Why is this still the best thing max g ever did?

Why is this still the best thing max g ever did?

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Because it was somewhat ambitious

Still sucks though


Animation is pretty good, but his writing and opinions are fucking garbage.

Not all them are bad, one or two I really enjoyed, some where alright but the rest of the others were fucking awful

well, they are his opinion, is not speaking for everyone, is speaking for himself. Also his character is hot, wonder if he is that hot in real life

>a fat skinhead is hot

different strokes for different folks

It was pretty much Rick and Morty/Bojack Horseman before cynicism was popular in cartoons. Mick was the first smart, but cynical protagonist in a cartoon.

God I've been following Max G for a long time.

Max is a great animator but he is a textbook case of why most cartoons have separate writing teams. Most of the stuff he thinks is funny just isn't.

Like fucking gonzosm the guy is just not funny at all but he can animate decently and works really fast

his worst animation is the dragon ball one where they just shit their diapers and it ends

Jerry is underrated and got lame as he wore the idea out but it has basically zero dialogue which worked well for him.

I still don't see why people say he should work with a writer, though. Call him unfunny, but at least he's doing his own thing than slaving under the heels of an idea guy.

Burnbot is dead, youtube is going to remove the ability to add/edit annotations and that basically removes the entire purpose of Burnbot's character.

Also I get goofball is supposed to be as annoying as possible, but the character could totally be toned down and given less screentime. It's funny to watch a ghost fuck with a dude once or twice, but when half the episodes are the ghost fucking everything up and the other half have some silly handwave like "oh goofball is gone this episode because I trapped him in a jar of farts" it just gets repetitive.

Good series, great turnover for episodes, but with a single person making them there are bound to be personal opinions and mistakes that make it into the show.


Kids love 'em.

Of course zero dialogue works well for him, like 80% of his characters are obviously voiced by him. Like, in the latest Brain Dump he does a Joker skit... but the Joker is very obviously the same guy as the other character speaking in the scene, just using a Joker accent. He doesn't do a terrible Joker or anything, but it's clearly his voice and you can hear him "talking to himself". If he got someone else to do the Joker or someone else did the main character it would be fine, but that's not how it is.

I think he understands it to a degree, he has his long-term female character just not speak, she's a TV that pops text up to communicate. That makes it easier to do what he does, and I'm all for it.

>Burnbot has annotations
Welp I gotta rewatch episodes now

that wasn't the message you dumbfucks.

They're mostly just the annotations to the other episodes. Like, the point is that Burnbot shows you an insult an an in-universe link to other episodes, with the episodes displayed on her screen and the annotation linking to that video. This won't work with the new system because Burnbot's character only works if you see her screen displaying the end-slate, which isn't possible without annotations.

OK, what was the message? That you shouldn't mock someone? That anime is shit? That dragon ball is dumb? Go ahead, enlighten us, o wise one.

the invader zim shit was funny


Oh, I thought she would provide snappy commentary through the episode

Same as always, then. He uses decent animation to coast past the fact that his writing is all MEMES MEMES MEMES and tryhard "look how controversial I am" opinions.

>his writing is all MEMES MEMES MEMES

What do you expect from a guy who thinks Sausage Party is one of the best animated films ever made?

Because of the catchy as fuck intro.

I feel Max has Improved a lot and is less of a cunt than he was before.

Maybe but who cares, no one watches his shit anymore.

My absolute nigger. Undoubtedly his Magnum Opus.


>Taking Max's opinions seriously
Dude are you autistic or something, because I am and I know a fellow autist when I see one. Anyway, his Brain Dump series just seems like pure shitposting, like the episode where he spend almost 10 fucking minutes talking about chocolate cereal. It's a big parody on YT critic channels as well as an attempt to fuck with the 10 minute YT rule successfully. The only one that was somewhat serious was the PPG episode and maybe the Zootopia one
Just saw this on NG last night. I'm still amazed what he was able to with the technology at the time. It's a short animation that still gives you a good sense of the plot and it doesn't feel redundant or derivative. To be honest I feel like Max should focus more on this type sincere animations than the cynical and edgy shit he does, which every other NG alumni also does.

Lest we forget.
I am legitimately sad we never got more out of this crew of characters. They had great chemistry.

In his defense, it was well animated, and have to give points to the movie for making the Iris not realistic and more cartoony.
Yet that doesn't justify how shit of a story and humor it has, a real waste of animation. But Max points out how this movie for saying fuck doesn't make it a good animated movie for adults.

seems like Max has a thing for woman in action, then again his PPG episode really show it

Heroine trope, that's what i meant

>youtube is going to remove the ability to add/edit annotations
Who the fuck at Youtube keeps making these constantly retarded decisions, and why are they getting paid so much to run the website into the ground?

They're not getting paid at all. Youtube hasn't made any money since Google bought it.

They're calling annotations outdated, and citing how Youtube's newer built in shit like the video suggester and endslates do a better job in general. That's totally true, and annotations ARE something that can be improved upon... but the problem is that many youtubers are used to the old system, and plenty of people, including Max G, have designed series around the annotation system, where they either have self-made endslates with jokes and links to videos through annotations, or even just the "click this annotation to see another video I'm referencing right now" shit tons of people are used to doing.

The worst part is that they aren't even just upheaving the system, they confirmed old annotations will still be there and can't be edited anymore, which means the annotation system will still be in the code, but people can't use it after the cut off arbitrarily. Unless they have some "annotations red" shit planned where the new features will be paid-users only, this is really dumb on their end.

those endslates are fucking shit and they piss me off, they cover up the video, you can't turn them off, and every time ive encountered them they cover up some part of the scene that is meant to be seen

I can't believe no one is gonna talk about this, its his best cartoon hands down. definitely leagues above his other work IMO. the only thing he ever made that had solid atmosphere except for like, two scenes in WGJ4K

>>a fat skinhead is hot
a lot of girls like that, usually goths and metal heads thought

Because it's at least somewhat original for it's time, in comparison to all the parodies pandering to an autistic fanbase or ranting about various movies and shows.

But that's just a shot for shot parody of a grickle cartoon

if its really just a bland parody then thats pretty boring

is that your faggot dog?

I forgot about this. I almost wish he'd make a edited ending to this because all the buildup and atmosphere is so great for a cheap furry joke.

i want to FUCK that tv

>that episode where he just beats up the fat nerd for 5 minutes straight

If you stretch black comedy long enough you see it isn't funny, just cruel. If you keep stretching it longer it'll become funny again when it's comical how long it goes on.

Breaking Bad did the exact same thing, where a little guy beats up a bigger guy, and it's intimidating the whole time but when it starts and ends it's a bit comical, with a stretch of awkward inbetween. Timing is key, and Max did that scene pretty well if I remember it.

The only good thing he was ever remotely responsible for was Cory's parody/pisstake of his awful creations.
>lol this mlp shit is sooo fuuney XDDD

link? Who's Cory?

some whitetrash asshole

I don't know man. I loved it all the way.

Are you talking about Spazkid because if not I'm lost.

Spazkid my dude.
False, he escaped that waterperson life.