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Spider-man 2099 and Doom 2099 are actually good though. Even Punisher is good if you enjoy the tongue in cheek humor. There's nothing to be guilty about liking those.

Spider-man 2099 #1 is the comic that started me on collecting comics monthly, back when I was 11. 5,800 issues later, I regret nothing.

Ghost Rider 2099 is something I should dig up in $1 bins just for the art

I loved Punisher 2099. Though I love Ghost Rider more as a character I don't remember anything from his 2099.



i always ask myself if this was parody or not

I got to reread that shit. I know I have them somewhere in the basement.

It's the 90s.

Punisher 2099 definitely was a parody. I haven't read Ghost Rider 2099 though so I can't speak for that.

Punisher absolutely was.

This is Pat Mills anytime he wrote a superhero comic

Doom was great
Spidey was good
Ghost Rider had great art/design
Punisher is great as a parody
Not too sure on X-Men or Ravage, but I know for a fact Hulk 2099 was fucking awful

Ghost Rider 2099 is the eternally subpar Len Kaminski trying to out-cyberpunk all of cyberpunk put together and out-"future slang" all of "future slang" put together.

The end result is a comic that makes the rest of the 2099 line look restrained by comparison.

Even the lettering is edgy. Props to the guys behind it.

Zero has a legit cool design, sucks everything else about his comic was so shit.

Punisher 2099 doesn't have to be a guilty pleasure, it's an open farce, so there's nothing gained by hiding your enjoyment of it.

I unironically want Skullfire to show up again as a big player.

Maybe an Exiles relaunch.

>Guilty Pleasures
New 52 Redhood and the Outlaws

I actually enjoy reading all of the "sjw" comics people complain about here

>parody or not
It's Pat Mills so the answer is yes.

He's talking about Ghost Rider, not Punisher.

One of the local comic shops had a whole stack of Doom 2099 with its shiny foil cover. I got one for 20 cents.


>guilty pleasure
I feeeel like slapping your shit


I collected X-Men 2099 at the time, still have them. I bought a complete run of Ravage 2099 from a store's bargain bin for a few bucks, what a load of garbage.

I plan on getting the other books, but it's hard to find stuff in "Near Mint" condition easily.


I read this every night before bed

It had a character who was some kind of ninja-assassin or something named Heartbreaker whose speech balloons were heart-shaped.

I loved Fran i mean jake.

I bought this for a few dollars at a going out of business sale in 2009 or so
What an awful decision that was

there's no way anyone enjoys this

Even if it wasn't Pat Mills, that dialogue would still be too much to be serious even in the 90s.

The Ghost Rider one isn't Pat Mills.

All of it

Removing the shame from masturbation was a mistake.

Also, a dark confession,
I skip the Dredd comics what look like ass, so like, 2/3 of them.

~one of these things is not like the others... one of these things just doesn't belong...~~

Spider-Man 2099 is a gem

Nothing guilty pleasure about Doom 2099, Spider-man 2099, or Punisher 2099. All three are bonafide classics.

Ravager and X-men 2099 are straight garbage though.

It's pretty obviously parody.

I have the hardcover.
It will always be canon for me.