
I'm confused about this plot. Couldn't the Champions (the woke ones) distant themselves from the "punching down" Champions by releasing a message to the public that they aren't connected and support their corp's products? Why would someone want to buy cigarettes or etc with the names of people who publically attack the homeless? Why is this corporation obsessed with taking down the Champions? All they have done is punch clowns, atlantians, Muslim terrorists, and racists? Why?


>You used me...for land developement!

Because Waid doesn't want them following the Teen Titans lead and building a C-shaped building

people lie on the media all the time. its all about who you want to believe

Why does everyone have such huge teeth?

it's a really stupid book

Couldn't they just change their logo?

When people say 'don't punch down' what they mean is 'don't punch back.'

Probably, that's a really generic logo anyways.

I have no clue why these adult, money driven villians are so obsessed with a bunch of upstart kids in a world of heroes at every corner. Seriously why?

MF it's the Cavs sport's logo

Does the Musclewoman want the champions under her?

>There are people already clamoring a huge payout for the pleasure of undermining your crusade
Who? I assume that Waid means "the evil 1%", but absolutely nothing the Champions have done has affected the rich in any way. The rich don't care about social issues as long as it doesn't hurt their profits, so pretty much the only progressive causes they hate are raising taxes, regulations and enviromental issues, but the Champions haven't done anything about any of those.
Why would rich people care if some dumb teenagers are out there ranting about minorities? They have absolutely nothing to gain wasting money undermining them.

Wait, can you trademark something that's been put in the public domain by the creator?

Can the Champions take on LEGOD.

Because this book is following the new Marvel formula of:
1.- We want this character to be popular.
2.- We will make this character a really big deal and really famous or infamous among other Marvel characters and civilians.
3.- Readers will respond by loving this character! Yaaaas, Queen! Woke!

They did the same to Marvel, Miss Marvel, Moon Girl, IronHeart, America, others and now the Champions.

Forget that Miss Marvel's appeal was that she was following the teen-Spiderman formula of small scale personal problems against crime fighting.
No, she suddenly has to be famous in-universe and a prominent figure.

The Champions have done jack shit to suddenly earn the reputation they now supposedly have in-universe. This kind of story arc could only have worked after 20 issues or so.

That art and pacing in just two pages is atrocious. Just a bunch of shocked faces not even drawn well.

Is this what passes for Marvel comics nowadays?

Believe it or not, Champions is far from the worst thing Marvel's putting out now.

Please tell me you're kidding. Don't care if I haven't read Marvel in a long while, I was thinking of returning when I came to check the board out for how it's been lately.

Laugh at me, insult me, but at least tell me honestly this is not the worst of the worst. I'm not kidding on that.

In fact it's often times the rich who are the biggest champions of those causes because it maks for good PR.

Can you trademark something that's public domain?

Not even close. America is the worst by a mile, and I really do think that books like Leth's Hellcat and Unstoppable Squirrel Girl are/were far worse than Champions.

To add to user's comment. Can you Trademark something that an original creator was clearly defined on? Like someone makes something. Everyone knows who made it, the some dick hole trademarks is?

...wait I actually already know the answer to that. YOU FUCKING CAN! It's a bit more complicated in regard to branding. You basically have to wait for someone to sue you for using the trademark before you can do anything though. I guess you could attempt to file the same trademark and go to court about it. Point is, the Champions are retarded and this is a bad comic.

It becomes a busy case of legalese.

Also there are conflicting laws on the aspect of who can trademark / copyright something (these are not one and the same, either). Current legislation in many countries, I think the US, too, say that if someone put something "out there" and claimed they came up with it (in no small terms something like "we came forward with the C logo and it's ours" that was broadcast to the internet at large would default that they came up with it first and so their pull shouldn't / couldn't be disregarded.

At the same time, though, in the matter of copyrights, as messed up as it sounds, yes, you can claim copyright to something you're leeching off from public domain. See how Night of the Living Dead ended up as public domain due to studio neglect and as a result you can just release your own copy of the film and claim your own brand-spanking release, however it is different from the original, is yours and you profit from it, as a derivative work.

No. But anyone may use and sell it.

Looking at this page has driven me insane.
I am now insane.

I'm .

Why are you posting from an all-ages line or so? That's for kids. What's the actual worst besides America?

Instead of talking about this, some good user could storytime PTSD She Hulk, you know, one of the few comics Marvel still have that is not absolute garbage

I like it too user, but people here seem to get super triggered by the fact she isn't hulking out every second.
People here have shit taste sometimes

>Why are you posting from an all-ages line or so? That's for kids.

That's not what Marvel's listing having it classified under "Teens" say.

Oh buttfucking Christ I take it back and I actually apologize, that title was not part of some kids' line. Even if it looks and sounds like one in every conceivable way.

Jesus. Jesus fuck. What happened to Marvel?

>All they have done is punch clowns, atlantians, Muslim terrorists, and racists
If you think about it, the Champions haven't actually done anything different to any other superhero group, yet they still act holier than thou to the Avengers for no reason.
How are they a "movement"? Because people wear their logo on T-shirts?

I find it funny how this is doing the same premise as New Warriors (Nicieza's run) all wrong.

It took them 50 issues and reversing a reality shift to become somewhat media darlings for a very brief time. Their first arc ended with them having to call for help from the Fantastic Four and thinking that if that's how it goes, then they're really not hot shit since they didn't want to depend on any existing teams, but realizing that saving lives is its own rewards.

Here from issue one on out is just WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS MAKE YOUR AVENGERS JR. SOONER?

"Angry fans buy more books"

yeah, I cant believe people rather buy champions and spam about it than post a story time with She-hulk
I mean, like all five spider-man titles were posted already and we all know at the end of the run spider man will end right back were he started, a poor guy taking pictures of his alter-ego to sell to JJJ.
like groundhog day, but for comics.