Damn this shit feels like bad fan fiction

Damn this shit feels like bad fan fiction

The story does not draw you in or captivate you at all, the characters are uninteresting and underdeveloped, the worlds are vacuous and uncreative, everything just feels empty

You think about, how many years, fans have been looking forward to the post-trilogy, and this shit was the best they could do?

I just feel disappointed. The movie isn't technically "bad" but it's lazy, uninspired. It's sad to think this is canon.

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Who gives a shit about canon? If you've got any intellect rattling around in your skull, you should've stopped caring after the prequels.


If you had intellect rattling around in your skull you wouldn't care about movie franchises

How should i ruin everyone's theater experience when i'm forced to go watch it lads?

nu-wars is made to pander to nigs and feminists

Say what you will with how cheesy the prequels were, but at least they were captivating

Shout as loud as you can

Yeah, definitely. When that one character wanted to start a vote to form a subcommittee to investigate an issue, I really did feel like I was in a galaxy far, far away.

>friend bought me a ticket for tomorrow
>don't even want to see it now it looks so bad

Is it possible to get an IMAX refund because if not I'll post it on a "yes it's free" page

I don't know but the character designs are fucking retarded looking

Is anyone else actually disgusted by John Boyega? He is way too black. That nose is just awful.


Palpatine's rise to power was one of the best things in the whole series.

only if he retcons episodes 7-9

I'll never understand why fans of a series will pay to watch it ruined before their eyes. They shoehorned a monkey and a Mary Sue in with garbage tier retelling of the same story. I understand its hard to let go, but normies ruin everything. Diversity is our strength! The only way to fight back is to ignore it and not give them your money.


Heirs to the Empire and the rest of the EU was not perfect but still better than this shit

Come on faggot, admit it you hate it because picrelated, nobody gonna hold it against you.

Literally every SJW infested den on the internet writes in one line how they hated the movie and in the second one how they thought Finn was going to get Rey.

Reminder we don't even get a real duel between Luke and Kylo Ren and they don't even cross sabers because Luke's a force hologram.


Its the result of a bunch of tired CG artists and concept artists who jerk each other off to the same looking crap over and over. Int heir mind it looks look cuz dey made some High REZ ZBRUSH wrinkles! Then say.. look at my Skills, so much detailz! The beast feeds itself, and you get everything that looks the same. Animates the same.. Its tiresome.

That was kinda the point though. Doing things the democratic way is slow and tedious and uninspiring. Then in comes Sheev and he's all about btfo'ing bureacratic bloat and everyone willingly hands him the reins.

Why are they so clean? They all look like they're fans cosplaying as Star Wars shit, not like actual Star Wars characters

if Rey doesn't mate with the nigger that would improve the movie by a lot but having (((them) the controle over the series it would not surprise me if they end up together

Because this movie is literally cosplay fanfiction

Well, considering it is a children's movie that's to be expected.

They fucked up so bad that the fact that Rey isn't getting blacked doesn't make me happy.

I just don't like seeing the concept of the force turned into a superpower and every character is a witty, smartass straight out of Marvel.

Soon you will learn that most good things in life happen only once. Then you die.

fuck off Shlomo

So how does Leia die? Off screen?

Thrawn trilogy was legitimately really good, it's a big reason that the EU got as big as it did. There was definitely some shit but the best EU writing was so much better at capturing the Star Wars feel than the new movies or the prequels were, no comparison.
>muh Luuke
Yeah yeah, it was an easy way to differentiate the characters on page to the reader, who gives a shit.

"I'm Mary Poppins, y'all"

Not really, but after two years of shitposting since tfa I had to prevent myself from laughing just after seeing his face again in the cinema.
I don't even know why, he just looks ridiculous.