Star vs the Forces of Maids

Which one would you choose, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Star could clean your house with magic as she's gotten better
>Jackie will just tell you to feed her pizza bites

the one that isn't flat

>Which one would you choose, Sup Forums?
Jackie as a maid, Star as a waifu.

You know who

Both, it's a big house

Still a mistery

Step aside, little girls.

the one with tits, duh

got my vote.

what if Marco made Jackie cry?


Jackie probably wouldn't take her job as seriously, but Star would less so.

Also Jackie is hot, Star is cute.

So yeah i'll choose Jackie

maids are overrated
princesses are better

That's a tough one


I love this image so much.

I think that's got a high likelihood of happening

>she's gotten better

through a fuckton of practice whenever she encounters a spell she has no experience with

does she have experience with a spell for cleaning rooms?

Yeah, she's definitely in for some suffering in Season 3.

If she's gonna suffer I want to see it though

Like, yeah I get her happiness is secondary to Star's but like if they show her visibly hurt then neglect her throughout the rest of the show's run without resolution I'll be kind of pissed

You dumb motherfucker, the maids serve the princess!
Now where's Janna in a maid uniform with fishnets and lace?

>has marco all to himself now that star is gone
>marco confirmed he isn't going to try to go after her with scissors in livechat, gives reason that scissors aren't predictable
>says he'll take a vacation with the family

if she's fated to suffer, it's going to be after the summer of love

Are they wearing socks with sandals?

This isn't Gravity Falls or Steven Universe or something. I have faith that Nefcy will give Jackie a proper closure before either dropping her or before the show ends.

Is this even a question?

>marco confirmed he isn't going to try to go after her with scissors in livechat, gives reason that scissors aren't predictable


There's absolutely nothing wrong with women with small breasts, or even flat.

The thicc one, of course. In Star's bed. Star can watch. From her secrets closet.

Aww. She's sad that she has no one to tease and cuck now that Star left. Don't worry, Jackie, Star will still be watching you bang Marco with her All Seeing Eye spell.

does anybody want to see Marcos suffer???


How did you guys take the news that there will be a new opening and song for season 3? Just got off work.

Always skipped the intro anyway so I might take a look at it once, then if it's good or not I might keep watching it or just skip it like usual.

Ohh someone colored it in


oficial poofs or you're a liar


Wait, was that confirmed?

what are the odds that we get a timeskip-even to post-summer or something like that? Or Marco and Star's relationship breaks down due to the unrequited feelings in a realistic manner and the intro becomes Star-focused?

I don't actually like either idea at all for the record (I think timeskip would only work at the very end of the show as an epilogue or something, and even then, meh; removing Marco's role as MC from the show would be disastrous and as a Starco shipper, please no)

No, there's nothing fun or interesting about that.

Marco makes himself suffer all the time with his crippling insecurities.

i didnt take the news because there arent any

He's twisting words.



The relevant bits:

[1:41:51] Q: What fun things are you gonna do this summer?
>Marco: "Well... again, I sorta had plans to just hang out with my best friend. But she's gone, so... I'm gonna have to think about all that."
>"I guess, maybe... go on a family vacation or something? I dunno, I gotta talk to my parents. I'm confused."
>StarFan13: "Hey Marco, you can hang out with meeeeee. We have all kinds of fun heheeheheheheheheheh."

[1:45:31] Q: Will you try to find Star and help her no matter what happens?
>Marco: "Well I mean... that's what a best friend should do, right? I just gotta figure out how... I don't know yet."

[1:45:48] Q: Are you going to search for Star?
>Marco: "You guys, this all just sort of, sort of happened. I'm-I'm really... doing my best here. I've gotta answer your questions... and then, and then we'll go from there.
>"But... I don't think I'd be... as good of a friend to her as she's been to me if I didn't try and find her. So... that's all I got to say about that."
>*Starfan says they should change the subject to avoid being awkward.*

[1:52:46] Q: Why don't you use your Dimensional Scissors more often?
>Marco: "Uhh... guys? The last time I used those scissors, I was gone for what seemed like 16 years, so... I'm taking a little chill pill on the Dimensional Scissor action. I just don't want to, uh... you know, get lost or wind up somewhere I shouldn't belong."

So he wants to search for Star, but doesn't want to use his dimensional scissors at the moment (it's a pretty bullshit reason, but that's typical of livechats).

>I've gotta answer your questions...

How painful do you think Adam had it answering the questions of 4,000 people?

Nefcy was giving him a handjob so it was fine.

german au?


>removing Marco's role as MC from the show
Relax, this is never going to happen.

Was StarFan13 flirting with /ourgril/ Mango?

She was answering questions too
Also don't be such an heretic

>Look, user... I'm sorry I went and messed up our friendship. I just couldn't help it ya know? Marco's been dating Jackie for so long and I started to move on... I started to feel differently about stuff. About you... I didn't mean to ruin our friendship by kissing you, I know you don't feel the same. I know you're too old for some "kid" like me. Its just... I felt something between us, I mean, I really really did. I thought I saw it in your eyes when you looked at me, or the affectionate smiles you gave me, but maybe I was just imagining it. I understand why you won't give me the time of day, and I know that our friendship is over now. But... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry...I... I have to go back home now, to Mewni. Probably forever. But before I go, I just wanted to say that I... I...Lo... I hope you find love someday. Goodbye user.



>I felt something between us

I already explained that that was a boner and you shouldn't worry about it.

I don't think he actually picks through all the questions, there's too many flying by and a decent amount is shit/trolling.

Moderators probably remove inappropriate/retarded questions, and the rest are forwarded to them to choose from.

I was there behind the scenes and that didn't happen.


We were never friends, you fucking autist

I hate the trope where the guy is a bad guy and the good girl likes him and wants to fix him, all while being tsundere at the same time. Very common in shows where women are the writers.

Of course it didn't, Adam and Daron are both pure.
Nefcy is probably pure evil, tho.
All Hail!

Nefcy you aren't welcome here, plese leave

It's the typical shoujo manga set up.

That and attempted rapes.

>where women are the writers

because that's what women want IRL

I don't care for this AU

Marco not using the scissors to go after Star CONFIRMED! Starcucks BTFO. A long summer of Marco and Jackie screwing while Star watches with magic CONFIRMED! Sad!

>StarFan13: "Hey Marco, you can hang out with meeeeee. We have all kinds of fun heheeheheheheheheheh."
This is an unexpected turn of events. Is she after the D(iaz) too? Is this why she has wanted to be like Star all along?

0/10 bait, apply yourself.
I found that funny too.


Don't worry about it, you're at that age where you form crushes on casual acquaintances like me. I'm sure some time you'll find someone of your own age to date. It might take years, but just hang in there! Also try to be less clingy, that drove Marco away. Bye!


Star, without question

>Marco and Jackie are shown to be the same skin tone
>fan artists always tend to make Marco darker than what he really is
>Marco is just a tanned guy, not just some really dark Hispanic

As a tanned man myself this bothers me. It shouldn't, but it bothers me.

Post oriental lewds featuring Star.

>This is an unexpected turn of events.
to you perhaps

I want to see Star go into full yandere mode

>So he wants to search for Star, but doesn't want to use his dimensional scissors at the moment (it's a pretty bullshit reason, but that's typical of livechats).
That's because Adam's kind of not allowed to spoil the plot to next season.

Am I the only one hoping to see more laser puppies next season?

>Marco and Janna are shown to be the same skin tone


also look at Janna's jawline and then Rafael's
she was originally meant to be his sister in the first draft

>she was originally meant to be his sister in the first draft
Citation needed.

What other indications that she is into Marco have there ever been?

>mfw no incest plot

>lasers with recoil


>Marco and Janna are shown to be the same skin tone

So are Marco and Sensei.

Well if the livechat info is accurate then the puppies are still in the Diaz house. Meaning they'll get left behind when Marco follows Star to Mewni.


>>Marco: "Well... again, I sorta had plans to just hang out with my best friend. But she's gone, so... I'm gonna have to think about all that."
Notice that Marco's plan for the summer was to hang out with Star and NOT with Jackie.


we need a purge

That's not recoil. Ray is hitting the closet door, reflecting back.

>incest au
>in what's already an au

what the fuck, how many layers

Marco never plans to hang out with Jackie.

He wasn't even going to go to that concert with Jackie.

like,, maybe 5, or 6 right now. my dude

Would still have to be an insanely powerful laser to exert any kind of physical force.

You are like a little baby


We've had enough secret uncles in cartoons already.


how about Brittney.

Let's assume that Jarco is end game.

How should Star's love life play out for the rest of the show? Oskar is a shitty character. I like Tom, but I can't see Star getting over her baggage with him.

The only other option is a brand new character. What would you want him to be like?

>inb4 people delusional enough to think Disney would allow Star to be in a lesbian relationship

she should get with toffee and turn evil

shes making Food in the kitchen and sneaking some for herself like the fat fuck she is