Fucking USA imperialists you can't just start shit with NK, I need more S&H episodes!

Fucking USA imperialists you can't just start shit with NK, I need more S&H episodes!

You gooks are all the same

What if it just encourages them to make more?

Maybe if we blow up their nuclear program, they'll be forced to divert funds and attention to their animation divisions. This could work out for us.

if america cripples their military all they'll have to fall back on is propaganda

you see where I'm going with this?

isn't pic related pro-USA tho?

That's gurorious Mulgmancho, bask in his miceynes.

As far as the US is concerned, yes.

>people think another NK hissy fit is gonna lead to WW3 after the Syria bombings didn't

You know, the last episode we got showed the wolves and Mulmangcho about to win

If Juche falls, you can still make a series finale

why do gommies say they hate imperialism when the Soviet Union has been forcefully assimilating surrounding nations and turning them into militarized proxy states with the aggressing nation being a beneficiary since the 1920s?
sounds like imperialism to me.

Because it's only imperialism when people of various nations do it by themselves, for their own benefit.

I want to capture these north korean furries and interrogate them by molesting them.

But if we take them over, we can make the wolves win! Who wants a sissy squirrel to triumph?

It's hilarious how so much propaganda ends up accidentally making the enemy so fucking cool.

Why is he not completely orange?

I think hes supposed to be a trumptopus

People complain about russian imperialism all the fucking time, what.

Because shut up faggot. I'll bang my shoe at you!

Because its not imperialism when they do it.

Its better have an imperialist than a commie. Atleast the Imperialist won't lie to you and tell you they're going to do imperialism.

That's kinda awesome