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Any good news?
I haven't been watching today

The Episode 8 pannel is tomorrow right?

100 percent chance of a trailer?

SMG's femdom and BDSM panel starts soon.


Japanese actor?

Yes. They've said there will be a trailer tomorrow.



oh lawd

>tfw never going to fuck a hot Star Wars cosplay girl


Any thoughts on Forces of Destiny?

Could be good if they don't half-ass it.

Forces of Destiny. A series of shorts like the original Clone Wars focusing competely on Star Waifus from across the timeline.

>that smirk

So uhh is Cad Bane dead now? Im not quite sure what happened at the end of that animatic.

fuck ewoks

nevor faget

>That george voice
Holy fuck

Looks like it might be okay. The toys are garbage, though.

It has potential...once you get past everyone shouting agenda.

The Maz short looks pretty comfy for some reason.

Pure cancer. Just feminist agenda pushing garbage made to sell shitty dolls to girls because Kathleen Kennedy is a retarded cunt obsessed with taking Star Wars from boys.

It could be worse user. My gf thinks Star Wars is stupid. I should leave her.

Seems that way. They both got hit, but Boba's helmet saved him.

are you baiting or are you just dumb, user?

So i believe that was the intent, yes. But since thar episode was never finished it isn't canon.

Nothing major. Filoni/Hildago panel teased at a couple of unused ideas:

-Rex being alive for Battle of Endor
-Ahsoka in Season 4
-Cad Bane was originally human
-Voiced animatic of Cad Bane vs. Boba Fett

It won't do justice to Ahsoka, Jyn and Leia.
It should just be about Rey and Sabine, you know, just about shit.

dump the roastie

Of course he's baiting. Don't feed him.

I have been hoping star wars gets into more 2d animation so I'm thrilled. If this does well maybe we can see more animated anthology stories like this

>Director Krennic! I rebel

Those aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

At least you have a gf. I'm a 27 year old virgin..

I think he's serious.

The threads have been full of his like as of late, both from the Forces of Destiny and the Battlefront 2 leak.

>Daisy Ridley, Felicity Jones, and Ashley Eckstein will be reprising their roles for Forces of Destiny
>probably have to spend a lot of time alone in the booth with their producer
>hiding behind this as a show meant to inspire young girls


They've said they still consider the unfinished stuff canon

And they say Disney forgot the prequels


A certain camp wishes they did, though.


well Sheev was the best character in the prequels, so they made an exception

Wish we could have a good looking Star Wars cartoon. Rebels looks really lame sometimes.

Don't forget they brought in Hayden as well earlier.

That doesn't work. Unfinished concepts can't have any bearing on actual canon. If they want to try again and kill of the character the same way in a Rebels episode or comic or something, fine.

>Touch my hat, Felicity
>Touch it.

We've already had 2 nice looking ones based on the same concept.

Like visually? I agree, but it's not like we don't already have TCW. Honestly it's a blessing that we had George around to give us a show of that high quality and budget. It could never have happened under any other circumstances

>That doesn't work. Unfinished concepts can't have any bearing on actual canon. If they want to try again and kill of the character the same way in a Rebels episode or comic or something, fine.
It does give them some wiggle room, but it's literally what they said when they first started the Clone Wars Legacy stuff.

Shape up and be confident user and eventually you will succeed. Good luck, may the Force be with you.

Any TCW Legacy stuff is canon dude.


I like the way Rebels looks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



Fun fact: Lucasfilm has a special budget for settlement funds for the women Dave sexually harasses. I think it was on Rebels Recon.

No it isn't.

These are the so called SW geeks on social media

Cite your source plz

>-Ahsoka in Season 4
Is this for real?
If so, where the fuck are all the guys that kept insisting that she was confirmed to be dead?!

It literally is

taste your reward Chad


Most people don't know that Ashley Eckstein actually worked on Star Wars completely free. She made a living off her sexual harassment settlements against Dave.

Unaired material is NOT canon. Fucking retards. There is literally no logic behind such an idiotic suggestion.

They literally said it is, but stay mad.

Dave Felonious Filoni



>he didn't know "strike me down, and your journey to the darkside will be complete"

Take away that mans convention pass

Fucking idiot Dave himself said it was

Fucking Sup Forums memer.

Most deleted scenes aren't, but they said the unproduced TCW stuff is still canon. This isn't even like an interpretation, they literally said this in the very first TCW Legacy announcement video. Whether you think it makes sense or not doesn't matter because they're the ones deciding canon.

Sup Forums please

Dave and Pablo basically confirmed she'd be involved, but no. We don't know she'll be back.

someone give me a quick rundown

what's the memer doing?

The prequels shot more and more scenes in studio as they went on, because Geroge Lucas didn't want to be in a position where he'd have to get out of his chair and expose his raging boner.

>shit you'll never ever see that never got past concept stages is canon

You are completely retarded and dead fucking wrong.



>If I told you the senate will decide your fate what would you say to me?

I was at Celebration Anaheim when they said it was. Clone Wars Legacy stuff is canon. You have Son of Dathomir and Dark Disciple which are obviously canon, and the story reels which are also canon.

Even though a lot of TCW stuff didn't air, Dave and the crew take it into account when they write Rebels. They release it when they have it in a state fit for release, but even the stuff that isn't released is still treated as canon behind the scenes, and they hunt for opportunities to put stuff out there.

>implying we won't see it in books, comics, story reels


Do you consider Bad Batch/Crystal Crisis non-canon? How about Dark Disciple?

Barriss vs Ahsoka fucking when?

Barriss and Ahsoka fucking when?

Doing the "LSG IS WRONG BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE OKAY" thing that's been a staple of Sup Forums shitposting since 2014.

Dave and Pablo are very careful about canon and spoilers

If they show content and talk about it without explicitly saying it's not canon then it's official.

they posted it online and we literally saw it you fucking retarded Sup Forums spillover

Makes me wonder why they haven't released these Bane/Boba episodes. They seem to be in the same condition as the last two story reels, full voice and everything.

Sheev threw the fight confirmed

>twin suns could have focused on maul and had savage in it
Fuck this gay show

My guess is that there's another project being done to adapt it, like a book or a comic. But then if that was the case I don't think he'd spoil something as pivotal as a Cad Bane/Boba Fett duel that seemingly ends with Bane dead.

They did show a bit of footage from them at Celebration Anaheim, but even what they showed was mostly in FAR rougher stages than the reels they have released.

Where is it from and post more. Fuck ewoks.

The contract for the actor who would portray Anakin in Episodes II and III required them to be a shared sex slave for George, Natalie, and Ewan. Hayden was the only actor to agree to these terms, thus earning him the part.

I haven't had a girlfriend in years, but I would never be desperate enough to date someone who doesn't even like Star Wars.

Please leave and stop coming here to argue about shit you know nothing about.


>tfw Poppa Palpy is killing it

Well, the claim was that they needed to get permission to do so and finally got it. Maybe it's because they decided to scrap the rumored Boba Fett movie?

Ian's always held that since 2005. Jackson has said the opposite.

It simply does not work that way. There is no logic to support that. If It's not officially released in a final completed state, it isn't canon.

I'm optimistic since Filoni is in charge, but I hate the character designs; they look like something from Newgrounds circa 2001.

Imagine if they got someone like Bruce Timm to do it.

I doubt the Boba movie would've really been affected by this

Tarkin did not rise to the bait