Goodbye multiverse

The end

>Behold. The Ultimate universe. Maybe now Susan will love me again.

He doesn't care about susan.

Yeah Silver Surfer latest issue just has one universe.

I guess every other universe merged into a super universe outside of the Marvel prime one.

Evil Reed is the best thing to ever happen to the FF.

>Evil Reed is the best thing to ever happen to the FF.

Nah. Marvel loves doing alternate universe shit. Besides all of the franchise outside of comics by definition necessitates the existence of a multiverse even if just on a meta level.

Nice try, Jim. Check those dubs







I've never really understood why Marvel and DC think it means anything when they start up with the "no more multiverses" rhetoric.

The fact that the What If...? books, the one-shots, the spinoffs, all the previous aborted continuities and all of that still exist and are perfectly readable means they'll always exist. Once they made them, they lost the ability to unmake them, short of personally hunting down every last physical and digital copy, as well as erasing the memory of every last person that has personal knowledge of those things. It's impossible. The multiverse is out of their hands. It has been since they made it. Saying that "oh, now the multiverse doesn't exist anymore, it's out of continuity, it's gone" is pointless.

The Hypercrisis is real.

Because once it's gone. No new stories. You are reading dead universes with no futures.

A ghost universe in a loop.

Of course starwars, mcu, miracle man, cartoon strip spiderman, the gay verse, the battleworld universe will remain.


Doesn't 616 Reed still have the power of the Beyonders and rebuilding the multiverse with Franklin, Valeria, and Susan?

Has Ironman Doom met Ultimate Reed yet?

I think he is actually a master teaching Molecule Man and Franklin.

>The fact that the What If...? books, the one-shots, the spinoffs, all the previous aborted continuities and all of that still exist and are perfectly readable means they'll always exist

But all that alternative... domains could be exist in one universe like it was on Battleworld.
So all of that alternatives could be parts of one normal space, scattered across the material cosmos.

Like in the original Star Trek has couple of Earth copies, visited by conventional spaceship.

Evil Reed is (one of) the best things Marvel has done in decades.

Nah, you forgot the multi-multiverse.

>wasted potential

Marvel never said "no more multiverse", not once.
That's DC who said that, and even with them only twice.
The first time was out of necessity because the canon had become a nightmare.
The second time was because someone thought it would be easier to keep the canon in order without Alt-U stories.
But it was ridiculous for them to think they could keep writers from exploring such a juicy sci-fi concept forever.
Now, Marvel came close to doing a "no more multiverse" in their last Secret Wars crossover but even then the multiverse was being recreated at the end of the very storyline that threatened it.

>necessity because the canon had become a nightmare

Bullshit. The COIE "fix" was such a clustrfuck they had to use zero hour to cover their ass.

COIE was a mistake. Deleting the multiverse just made it even more complicated. The multiverse is like a hydra. You think you've destroyed it but then it comes back larger.

Look at DC now. There's several multiverses out there, one of which is the original pre-crisis universe saved during Convergence.

The Gentry keep trying to kill the multiverse but it never takes.

Remember DC is an organic lifeform, Marvel a clockwork machine. When Marvel gets hit with cosmic doomsday it hits refresh and goes to a previous state (Secret Wars) or gradually updates itself (Sliding Timescale).

When DC gets hit it goes into an allergic response. The red skies are are the bleed appearing through the multiversal membrane like a swelling response. Certain characters tied into the metastories themselves rise up to save the day like anti-bodies (Batman, Superman). Continuity is sometimes seemingly shut off or removed just as the body will start allocating resources away from a moribund limb and supply it to others.

But when the DCU rallies it starts to heal and it comes back stronger, hardier, tougher. Worn down muscles come back stronger. Overtime damage and infection just makes it grow another universe or even another multiverse.

That's also another quirk that the DC superorganism has that the Marvel one doesn't. It gives birth.


> Continuity is sometimes seemingly shut off or removed just as the body will start allocating resources away from a moribund limb and supply it to others.
I like this concept very much. Although rather than a moribund limb I'd compare it to passing out/falling comatose and slipping into a fever dream

yeah and Maker implies that this whole merger plan is something he was put in charge of by Molecule Man

Ultimate Reed is the Elliot Rogers of the Ultimate Universe

The fix was indeed a total clusterfuck, you are correct.
But that doesn't mean there wasn't a problem that needed a fix.
The original golden and silver age comics were produced without any mind to canon, what canon was observed was often mistakenly rewritten.
The writers, artists, and readers couldn't keep up with what had already been established and it's not as if they could stop making comics.
Modern-day DC is much more structured, it's rules are understood, it's easy to forget that Pre-Crisis had no rules.
Remember, when Crisis was written there was no scientific framework to guide them, String Theory was still decades off. They did the best they could.

Can someone get me up to speed here? What happened?

Its funny seeing the end result of years of editorial work
>marvel editors turned their universe into a carnival ride that looks like reality only more fantastic. If you can sit on the cart you will have fun but if you dont fit fuck you. Also if the ride breaks you're going to have a bad time as your cart seeks the earth.
>dc has tried to make a seperate living world that actively addresses and acknowledges their fuckups and weaves them into the material of the setting that encourages evolution and hopefully enjoyment
