Why do so many people want Spider-Man to be black?

why do so many people want Spider-Man to be black?


Apparently people think black people can't relate to characters unless they are black.

but Logic is white

Because it makes them look good. The black community didn't really give a shit about Miles for like 3 years because they thought he was gay.

wtf I hate Logic now!

I remember reading an article somewhere by a black author basically saying that Peter was the original black hero
Lives with his aunt
people hate him for no reason
His lifestyle was more relatable to black kids than miles was
As a black brit I agree

bullshit, user.
most black dudes stay in the closet for decades before coming out. 3 years aint shit especially with how gay his roommates are.
Miles might as well be a Menage A 3 MC

I regret having sat through two-and-a-half minutes of that crap just to hear "Spider-Man should be black".

He is black though

If Peter was black they would all complain for the same reasons you listed.

because while people love to hate on white privilege, the honest truth is that there is also black privilege, and its more annoying because "muh oppression" instead of admitting they suck at getting their shit together.

>people hate him for no reason
Peter was a bit of a cunt.

That's why he has to pander ten times as hard.

I really don't give a shit about Spider-Man's ethnicity. I just think it's time Peter Parker kicked back, hero'd down, and ran Parker Industries more pro-actively. Someone else can be Spider-Man now; the legend can carry on through others.

Plus, wouldn't it be a cool plot point if old man Parker became an antagonist to a new Spider-Man? Or maybe that's just me.

Shut up, Jonah

True dat.

this is pathetic that so many black people see themselves this way the government really fucked the black community

No white people have every lived with these circumstances, it's true.

This is why I want to move to Canada.
America eats its own kind.

Forgot my pic.

Always has. America was a business before it became a nation.

Wouldn't the world be better off if America was nuked off the face of the earth?

Go away Kim.

I hate Korea, but I really fucking hate America.
I'm heading to Vancouver the first chance I get.

>now fucking pay me
>*bao dao dao dao* the best things in life are free

Never said that they didn't, Peter isn't relatable to just one race y'know.

No. If every country or human settlement that was corrupt was nuked off the earth then humanity would have gone extinct years ago. There's no such thing as a nation without blood on its hands and money clench in its fist.

Besides that, it's my home. The United States isn't just the corrupt CEOs and ineffectual politicians. It's the back alley where I used to play barefoot as a child and the uneven pavement where I cut my chin open after I fell off my bike. It's the house I live in with my family and the houses I visit when I spend time with my friends. It's the parades and the charities organized at the grassroots that change lives for the better and the communities that find a reason to exist together when they have every reason not to.

A nation is not just the government, a nation is the people.

>There's no such thing as a nation without blood on its hands and money clench in its fist.
>What is Canada?
>What is Sweden?
>What is most of Europe?


>What is most of Europe?
War isn't an American invention.

If you really believe that you've been misinformed or are in denial in the extreme. Settlers in Canada butchered the native population, most of Europe has been fighting in wars with each other since ancient history, and Sweden was the home of bloodthirsty vikings who raped and pillaged, and now it's the home of cucks.

this is such a fucking jam.

No, we just refined it.
We're the biggest monsters right now.

>What is most of Europe
The homeland of both world wars?

I hate that bald eagles are the thing of america, they're shit tier birds. But at the same time I guess a bird that constantly steals from others and kills itself all the time through exceptional stupidity is fitting by this point.

>But at the same time I guess a bird that constantly steals from others and kills itself all the time through exceptional stupidity is fitting by this point.
>by this point
Bush was a thing user.

He's mixed but to be fair.....he looks full on white

At war, yeah we are probably the best of the worst. Don't think that war is the only sin a nation is capable of, and don't think that there aren't other nations that are the best of the worst at those either. China is almost certainly worse than America in pollution and human rights violations, but in the latter case there are so many nations that abuse people far worse than America does or has.

Mind you, I'm not saying that America not being the absolute worse is a hand wave for the substantial problems it does have, but it's certainly not reason to nuke it off the earth.

>constantly steals from others and kills itself all the time through exceptional stupidity
Wait, are you talking about the bald eagle or pretty much every other animal ever?
Because that describes pretty much every other animal ever.

Then we should nuke it off for it's other sins.
>Celebrity worship
China is like paradise compared to the US.

Want to know how I know that you know nothing of China?

That was the past; those countries got over their issues long ago.
America is basically a third world country at this point.

We've fallen out of first place with the first one, I think, though it is pretty disgusting. As for the other two I have to reiterate my point that America is not the only or the worst perpetrators of those crimes. If anything they're fundamental failings of human civilization.

Bare in mind that if you nuke America for its sinners then you're also killing the saints.

100% agree.
You don't love your country because you think it's perfect, you love it because you want it to be better.

In some places, sure. Wealth disparity is pretty terrible here, but those countries haven't resolved all their issues like you seem to think they have. You're glossing over the problems that all nations have because of your hatred of America, and I think that if you did go to those places you would quickly become equally dissatisfied.

Name 1 (one) country better than America.

Protip: You LITERALLY can't.

Isn't he a latino (Puerto Rican to be precise)?

I mean Canada has a pretty big problem with being super racist to the natives. I mean the cops don't shoot them, they just take their jacket drive them a few miles out side of town in the middle of winter and tell them to walk back.

>You don't love your country because you think it's perfect, you love it because you want it to be better.
Do Americans say this to make themselves feel better?
Because Canada has it made.

Afro Hispanic
Black dad, Hispanic mom.

thats what marvel was missing, brown characters to take up the mantle of older characters so they can retire the old ones to the background or make them villain, you should write for marvel

I agree that Canada is a great neighbor to have which is another reason why I'm pissed that Trump is president; I don't want to sour our relations with Canada or Mexico even more.

On the other hand there has been plenty of racism in Canada with regards to the local population and they've dipped their hands in their share of war as well.

>Because Canada has it made.
Yeah, you can smoke all the pot you want and stay home and fuck the dog.

one drop rule, I know bitches with who had grandpas who were half black and they cling to that like crazy and always refer to themselves as being black I think it's mostly an excuse to say nigga

Why make him white? There are hundreds of reinturputatins of the character. What does making one black/asian/etc matter?

because they either don't believe they can make a new character popular or they just aren't creative enough to try in the first place.

>>What is Sweden?

A country on the verge of becoming third world within the decade due to open borders.

>old man Parker became an antagonist to a new Spider-Man?
Slott go home and get off Sup Forums

The Canadian dollar is worthless, the prime minister knows less about politics than Trump, and the military is non existent.

No but sacrificing your own dignity and expecting others to sacrifice their dignity for it does. Lots of swedes complain about the absurdity of an entire nation walking on eggshells when it comes to anything involving feminism or immigration policy or civil rights. A man can be imprisoned and labeled a rapist for accidentally brushing against a woman, but a group of foreigners that rape a 14 year old girl (and stream it on facebook) each receive a three year sentence.

"Spider-Man" should not be a legacy title. It is solely based on circumstances of the situation that Peter found himself in.

Buthe was user, he was almost school shooter tier

That is a huge exaggeration made all the worse by those issues of Spider-Gwen.

Bald eagles fry themselves and brain themselves almost a notably higher amount than a lot of others.

Best Spider-burn ever written, and it's in a She-Hulk comic.

just you, plus you turn him into every other current super hero that is doing this.

>>Celebrity worship
Those things are even worse on china, what are you talking about?

The mask make that nobody know what race is, he could be whatever and that's why back them the black comunity identified spiderman as their hero, I read that somewhere

While I agree with you, I am somewhat okay with Miles because I'm okay with alternate universe versions because, in their own universe, they -are- Spider-Man.

Something in the same vein as this though, is Laura Kinney being Wolverine.
Mutant names usually aren't superhero names, they're their names as a part of a different identity, a mutant identity like drag queens having their own names for when they do their shit which is something some writers seem to have forgotten.

by that Logic shouldn't Superman be the 1st black superhero since he had dead parents, was shipped from his home and was forced to work on a farm?

>What is the whole damned human race

the thing about Canada is their immigration policy is actually way more strict than America's you just don't hear about it because compared to America nobody moves there.

No, Superman was jewish as fuck.

wait why are people saying peter is white now? he's jewish

>China is like paradise compared to the US.
We are talking about the same nation that uses screens to show their citizens a sunset because the toxic fumes make it impossible to see the sun.

Jewish people are white, Franz.

What's that rumbling sound? Do you hear it?


Only when it suits them

Haha I was actually going to clarify that Miles in 616 is dumb, but decided to opt it out. I didn't mind him in 1616.

Honestly, the biggest problem I have with Miles is that it's been 5 years and he isn't yet in the level of U. Peter.

U. Peter had a rogue gallery and a bunch of stories and cast members at that point. Miles has a couple of storylines that always get interrupted and then forgotten because he gets involved in an event. Everytime Miles has something cool going for him and I want to find out how the story moves foward, there it comes the choo choo train of bad editorial decisions.

The worst thing Marvel has done this decade is to put their newbie heroes in big team ups, ruining their changes to grow by themselves. Same problem with Kamala.

I did get that feeling from your post, actually.

I liked him in 1616 too, he felt like a part of the universe, a universe that did have quite a few strange, for lack of a better term, replacements, like Jimmy Hudson.
Miles doesn't feel like he belongs in 616 because he really doesn't belong.
There's no good reason he needed to be in 616 and there's no good reason the Ultimate Universe had to die for it.

>There's no good reason he needed to be in 616
Not even in-story.

Since 1616 had so few superheroes compared to 616, and Peter just died, a Spider-man was needed. The reason he became Spider-man was the guilt of not doing his job as a superhero and blaming himself for Peter's death. More so when Spider-woman guilts trip him into returing to the job.

To be fair, how many of those rogues and stories were inspired by 616?


I don't get why anyone would want that when Static exists.

Most of them, but they had their own spin on them, just like everything else in 1616.

All of them, but that's not the point. Bendis could have used the ones he hasn't yet. He was sort of doing it with Uncle Snoop and The new Scorpion, but he killed one and didn't use the other one ever again.

Miles has no enemies, he barely has a cast that isn't his parents (and killing one of them was such a mistake in the Ultimate Universe). Bendis never used Judge, and Katie didn't last more than 3 issues.

Peter had romantic interests, a bunch of foes and some good adventures at that point.

Miles has a bunch of boring events that don't affect his life and contradictory continuity all over the place, like the way he got the webshooters.

Keeping that in mind, I'd say it's a little harder to come up with new original villains than it is to reimagine old ones (not that the attempt should not be made, I'm just playing devil's advocate). I agree with the rest of what you say.

How did he get the webshooters?

I'd be more interested in reading Miles if he had a unique name like 'Black Tarantula' or something.
I don't want a straight ripoff Spidey.

Peter was raised Christian.

>How did he get the webshooters?
I'll let another user fill this is, but does anyone know what story they used to give 616 Miles his webshooters?
The original just doesn't work.

Spider-girl had an entire interesting rogues gallery with cool legacy heroes that were also new or semi new.

Bendis can't make one because he's not creative and only does it to inflate his ego.

What if Peter's parents were Jewish but Aunt May and Uncle Ben were Christian?

except Mayday makes sense as Spider-Girl

That's a fair point.

Spiderman is cool but for some reason I've never liked Peter Parker.

>Yelled at a guy for getting shot.
>Broke into the Baxter Building because he though the Fantastic Four had money.
>Known for annoying and belittling criminals to the point where it becomes their goal to get him to shut up.

Pete's a dick.

Forgot that this one says NICE MEME but I was serious when I said it's a fair point.

Because normies don't know about static shock

Fuck no. That sounds terrible and goes against the purpose of the character. Spider-Man should /never/ be a legacy title.

>How did he get the webshooters?
A timeline:
In Ultimate Comics Spider-man number whatever. Let's say the November issue: May and Gwen find out who Miles is, get his number somehow and ask him to reunite with them
Meanwhile in November issue of Spider-men: Miles was hanging around Ultimate Peter's House with 616 Peter. Miles knew May and Gwen, like this whole event takes place after the current UCSM arc. Miles is shown playing with the webshooters as it is the first time he sees them
Meanwhile in December issue of UCSM: Miles reunites with May and Gwen, who give him the webshooters. Miles is suprised because it's the first time he sees them.