassment now.

>Necro dropping a whole comic with AP

Before he can have a romantic date with her, G4 has to go through the Viacoms initiation ritual, a ritual older than Redstone in person.

Morning /ctg/ have a vivendi and a extra hour of me staying awake

is it wrong for me to say he's a handsome man and I would MOUNT him

That's not how you spell Paramount.... or TCM.

So did he make the ritual before or after Stoner diddled Teena?

Who do you think.

I actually find most of the male tans attractive, except G4.

yay for vivendi!
also, sup ds stoner!

necro, what you're hiding...?

Nope, he's a handsome grandpa a real GILF


its actually the right thing to do

Good morning DS Stoner, how ya doing?

What's wrong with G4?

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.

mello as always user

>AMC is having trouble

Time to call Lionsgata

I love his mustache so you aren't wrong

Nooo! She can't die... AMC is my favorite movie channel... please tell me she's fine

That is an island full of mysticism and technology that has never been seen outside its walls, I am sure that BBC has some trick up its sleeve to heal AMC.

She does not love you romantically, G4. She only wants your Cheetos and Mountain Dew.

Please draw a sequel with OSM stoling their their Cheetos

He's indeed a handsome french gentleman trying to make the world a better place

what does mtv-tan's feet smell like?

She died, but death is not eternal, her hatred will bring her back.

I'm totally okay with this suggestion PlayboyTV is sexy asf

Don't forget The Jungle Movie

>The Jungle Movie
>Original release: November 2017


Hey guys, here's a WIP of the big 3; Disney, CN and Nick. This is gonna take a while to color, also, I'm still not too sure about Nick-tan.

Goddamn, Jam did a pretty good job with Boomerang.

I have lived my life as best I could, not knowing its purpose, but drawn forward like a moth to a distant moon. And here, at last, I discover a strange truth. That "The Jungle Movie" is nothing but a legend, a myth created to save our sweet memories.

Welcome back kt! nice to see you again.

I think Nick-tan looks great, keep it up senpai.


Damn that's a nice sketch, don't worry about Nick she looks cute but if you're looking for suggestions maybe you should draw her being ashamed? she's our beloved nerdy gal

thats a whole lot of kink my dude

Thread started early today!
Got some time before going to work.
here is the quick draft for request

>licking hand
main 3 lewd...so much yes

Woah mama, they're all looking good so far

sup hua, mickey seems disappointed. or it's me?

Mickey is not impressed with your new series, Disney. They need more steamboats.

Nice a new comic and sequel from your previous Save Island Battle Royale panel, please keep up the good work these are amazing to read

> Disney showing Mickey the new season of Ducktales

>Dat CN


The quality control of Disney Animation Studios is very rigorous, Mickey has to be careful with what his girls do.

Wow, cute Disney Hua.

Damn, that's awesome. Bugs looks so damn smug.

Awww thanks f-am, I love it!

My mouse don't want none unless you've got buns, hun.


The Canadian section is ludicrously embarrassing.

OR here. Thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for.

Mickey doesn't seem impressed with the new live-action of Beauty and the Beast.


D'awww that Nick-tan look so cute

Don't mind me, just finishing up shit.


>Wake up
>See this

Goodnight sweet princess...



Welcome back Durian, now this comic is in Technicolor!

>Call Kisscartoon she's cheap

Seriously I love this shit, VRV is my new spirit animal

>Dat "V of Doom logo"

To be honest VRV reminds me of Steve Buscemi

now it's even better, sup durian!


I see what you did there

This autistic crap is still going?

Rest in pie, AMC... next tsrget, Starz

Honestly this comic is the best request I've ever made, thank you Durian!

7.4/10 - needs more Mickey Mouse shorts

They just need to throw her corpse into a pit full of slime, that thing do wonders .

>The Splat rubbing his butt on the floor
