>from Ghost Rider 2099
>ninja assassin or some shit
>her speech balloons are heart-shaped

Other urls found in this thread:


Bling-Bling The Hip-Hop Ho'




What the hell happened to Starfire?



That was a fun thread. I hope it'd somehow inspire some artist and writers to experiment with her character a bit.


Glorianna Silver

It has already inspired me to create a character based on the headcanons written up in that thread. (I would need to change the appearance, though.)

Mariam. One-shot henchwoman in "Batman: The Animated Series". We had a fun thread about her recently. desuarchive.org/co/thread/91449621/


>Only in the first Civil War series
>Was probably a hero-vigilante
>She was trying to evade being captured by Pro-Superhero Registration


Here's mine.

That's her fusion with Panda from Body Bags.

>Sailor Venus
>From Ghost Rider (Vol 6)
>Animu demon or some shit
>Her pantyhose are people

Whatever happened to that version of Tarantula?

She joined up with the Heroes for Hire I think.

this is the most what-in-the-fuck thing in the entire thread

She was the goofy filler bad guy after the main arc of the book ended.


I sitll have her comics in my garage

Not really a waifu of mine, but disappointing she hardly ever turned up again.
Baud was an electrical Super Sonic with tits. Could've been an okay Superman rogue.

post a pic

Lament, from the Ultraforce run after Marvel bought out Malibu Comics, only to kill them over a year or so.

God I miss her. She gave me a midriff fetish as a kid that I've never escaped.

Spidey comics used to be so comfy.

Ursa Minor from Young Romance

I think her last appearance was her getting punched off panel

Are those natty?

>Young Romance

What series/publisher?

Looks like Mazikeen.

Here's the cover of the comic

Getting suffocated by Diana's ass seems like a good way to die.

Maz has better style

Probably my first-ever waifu

Is she supposed to be a yokai?

Oh, OK.


Undead exorcist Judge Lamia, who's only appeared in one five episodes story so far.

Does she eat babies and have eyes that never shut but can remove from her head?

She would hardly be a judge if she did.

Princess Sherbet from an obscure 2005 failed pilot movie and Joyce Brown (not the bad DoA version, the one from It's Walky)

Look at all these people only posting flattering images of their waifu. A real man loves his waifu no matter how badly she looks

Dream Girl (DCAU)

posting the obscurest of the obscure
She's not even in the databases I checked. I had to physically go downstairs to my library and track her down to remember the issue. These are scans.

I'm proud to present you Fallon.
Her legs made my peepee feel funny about 13 years ago.
Don't touch her she's mine.


Jeez, it's been a long time since I looked at these pages.

I think I'm gonna need to excuse myself to the bathroom now.

And this is why people hate Peter.

What did she do to her victim?

I always wondered what he's supposed to be smelling here aside from pussy juice What's that green bottle highlighted in panel 5 supposed to tell me?
Should "N by Veidt" ring any bells?

Some brown girl with short hair wearing a full length lab coat with long gloves. Pity I lost the image.

my theory is that the guy went over the line with her and she destroyed the guy. Something tells me it involved a lot of scratching in a lot of places I would never doubt the righteousness of the actions of my waifu, tho...
I mean, SHE's clearly the victim of the system. user

And desperately lonely. Would comfort/10


So did Maz just end up settling for the dyke?

Goddamn, dude. I fucking loved Jessie.

Fell in love with her with the first hair-flip in that intro. I think she jumpstarted my lifelong fascination with redheads.


Forgot my pic. I lived vicariously through Jonny at that moment.

Is she an actual exorcist?

>in my garage
That's no place to keep comics. You might as well store them in a compost heap

Weren't they possessed by ghosts?

Yes, she gets called in when ghosts or demons need removing from the city.

There was a sassy anti-villain burglar (creatively named "Sneak Thief") from a Spider-Man mini that I remembered kind of liking.

>Should "N by Veidt" ring any bells?
The times they are a'changing.

I mean, I got the "Veidt", but I still don't get the "N" thing

That shit happens in Judge Dredd?


Not as obscure as some of the others ITT but Dead Girl is a total qt

But, that hardly looks 90s.

dayum, dat everything

How powerful is her magic compared to everyone else? Is she the equivalent of a weekend warrior that would get she shit bounced in a fight but can punk non-users?

>all those facial piercings
Gross. Perfectly fine face ruined with bits of metal poking out.

If you talk of obscure possible Peter lovers there is his neighboor Caryn Eagle.

Yeah, but they didn't pull away immediately after the ghosts left them. Hadji had to clear his throat to stop them.

That could hardly look more 90s if it tried.

This evil sorceress from an issue of Strange Tales. I don't think they even gave her a name. She and a couple other magicians were hired by Mordo to capture Dr. Strange.


Tiffany from Paper Girls

All four of the main girls are pretty great tho

I think I'm in love

not really, she'll always love Lucifer. But she kept the girl around and throws her pity fucks in between important business.

QT butterfly girl.

My waifu is so obscure she's literally in one scene and doesn't have a name or any lines at all.


Back when MJ was "dead" and Jill Stacy was still a supporting member of Peter's cast.

Ah, the issue that gave us this gem.

cute pumpkin girl from some mediocre Nickelodeon pilot that never took off

Time to update the Spidey harem chart, methinks

indeed it is

funny thing is I think I've seen Fallon in that superoutdated superchart with every hero's sexual and platonic conquests.

Does anyone have it here, to check it out?

Is this Hope? Was there anything between her and Peter?


She broke that woman. She might not have been gay before, but she certainly was after Maz infected her with it

>cameltoe on little girl

what in the fuck

Shadman just got, like, five boners at once.


Just looks like a Kirbyesque design to me.

i think he meant the art style

Lobo Unbound

Fuck, I created this character years before I even knew Cathy (is that her name?) existed already.
It's a bit awkward but it'll make drawing fanart more fun.