Uncommon Tropes you'd like to see more often

>Hero(s) and Villain(s) are fighting
>Villain sings villain song while kicking their ass.
>Hero gets the upper hand and turns the villain's song back on him.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Villain and hero Confront eachother
>realise they have more in common than they thought
>turn against the real enemy who has been playing them for fools

Name one time that happened. Besides that's not even a trope that's just a description of on very specific situation.

Batman The Brave and The Bold?


NAme 2 cartoons that do this


Not all the way Sup Forums related but
the final boss of The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge
too bad the game sucks

Most of the boss battles in that game were like that.


>Villainess is a yandere for the Hero.
>Villainess wins the Herobowl
>Villainess doesn't stop being yandere after winning.

The powerpuff finale did something like that

>hero and friend go on adventure to confront villain
>kill villain
>friend was the real bad guy all along

rather than heroic journeys I'd like to see more stories about the main character attaining innerpeace and enlightenment

name 1

name two

>Villain sort of succeeds in his plan
>Heroes simply watch in horror
>Villain realizes that after the plan succeeded, the result he was looking for was not the one he had desired


user, those are supposed to be the same thing.

Plutonian and Modeus???

>Villain and Hero are fighting
>Hero sees a breach in Villain's defense and goes in for the kill
>but it turns out to be a trap! Villain disarms Hero and says
>"Tch... pathetic..."
>but then the Hero goes "I was just pretending to be defeated to catch you off guard!"
>and the Villain is all like

Doctor Horrible's sing-along blog.

Good ol Aang did that when he didn't kill the fire lord

That wasn't really enlightenment

Whenever the villian is given the opportunity to act like a total Dick or do something unnecessarily evil,villians with restraint are always great