Knights Of Ren Memorial Thread

I can't fucking believe they just dropped these guys from the new trilogy. No explanation either, just completely erased. Fuck Disney and FUCK whoever wrote Ep.8.

I wouldn't even be shocked if they genuinely forgot about them.
Also remember the big set up with BDT character and the casino world, yeah its just filler.

aren't they the guards in red now?

Probably saving it for some new spin-off or EU material. Fuck didney

>inb4 some retard says that these were the jedi Kylo ran away with even though TLJ never said that they were one and the same

This was the most interesting part of the new trilogy for me


Why wouldn't they be a big part of the next one?

>interesting part
How the fuck were they the most interesting part, they were on screen for like a 1 second you fucking brainlet.

Non-jedis who can beat jedis are always interesting.

Now that Kylo Ren is the Supreme Leader, they'll probably have a role in the next movie. I just want to know what the deal is with that guy with the massive Guts-tier word in the back.

I mean there was like 6 left after Order 66 and that's including the librarian.


cause they havent seen the movie and talk out of their ass

How do you know that they can beat Jedi or anything about them, they were on screen for 1 second and ever talked about again.

There was no deal. They made the first movie with no plan for the second or third. Explains why they feel like fanfics

This movie was such a narrative mess. They abandoned nearly everything from the last movie except "Rey is really strong". Snoke, First Order, Rey's parents, Knights of Ren, the mystery of Luke, even Finn and Poe were all thrown to the wayside

t. Max Landis, the man who's never made a good movie in his life and only got famous for being the son of a murdering faggot

I didn't count but that's what I thought too?

>TFA abandons all development made in the OT
>TLJ abandons everything in TFA
Will Episode IX abandon everything in TLJ?

What about Laura Dern's character?
Is she immediatley killed off in this movie?

It would be interesting to see a non Jedi that hunts them. Like they gang raped his family and now he hunts them. Death wish type guy that uses a revolver and has a drinking problem. It would be shit but I’d rather watch it then what I’m hearing about this bomb of a movie.

She hyperspeed jihads through the first order fleet near the end

>Implying Kylo won't bring them in for the next episode

Want to know about the Knights of Ren? better watch the animated series on Netflix

Did you watch the film at all?? The concept of Rey's parents was explored while she was developing her connection with the force, Poe basically had the most screen time of the whole fucking film and Finn had a lengthy story arc.
What the fuck does 'the mystery of Luke' even mean? by keeping him a mystery that would mean hes thrown by the wayside. Jesus Christ.

i actually liked it, they completely subverted all expectations i had for how this was going to play out

JJ is doing it
so he will be full of spite

it could be glorious

kek, so again they introduce someone to just kill him off again, wow.

Mon Calamari Cruiser of peace

It would make sense, considering they hold their own against Kylo and Rey in the throne room.

>better watch the animated series on Netflix
If it's like Clone Wars it'll be 100x better than the movies and fix the character problems (except for padme who still sucks)

She's not an interesting character anyway. Poe gets a little story arc and continues to be the second best part of the new movies along with Kylo.

It was implied that they helped Kylo destroy Luke's new Jedi order and temple. That makes them sort of Sith acolytes or something. It almost made Kylo seem like a Satan figure where we became corrupted then convinced a whole group of Padawans at the temple to follow him to the dark side and Snoke.
Their literal screen time doesn't matter - Snoke was only on fucking screen for like 20 seconds too and everyone was tripping over him.

My bet is if they acknowledge them at all, they'll have some throwaway line in Ep9 about how Ren killed them all for some fucking reason.

>They wrote a giant pile of shit story and made a bunch of terrible insulting nonsense decisions about the original characters and story
>But it wasn't predictable, so I love it!
>What a bold new direction!

You deserve your fucking wank pile of marketing diarrhea film.

I mean it looks like shit but looks like more fun that force awakens. Can anyone whos seen it confirm this? force awakens felt like a soulless formulaic marvel flick, is this the same?

I saw it. The story isn't a total rehash of Empire (aside from splitting up all of the leads), but if nothing else the space battles are the best in the series so far.

It's certainly less of a copy if that's what bothered you. It's setting itself apart from the OT for better or worse.

No they are the students who left with Kylo that Luke talked about

Them being the guards wouldn't make sense, their allegiance is to "Ren" whoever/whatever that is

And since Snoke was nothing (hopefully I'm wrong and he comes back) I doubt the knights of ren would care about this fuck

They're probably chillin' in Vader's castle or dead

>episode 7: jj leeches off of ANH to make a bland rehash
>episode 8: rian spitefully destroys jj's garbage narrative, replacing it with an equally garbage narrative
>episode 9: jj spitefully counters rian's autistic fit with his own autistic fit, destroying what little remains of a cohesive narrative
It'll be like some brand new kind of pottery we've never even heard of.

Shit looks like a Destiny Crucible match is about to start.

unironically this

also unironically, 15 years from now, this trilogy will be considered a masterpiece

Nu-wars in 15 years will be the new target
(rightfully so)

>hopefully I'm wrong and he comes back
If Snoke fucking comes back it will be entirely a rewrite reaction because of the backlash to them killing off the major antagonist so ridiculously, unceremoniously and unexplained, in a scene with bottom of the barrel dogshit level writing

wasn't the first order financed by snoke
will kylo make up for the lost income by enacting harsher taxes

> genuinly forgot
What kind of idiots give a sub group surrounding a major character a mysterious introduction with a name like "The Knights of Ren" and forget? Is there that much lost when a film is passed from one director to another?

Seems like the new trilogy is doing the same arc as the PT.
>first one is weird pretty safe and disappointing for many but "fine" overall
>second one gets weird but has good moments and a solid entry
>third one is actually pretty good and satisfying despite a few missteps

Lol maybe if everyone's armor had 89 different bright primary colors that looked like they were attacked by a kindergarten class with a brand new box of crayons.
Destiny is literally Power Rangers with guns and manbabies love it.

I don't see a ton of people defending the prequels as masterpieces, most just saying they weren't as bad as initially thought. The point is that in comparison to the old ones they were shit, but with these new ones you see what could have happened.

i'm honestly kind of hyped to see how much of a train wreck 9 is going to be. what is this feel i'm feeling?

They only existed in the first place to sell toys, so it's not like some critical element of worldbuilding was lost.

>dude bright colors happening with no sounds are so DRAMATIC
I want to die. As if we need more throwaway characters.

Nigger it's space fantasy. Go watch The Killing of a Sacred Deer or Wind River if you want a serious drama.

hes a living breathing marvel quip factory, are you a 12 year old? the scene where he goes on about muh spark is so fucking lame and out of nowhere when all he does the whole film is crack jokes and disobey orders. its like if jar jar stopped before the battle of naboo and gave a rousing speech to the rest of the gungans, it doesnt fit the character is tonally jarring

can someone post a webm or link of snoke's death?

Finn is the quippy character, Poe really doesn't quip that much. Unless you think taunting a villain is a "quip."

They were literally the "goth kids" of Luke's "school."
Who fucking cares.

Yoda burned all the Jedi books and teachings because Rey is a strong woman. THIS HAPPENED. Star Wars is dead.

Yoda burned all of the books because he realized that Luke was right about the Jedi; they were just as chained to their egos as the Sith. He said the "Rey is a stronk womyn" like to help emotionally unburden Luke.

>Drifting X-wings
>Space battles are the best in the series
Please pick one and only one.

Do you not know how x-wings work?

yeah he doesn't even know x-wings use awd and are too heavy to drift

It is completely out of place with the rest of the universe, feels less like an elegant ww2 era fighter and more like a set of thrusters attached to a fucking rock.

sad but true


Borderlands gameplay with a retarded story minus the humour

>minus the humour
>marvel quiptasm featuring not-deadpool
haha nice

lol there was this theory on the internet that the Knights of Ren are named after a mystic being called Ren and Snoke tried to find it

Shitney is so bad that even fans can come up with better stories

as bad as the humour was it's still better than in Destiny 1 and 2.
Yes try to process that

sorry i thought you were saying destiny had good humor

pretty much this.

the whole setup to Rehash Awakens was retarded

There is absolutely no way this trilogy will ever be considered anything else than garbage. We've reached an important in term of entertainement in this Marvel-fuelled era. We might even go back to some more meaningful blockbusters with more polished scripts (i doubt it), but how can go lower than VII & VIII ? You won't.

And nobody's saying Prelogy is fantastic, just that it HAD something to offer at least, and WAS actually part of Star Wars.

NuMaleWars could be a Marvel Flick or Harry Potter in the futur you wouldn't see the difference.

maybe we should start watching movies from the "American New Wave" era

I am persionally gettting sick of capshit movies

They mentioned them indirectly or implied those were Ben's friends in the Academy who fucked off to Snoke's side with him. Snoke literally made Luke all the heavy lifting in turning people to the Dark Side.

Yes, she saves everyone
but is dead af