Re-watching Jackie Chan Adventures and holy fuck I compleatly forgot that this was a man who is on par with Jackie...

Re-watching Jackie Chan Adventures and holy fuck I compleatly forgot that this was a man who is on par with Jackie himself as a fighter.

Why did they do absolutely nothing with this man and turn him into an eventual joke when he's tied for the place of Best Fighter in this show.

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he's a bad manager that's why

its kinda hard to stand out with normal martial arts alone when theres mystical shit going on

Magic must defeat Magic
Nigga isn't Magic.

I'd like to think because Jackie Chan adventures was a little more light hearted. They would have probably done something like this in the early 2000's TMNT animated show.

But what about the Talismans?

Jackie Chan is the main character

Jackie Chan had Uncle, and later Tohru. He had a hobby for going and basically being chinese Indiana Jones.

Valmont was, while intimidating, ultimately a lackey and was more used by magic than a user of magic, if I'm recalling correctly.

I like to think Jackie kept levelling up while he stayed at the same place

How many fanfics is there that ship Jade with Kid Valmont?


He lost his money user.
He couldn't have been on a healthy diet after that

Jade is to pure for that

Could be worse, he could have moved to Germany to live a quiet life and end up in a time loop with an androgynous creature voiced by Mario.

Too aesthetic for such a jokey show, so they overcompensated for it by making him useless.
Real talk, that's one sexy man.

>he hasn't seen the porn

His voice actor left after Season 2.

i like eike

So does it.

Jackie started fighting actual immortal demons from another dimension with ridiculous powers. It'd be hard to keep a nonpowered villain as the main antagonist.

The show was good but it definitely lost that magic touch towards the end.

Shame there was no time skip season with adult Jade. What is Lucy Liu doing these days? Remember when she was everywhere?


Wasn't Jackie taking out shadow ninjas in episode one?
Also Valmont was able to take down that water demon dragon with a single kick so he's likely still on Jackie's level

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They were called Shadow Khans.

I was always under the impression they wanted a new and different villian for each season

Isn't this that game where you get run over in a drink driving accident [spoiler\] at the end?

OP post the webm with Jade doing the hip-thrust

>that episode where Jade became the loli queen of them
Shame no one has drawn a gangbang image of that yet.

Maximilian Pegasus should give Lupin the 3rd's clothes back

>tfw Valmont never joined the Jackie crew
>tfw Tohru becomes Valmont's boss
Wasted potential

He joined for a temporary alliance.

poor user, no worries though, i'll not post any links to destroy your sanity.

For normalfags who don't get the reference to a very obscure game

Yeah that always confused me too. Whenever he'd fight Jackie he was closer than any henchman to winning hand to hand (besides the red haired martial arts dude). Still, when you're in a world with Shendu and his relatives, you're small potatoes.

He started off on Jackie's level, but over time Jackie got better.

Having the main antagonist from season one go from legitimate threat to glorified lackey as the series goes on is a shorthand to show the hero's growth.

RPGs, most anime, and of course saturday morning cartoons rely on this trope to show that the heroes are making progress and getting stronger.

>ship Jade with Kid Valmont

In one ending, yes.

but the other trio lackey got powerups constantly

>Best fighter
Excuse you.

He he.

Shut up Paco

>Why did they do absolutely nothing with this man and turn him into an eventual joke when he's tied for the place of Best Fighter in this show.

Because his second voice actor was shit.

Young Uncle is better.

He wasn't very good without the talisman

>be a head of a global crime syndicate
>become a bus driver
What a loser!

if he's alive he still technically beats out most crime bosses.

Jade is for cute, not lewd

In the pilot episode they tell us that Valmont is directly responsible for almost all the crime IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.

To manage an organization like that he would need to be an unparalleled genius, not to mention probably the richest person on Earth. How the fuck did he screw that up?

Getting bullied then possesed by an ancient demon.

One isn't enough. We need moar.

Because otherwise they weren't ANY type of threat. Valmont, while a lackey, was still top dog among his organization, and was at least able to match Jackie in a fight. He's more of an obstacle to over take than his henchmen.

He didn't like to get his hands dirty with grunt work

Speak for yourself.

How about this, user?

>his organization probably sold weapons to terrorists and murderous warlords in third-world countries
>probably involved with human trafficking and selling all kinds of drugs from heroin to krokodil
>Tohru, formerly one of his main henchmen is a part of Chan team like nothing ever happened
That's kind of chilling to think about.

Jade can be very charming and convincing.


This reminds me how much I love the enforcers
>Chow can't see without his sunglasses

Rewritten Book-of-Fate Uncle is stronger though.

>"Now I drive the school bus!"

When you throw your lot in without a treacherous loser dragon to the point of passing up legitimate opportunities, you will fail.

Of course he was a joke, he was always a joke and a failure, a smalltime crook with delusions of grandeur.

>Season 1, Episode 1: The Dark Hand is an international syndicate that is extremely dangerous.
>The Rest of the Show: Just kidding. It's just five guys and a statue.

I mean, they had donuts.

>Why did they do absolutely nothing with this man and turn him into an eventual joke
Because it's a kids show. Bad guys always become jokes because they can't be actual threats or win when the show's on Kids WB.

What was the name of the evil sorcerer from season 3 and the proper spelling of his 3 henchmen that were later transformed into demon guards?

Gun, Run, Choi?

Shit looks like an edit of zon'es twilight princess game thing


Valmont and that old sorcerer were both great villains when they first appeared, but it's hard to keep villains threatening when they get beaten in every episode.

That looks pretty cool!


You're welcome


It is.

Game was made by members of the original Silent Hill team (sans the original director who had gone off to make Siren and eventually Gravity Rush), and was written by the chick who works on the Suikoden series.

That was the main problem with the show from a narrative perspective. Every episode had Jackie winning, for the most part, so there was rarely tension.

Season 1's bad guys got two talismans before the finale, Season 3 had Dalon Wong get two (technically three counting Shendu) of the animal chi, Seasons 2 and 4 had the demons show up for one episode before immediately getting sealed away, and Season 5 looked to be the same.

why does he wear the mask?

He is a rather large individual

Hard to say if Tohru had done anything that bad. Granted, he was willing to slice Jade's belly open to get the rooster, but from the flashback episode they made about how Valmont recruited him, we know that he was a fairly good natured spirit before becoming one of the enforcers.

Para usted ese

Well, it was mainly trying to appeal more to the episodic adventure vibe a la Ducktales, so it's understandable why the characterization wasn't particularly strong (though it was amusing enough for the long run, even if the last two seasons had serious drag to them).

Kind of makes me wish they had done some movies, I could see those really doing well and maybe even having a kind of overarching plot that was more tightly written.

>He doesn't wear a mask

Do you lack pride as a warrior?

The oni mask arc was cool.

Tarakudo was surprisingly chill.
>Didn't really punish his lackeys as long as they tried
>Generals seemed to legit like him
>Didn't get butt hurt when joked with by lackeys