Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme

Marvel's best book and literately no one is reading it

because its shit

I don't get it
Thompson is writing a better Strange than Aaron

>Dance, critters.

Why is Herc now Chinese Saiyan? fuck this SJW shit, go I'm done with Marlel

>Thompson is writing a better Strange than Aaron
That's not really an achievement, when Aaron st the bar so fucking low.

He stopped drinking, stopped fucking everything in sight, and shit just went topsy turvy.

>Marvel's best book and literately no one is reading it

>Marvel's best book

you have a oxymoron there son

YES. I'm with you on that one OP

Robbie Thompson is fine and all but Javier Rodriguez is clearly the star of the book. He definitely moves the needle for me.

Why is Doctor Strange using an axe?

stfu you fucking cunt bitch shit.

>best book
nah dude

It's mediocre. Don't lie to yourself just cause you liked that ok film.

Is that the Badger?

>Marvels best book

Way to keep the bar low.

He likes axes. Always has. Its why they made him run towards it in the movie its a joke.

That's Mr. immortal.

Because Aaron is a one trick pony, he's done the same fucking story multiple times now.

>Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme
Sounds like an experimental rock band

White people can have squinty eyes too.

NADIA telling Spidey to not geek out at the presence of NEWTON? Without out-geek-out him?

Nadia really only geeks out about science associated with her father and superheroes. She'd probably be more excited if she knew about Newton's SHIELD ties.

Really? That's hilarious.

Cho will become the new Herc.

Marvel actually Bi-erasured him recently. Herc is no longer and never was ever together with a man now

Call me when Marvel stops being trash.

It's not like there was any evidence at all he had sex with a guy.

Marvel is trash