So, a few years ago...

So, a few years ago, a kind hearted Sup Forumsmrade shared this collection of works adapted from Thomas Ligotti and it changed my life. Not only is Ligotti now my favorite horror writer, but he's also had an enormous effect on my writing. I've read all of his short story collections, and am now thinking about reading Conspiracy Against the Human Race.

So, this is me paying it forward.



Neat. I had no idea there was a Ligotti-associated comic.


Conspiracy is excellent, especially if you already have a wide knowledge of philosophy. Thanks for the story time OP, I had never known this existed.
























>What buries itself before it is dead?
A sandcrab?













































>one love music
This doesn't strike me as a reggae sort of town, but ok.















Not that this isn't worth reading, but of the four in the collection, this one is best in prose. Really, really eerie shit.









