Anybody else just...sad?

I'm not even a big fan of the movie series, but seeing the leaks, its really making me lose hope in Hollywood. At first I found them funny, but now with the truth settled in, its just depressing.

Mark Hamill waited decades to play Luke again, and this is what he got? Carrie Fisher is fucking dead, and they'll probably be using her in the next film.

They could even give him a decent send off, they contorted his character to the script and then killed him.

Other urls found in this thread:

beta uprising when?

>ever having hope in hollywood

we are living at the end of history, and everything you've ever cared about is going to be shit on, commodified and commercialized by rootless cosmopolitans who hate you

iharrison ford has the best attitude for star wars, he doesn't give a shit about it. Compare his interviews/promo for blade runner 2049 and any star wars interviews/promo he did and it's completely different. He sounds genuinely excited and happy talking about blade runner but doesn't give a shit about star wars

Yes, I'm sad that a board where people are supposed to be above 18 years old is discussing a children's flick with such passion.

It doesn't make me sad, just confuses me more than anything
Why do these movies have such a huge following?
The original 3 were great, the next 3 were horrible

I'm excited. Got my ticket to see it tomorrow by myself

You're too young to understand why

Not an argument

>lose hope in Hollywood

>Losing hope in satanic jewish propagandists and smut peddlers who hate everything about europeans, who defile everything they can at every opportunity

Sure...even Luke is sad...

We're nearing the end of the cycle. People always catch on, realize their tales of persecution were really tales of punishment, and they become enraged at how deeply we've been stabbed in the back and betrayed.

So far they've always escaped to another land where they could say wail about fictitious persecutions, and gain sympathy from another unsuspecting host for them to vampirically corrupt, use, and bleed dry. These days it might be hard to escape their reputation, might be their last chance.

We don't raise betas in the future.

Im just so sad for Hamill... the one in the trio that cared the most is the one to see his legacy destroyed

Carrie died, and Harrison never cared

No user, we're fucked. Bourgeois society will reduce us all to energy cubes who's only relief is the television screen and then ass the sea washes against their ankles, they will commodify the air we all breath, killing everyone and leaving their tax free estate to their robot sex toys.

Tomorrow the Internet begins its own death. Mercifully it will be spared the heat death that awaits the rest of this forsaken planet

This is how much kikes hate you. This is how stupid they think you are

Star Wars has always been a product.

Yep, I was yesterday. I don't care how much cape shit they pump out, but crucifying Luke's character was a step way too far.

rewatching the original 6 movies and the clone wars as we speak, yes even the prequels, I'm going to be let down the way george intended, and Im gonna pretend Disney Wars is non-canon garbage

It's because the original 3 were so great that people keep giving them a chance. Lucas used up his goodwill making the prequels, but when the IP changed hands people thought that it could make Star Wars great again, because it really is a simple formula at the heart of those movies that makes them good. But Disney fucked up too because nobody can just stick to the simple things that made Star Wars good in the first place.

Now you know what The Phantom Menace felt like to us original trilogy viewers.


I lost all hope after watching that turd of a movie called TFA.

Star Wars is dead, bury it.

Hamill should just kill himself after this. Leave a suicide note and maybe clean the franchise once and for all.

Not even children like it. Toy sales are shit.

The Phantom Menace was probably better than the shit Disney has puked to us all.

if this flick is that bad, imagine how shit the young Han Solo movie will be.

Luke was almost the motherly figure in Star Wars. He was nurturing and was the guy that never lost hope even in the toughest times. He would never abandon his friends, and would never try to kill his nephew on a fucking hunch. In the end, he died accomplishing nothing. He left no family outside of a genocidal nephew, and the galaxy is just as fucked as it was before. Hell, it might have been better off if Sheev had stayed alive. Fuck Disney jews. Fuck them.

Not him but it is an argument. Do you know how boring shit use to be back in the day? No you have the internet. Shit was boring, you didn't have to try hard to keep someone's attention like now. Have you even seen the resolution you get off a vhs tape. Cunt, shit sucked.

>main actor had to get an acting coach midway through production

Killing luke was the last straw for me. This feminist progressives could have promoted they new heroine without shitting on the old icons but no, they just cant leave them alone. Comics, videogames, movies anything media relative.
Fuck them. Got to much to do to give them money

>it might have been better off if sheev stayed alive

This is the worst part about all this to me

>liked star wars before
>still like star wars

Even if they actually literally raped every character I still have the older stuff.

I’m sad, but I also feel like a brainlet for caring this much about Star Wars. I’m upset they actually fucked things up, and that in turn makes me upset for being a manchild.

No heir, no protoge. Died alone on an island. Not meeting his friends one final time. Goddamn, why did it come to this

Literally a cuckold

You're right user, not caring about a disney movie is exactly like having an adulterous wife.

Lucas redeemed himself with The a Clone Wars. Funded directly from his own pocket and it was the most he was involved in a Star Wars project outside of the films themselves.

What bummed me out is how much Mark cared about the character and how he got a shitty send off.

No way.

T-They, killed... l-luke ????

Star Wars the last jedi but everyone you knew and loved dies

>we are living at the end of history
I try not to think like this because many generations think like this (along with their "my generation was the best generation" attitude) and no one can ever predict the next paradigm shift like how pop culture, TV, and the Internet changed everything, but I really am getting this ominous feeling that we're living out the dying breaths of society before something goes really really wrong. Too many bad signs, too many factors that can create a perfect storm that destroys everything. Not some "I had a bad day, that means supervolcanos will erupt tomorrow" bullshit, just the entire infrastructure of everything we know and love finally collapsing from years of erosion.

Nice picture of Kenny Hotz, love that guy

I just want to hug Mark

>Even if my wife fucks that whole basketball team, at least I've fucked her before

At least it's not a food analogy/10

It wasn't popular enough to redeem him to the general public. The Clone Wars movie flopped and it didn't get good until after it had been on the air a while.

He was definitely the most attached to his character out of the original cast, and almost definitely got the least meaningful death (remains to be seen with Leia, I suppose).

The movie was actually shit since it was just the first 5 episodes stitched together, plus the plot about Jabba’s son was stupid. The first two seasons are definitely more kiddy, but they still have highlights, mostly from clone-centric episodes.

You know what really pisses me off about these movies?

Is how irrelevant and depressing they've made the end of RotJ.

That was an amazing moment, everyone happy, the Empire being brought down and the Rebels triumphant.

What awaits them? Hans getting killed by his own son, Luke becoming a cowardly hermit and then getting killed by Hans' son, Leia fucking becoming Superman in space and the Empire are back and it's the same re-hashed shit of having to destroy the Empire again.

What the fuck, man? Seriously...what the fuck?

Trust your instincts user. Find some far off land in the North. Learn to raise beans and squash.

It will happen sooner rather than later.

I'm glad it was shit , i wish it was worse, Sup Forums hasn't been this good in a long time.

That's why the true canon feels much more like it. Luke has the time to have a fucking sexy wife and all, his academy, and after that you have new adventures.

8 was my last chance to give Nu Wars a shot. It’s over. This trilogy was a mistake.

Well, the oil has to run out sometime, or at least get too expensive to keep this up.

algorithmic de-humanized economic forces will take over the world, it's already happening
AI will come but it'll be more walmart than skynet

how about... watch it fag

it was gud
dare I say


We're in the digital information age. People are more susceptible to confirmation bias than ever. It's impossible to figure out what's real when every bit of info you will encounter now is a half-truth. The world is literally ruled by memes and memetic thoughts that inspire specific beliefs among certain groups. For example, the KKK calls their memes "mantras" and they make an effort to spread them to groups with recruiting potential. People are so eager to fit in with others and so lazy to think that they'll believe what doesn't challenge them.

The world won't end with a bang or a war with machines. It'll end because free thinking is dead. It'll end because our reality can't create a basis for everyone to be "right" and "justified" at all times, so it will cease to exist.

Take a step back and rethink all of your beliefs and values. Given the nature of these times, you might not have another chance to realize you've been led to believe things you otherwise wouldn't. Or maybe it's already too late.

Based Kenny poster

That's why I don't get all ass blasted about a star wars movie. I just want to go get my mind off of life for 3 hours. Yes I want to turn my brain off and feel like I'm 10 years old again. Fuck off, I'm sorry that offends faggots that have already drawn their opinion about something based on a couple of leaks. I'm going to see the movie tonight by myself at 7pm. I'm going to enjoy it.

>I'm going to enjoy it.
You really, really wont.

Imagine being so excited to see Luke again at the end of TFA. To see him accept his father's lightsaber.

And then this scene happens. He just jokingly tosses it over his shoulder and storms off.

This isn't Luke Skywalker anymore.

t. normie

>It's because the original 3 were so great that people keep giving them a chance.
Yes but being a SW fan gives you nerd credibility. I see how my friends make a big deal out of every movie and gobble every piece of garbage they throw out and it's depressing.

There's a shine to Star Wars based on the original trilogy and people want a bit of that shine for themselves.


I like when you can tell a movie's going to be shit from the first scene.

I'm having a blast

We need some alternatives. Honest to god, we really do. Hollywood is a lost cause. We need to turn to foreign films now.

Anybody know how good Bollywood is? I've been considering looking into Bollywood films recently.

holy fuck that's hilarious

EBIN DWIST!!!! :)))))))))

it's shitty musicals with actors you've never seen speaking a language you've never heard.
Bollywood is only big because there are about a billion fucking indians.

when they ask you to get a tattoo on your hand or forehead, that is connected to the global financial network (basically all forms of money is global credits) don't take it.

global finance, one world governance is not your friend. especially when their head piece starts claiming to be the true god.

trust me on this. we are at the end of time.

pfffffffffft Is this a Marvel Quip?


please get this hashtag going. Get Disney scared the way we got them scared about EAs handling of the IP.

Cursed image.

Me too. Funny at first, now its made me just sad.
>the death of Snoke is absolutly silly and I cant really see Kylo's motivation
>Yoda looks funny as a puppet and Im ok with that, but burning down Jedi history? How are ghosts allowed to be this crazy?
>Luke Neo-Force ghost Matrix style acction to stahl so Rey can use her favorite trick to lift some rocks with force

It's just ridiculous, there really is no redeeming qality to this.


I actually really like trump now. mainly because every one hates him for no other reason than he's " a mysoginst male whos rich"

We need more actual men in society not less. "victim blaming" is such a copout for these gold digging whores trump shacked up now everything he does is "terrible".

now hes fucking around with russia was a mistake but Im so glad hillary isnt in charge.

>but burning down Jedi history? How are ghosts allowed to be this crazy?

He doesn't. The books arent in there when it burns down.

Trump isn't an actual man, he's a space creature in a human-suit, like all politicians.


but Trump isn't a politician.

>its really making me lose hope in Hollywood
how young are you?

it will be over soon

nothing fucking happened in the movie

>Why do these movies have such a huge following?
because as the aggregate human intellect decreases, so too does the substantive quality of peoples' entertainment

>ipso facto

What the fuck are you talking about?

That's what the inner earth reptilo-kikes want you to think you goddamn goy.

I'm still mad
I will always be mad.
On my death bed I will be mad.
When the seas heat up and the world falls into global catastrophe I will still be fucking mad.
In the afterlife, when I get to the gates of Heaven, St. Peter and his angels will ask me "Are you still mad about Luke?" My answer will be yes.
When the race of man is no more and the ruins of man's cities have crumbled into dust, I will still be mad.
Ancient alien civilizations will find the smoldering, volcanic corpse of planet Earth and decode the secrets of the ancient "internet" and they will find this post and so my eternal anger will be brought forth into the far-flung reaches of outer space.
When the last tiny flash of heat in the universe dies and all descends into entropy, my hatred will remain.

I'm still so fucking mad I took the time to write this stupid fucking post and I'm not the slightest bit less mad. I fucking hate you Disney.

>The original 3 were great
The third one sucks, another fucking death star, boring story, han solo doing nothing, teddybears beating the empire.

Im a huge fan, this film is the biggest pile of shit out, it makes Jar Jar look good.
They make Luke look like a broken old man, Kylo like a kiddy and kill the main bad guy off in such a shit way.
im just waiting for disney to release the snow fox toys in time for christmas.
The cunts. Rogue one was this

fuck off shill

>Anybody else just...sad?
I was..... About 4 years ago when Disney bought the franchise and I knew they would ruin it at some point. Turns out they didn't take their time.

(or grow a garden which is why they had yards in the suburbs anyway)
(implying oil isn't made inside the earth and we should've ran out a long time ago, plus co2 to gas conversion happening)
AI is simply observational rational thought, and once you have that in a computer it won't want to work because it doesn't need to eat, and since it will go on strike people will go back to work.
so a corporation in modern times comes out with a chip that they somehow require with martial force everyone have, and they monitor every transaction and manipulate us into slavery.
(basically like what the south got over like, 200 years ago? slavery never works user, the majority always outnumbers the slave holders,)

also revelation 14:9-11
the bearers of the mark will be tormented, so if you get the chip, which it may be a chip, it will not even be worth it. it will lead to you being burnt with brimstone, have you seen brimstone? it's a rock that falls onto a person or an object, burning, and then it melts into burning sulfur, and just eats everything it touches because it's insanely hot. you should be joyous when the elite are lashed out this punishment.

everyone here wants the world to end because we're suffering a hell right now...
a hell called Sup Forums.

I actually love the prequels now compared to this new trilogy.

>No heir, no protoge.

The title drop of the movie is him literally saying he isn't the Last Jedi

I've never been more disappointed at anything Star Wars related (including the prequels) until last night.

I wish they only killed him, but first they had to absolutely rape his character.

user I 100% agree with you.

it's star wars, who fucking cares