Ben Ten

I have no idea how the hell this show deserved so many reboots and new shows.

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Cause it made money.

>So many reboots
I think you don't know what reboot means, because this year is the first reboot

That's more than most shows that deserve it better.

Alien Force, Ultimate Alien and Omniverse are sequels, not reboots. The new one is a reboot.

Its a show about a kid that can turn into cool alien monsters.

That's like eight-year-old boy heroin.

>4.5 billion in retail
What in tarnation? I know that is averaged through ten years but still that is a fuck ton more than I thought even if they are fudging the numbers and making all sales MSRP and not dealer cost.

Plus the toys sell themselves.

Phenomenon is right, but not in the way they're saying it.

It's really popular in Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East.

You'll never massage your hot cousin's ass



Had no idea, I guess in hindsight it was always a toy selling show but assumed other countries would have thier own local brands, I mean it's not as if chinese plastic is exactly a rare commodity
That's her back, dumbass.

I want that Gwen model, realbad.
My own didn't turn out that good in comparison, but luckily I haven't shown anyone.

Both would get a load of cum from me if I had a chance

Oh yeah man. Saudi Arabia set the Guinness World Record for most people dressed as Ben 10.


Uh... what?

Geez, that's physically painful to look at.

I love their art so much.

Whose art? Whats the sauce?


>Show so shit even Sup Forums doesn't rip on it

Top kek

>Mod deletes picture that's not even lewd
Faggots. Thank god for DesuArchive and

>4.5 billion

Jesus. No wonder they won't let it die.

It was pretty lewd

Finally saw the OP pic

Yeah it was heavily applied in the lewd department

Remember they stopped making toys cause it was too hard for them