That time arthur jacked off over francines while in a coma

>that time arthur jacked off over francines while in a coma

Other urls found in this thread:

>that episode where Arthur got Rads and kept it to himself

>that episode when Sup Forums kept making up fake episode synopsis for a children's show

>that episode where Buster uncovered the truth behind both 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination and the local library lobotomized him to keep it silent

How do you jack off when you're in a coma?

No joke the cia killed kennedy to supress knowledge of aliens
Very carefully

>that one time Buster shown to be the reincarnation of Hitler and growing his armies
Interesting they never touched that again, Rabbit Nationalism. Oh, i get it, like the word rabid.

Nixon was scared, theres a reason why he was listening in on his own people.

did his insurance cover the library lobotomy?

>it's an Arthur disappears while inside of Eva 01 episode
>it's an Arthur disappears along with the rest of the city episode
>it's an Arthur pussies out and disappears episode
Just where is this motherfucker when you need him?

having fun isnt hard when you have an insurance card

>it's the kwanzaa cream special episode

>That episode where Buster learned that reality was just a computer program created by the Brain.

Nixon knew what happend to kennedy and thats why every president since has refuted knowledge of ets
Is this real?

>That episode when Arthur sucked Mr. Ratburn's dick for an A

>not five scoops for the five days of kwanzaa
I expected better from the Brain.

>The African struggle for freedom

>Freedom and struggle for freedom
Africans didn't really have a whole lot going on.

Slowly, really slowly, like a full stroke takes you a month.

How do africans exsist in a world where everyone is a fucking animal?

There are still animals from Africa.

But they wouldnt be black=they wouldnt be enslaved

>that episode where buster broke arthur's knees for welching on him

There's African culture beyond slavery user.

>that episode where D.W. see's Arthur's penis

It really happened in the Christmas special

Like throwing people into ditches and burning them alive because you think they're witches.
Vacationing in Kenya was a truly enlightening experience.

There was? Couldve fooled me

They dont really still do that, right?

>That's even bigger than dad's, and it isn't even standing up yet!

>that time Buster and Arthur fight to the death over Ladonna

Seriously, she got in between Arthur and Buster's friendship in one episode and she's practically replaced Francine.

user dont be gullible

How can he jack off when he's in a coma?

>the episode(s) where Prunella teaches Marina the purity of girl love

>That episode where Arthur is reading "The conspiracy against the human race" before the camera zooms slightly on his bed. Arthur then sighs gently and places the book down, turns to the audience and explains that humanity has existed in a paradoxical dualism. He proceeds to express that human self-awareness has lead directly to existential dread and escape. We desperately seek for meaning, but are left embittered by the salient lack of meaning in the universe. In the absence of meaning, we ground ourselves in Isolation, Anchoring, Sublimation or Distraction. Arthur's diatribe moves on to the "Last Messiah" ( A Reference The Last Messiah by Peter Wessel Zapffe) as he calls it. A human, prophetic in language, who will lead humanity into self-castration. A final recognition of the folly of nature to bestow self-awareness on a finite, biological creature.

Wow, heavy stuff for kids. Don't you think?

D.W. calling him a poopyhead immediately afterward kind of kills the tone though

That episode when arthur gets charged with a hate crime for accidentally hitting brain

kinda like this

>that episode where DW punched Arthur in the balls for no reason

>That time Neil Gaiman showed up in a falafel

>That episode where Sue Ellen finds Kama Sutra and tries to find a practice partner
Why George though

>That episode where Binky discovers traps

I liked how he got turned into a neonaxi all because he was accused of a hate crime

>That one time Buster BECOME AS GODS

>That episode where Binky succeeded to going the distance in the final match of the junior hope boxing competition of Elwood City but became paralytic after the fight.
>That episode where Brain hacked some random shit on the deep web and discovered a secret network of politician pedophiles which wanted to eliminate him.
>That episode where Arthur became interested on communism after his father loses his job, he eventually started to hate private property, rich people and beated up Muffy with a baseball bat because she's rich.
>That episode where Ratburn was possessed by the ghost of David Rockefeller and take control of the federal reserve for himself, he finally started the greatest crisis of all times, conducing to WW3 and making the earth population at just 10 million people after the war.
>That episode where Buster became obsessed by having sex with escorts, stealing money to his parents and finished by having aids results but discovered aids are actually a big hoax.
>That episode where Arthur's mom became morbidly obese after a depression, and Arthur developped a fat fetish, watching BBW porn everydays.






Kwanzaa is an american meme, it's not even a native african feast.

does anyone know someone who has actually celebrated kwanzaa IRL?

The Africans were not enslaved and subjugated because of this skin color, they were enslaved because of profit

Skin color is an excuse

Referencing random adults/celebs from decades ago that nobody will understand

What is this family guy?

He was the guest star of the episode, he taught Sue Ellen about creativity and shit.

Buster Baxter is the greatest character in fiction.

>it's a Mr. Frensky

>that one episode where Arthur rapes the blind girl
they took it too far imo

He even has a song about him sung by Art Garfunkel.

Remember that boost in power Arthur got after he spent all that time training in the artificial gravity?

Like what its like to cum blood or to be a dying god? Also spider milfs

>The episode Arthur became champ of the local fight club

That episode about Sup Forums members

Shit I forgot to post the image

>Eva reference in Arthur
>Gainax and Anno are the zeitgeist of cartoons