
Not without cocaine

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Why didn't Leia just fly Finn and Rey to star killer base?

Her eyes would fucking blow out of her head like Total Recall, fuck this shit

Not really. Don't get me wrong, she'd be dead within seconds, but the whole "in space you blowup and your eyes explode out of your head" is a myth.
It does look better though, which is probably why it caught on

Not from a book

Master "Fahrenheit 451 for the chosen one" Yoda

>it's actually real

Nice shop OP, you fucking troll. This scene isn't in the movie, but of course that won't stop alt-right retards like yourself making shit up to stop people from seeing a great movie just because it depicts women and PoCs in a postive, strong light.

>Probably pass out from lack of oxygen in under a minute
>Freeze to death in under a minute
Why did she need to live?

based yoda

Sheev is the best thing to ever happen to Star Wars. Fight me

*From a book, not

Wouldn't your blood literally boil?

Not for a male

>Not in the new, better Star Wars universe (tm) (copyright 2018, themousrcorp)!
>only sexist white males talk like that!

Yes, that is true.
this site outlines the basics of what happens in space unexposed

>Fahrenheit 451 for the Chosen One

Youre both right. You dont pop like a balloon in space but every nook and capillary in your body would be shredded by the pressure change. Lets say you make it back to normal pressure within 30 seconds, you've probably been bombarded by enough cosmic radiation to fry every functioning nucleus in your body. Space is a bitch.

more importantly, if they just needed Leia to be wounded for a while, why make it such a ludicrous "fake death" scene? Why not just have her knocked to the floor by a blast? Tie Fighter hits the bridge but doesnt destroy it, Leia goes down incapacitated, done. Same shit without the ridiculous Superman shit

I think your eyeballs and eardrums burst and you start bleeding from all orifices and freeze but you can survive for about 30 seconds (I think, this might be nonsense)

They did it correctly in Event Horizon or whatever it was called. The film where the jurassic park guy traveled to the warp.

Good fap.

>master "don't give into hate, watch this book incinerate" yoda

does anyone have a copy of the spanish cam that they can upload anywhere? i cant torrent anything with comcast

I agree

Is there a version without the overdubbed music?

looks like JJ really "superman'd" that hoe


watching this in the cinema with few people laughing during that quiet scene made my day

Master "Sith still on the rise, Imma roll over and die" Yoda.

You don't freeze in space.
Since it's a near-vacuum, you only really lose heat via radiation, which is very slow.

This wasn't JJ though

"Not from canon."



>superman music


That's some dumb shit.




Is this the "ten seconds of artistic silence" that the advanced ticket warned about?

This scene was truly the representation of current year.

>fuck books, fuck studying, I can be whoever I want to be!

t. genderfluid tranny leftist

the midiclorians are protecting her so it's ok.

kek, this movie is a meme goldmine

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Leia Poppins the "Skywalker".... I thought not, it's not a tale George Lucas would tell you. It's a Disney legend.......

No that's when Laura Dern kamikaze hyperdrives through the First Order fleet

Here's the kino edition of super leia, for all you DChads out there ;^)

The Illuminati did an experiment once where they staged an "accident" in which a guy was trapped in a vacuum chamber for a while. He passed the fuck out. They let him out after a little bit and he was fine. Try it at 0 Kelvin though.


EU is canon, Disney is false editions

>Try it at 0 Kelvin though.
Space isn't at 0 Kelvin. Close, but no cigar


Nothing is 0 Kelvin, Bozo. Why don't you go measure the temperature in the dead galaxy at the spot where Leia was frozen 4 zillion years ago and let me know what temp you get.

Why didn't sheev use force flight to save himself from falling down into the death star 2's reactor?

page turners they weren't

Seriously though, somebody shop a decent quality Yoda in black/white in the crowd somewhere. I need this.


Why would I fight you, you're me.

Holy shit it was real

Why the fuck did they give Leia new powers when they have to kill her off anyway? Oh right, the force is female now...

Because he's a fucking white male, the force would never help him because it's female, shitlord

>scene that should be noisy isn't

My theory is that Leia was supposed to die on that scene, but then Carrie died in real life and they didn't want to look like assholes so they wrote this "is saved by the force" scene to justify keeping her alive somehow.


zero because your virginity was right next to it.


kino post

>Uses force pull through feet to cling to side of reactor wall and simply walks up.

>pointing out science fact makes one a brainlet


>educate yourself
>just not with these books lmao

It’s actually pretty reasonable, in space there is no gravity, so she is just force pulling the ship back towards her, study Newtons laws children

someone do shooting stars

>luke struggles to use the force to lift basic things in ESB, needs tons of training to git gud
>leia can fucking fly using the force with no training and as she would be dying from exposure to fucking space no less
The scene doesn't make sense no matter what

It's almost like no thought was put into these films about how it would affect the over all SW universe, and how it would retroactively make shit retarded as hell

She was obviously holding back so she never showed her power level to anybody.

>reanimating corpses to sell toys to children
do they have no sense of shame?

holy shit

wrong on so many levels
>pressure change
literally 1 atmosphere

at best the big hole in the movie would pump out air pretty fucking fast, so you'd get it with a sizeable amount of force.

>ships stops if you run out of gas in space

I thought you guys were being contrarian faggots but its genuinely horrible

Oh fuck, I didn't even think about the "running out of fuel" in space thing. Jesus christ.

Do they just open the door for her or does the scene end there? I see no airlock.

They just open the door for her and they're standing by the door without getting affected by it at all.

The opposite happens, every exposed liquid boils instantly


There is an airlock, you're just blind

best line in the movie

>Liquids on the surface of her body will vaporize when exposed to the vacuum of space. Her skin, however, is sufficient to maintain her internal pressure, preventing any blood within her vascular system from boiling.
So, the answer to the user's question is no.

>lack of oxygen

forget about all that, what about decompression sickness?

it's not boiling, but by having no pressure water molecules just dissipate.
since you have water INSIDE you these molecules don't just go fuck themselves around bursting out for no reason.
So no, you don't boil, and it takes a shitload of time to freeze.
It fucks your eyes bad thou.

>water molecules just dissipate
in other words, boil

>it's not boiling, but by having no pressure water molecules just dissipate.

So literally boiling, "the vapour pressure of the liquid is equal to the pressure exerted on the liquid by the surrounding atmosphere." I also clearly said exposed liquids only

boil is a weird word for it cuz you inherently assume it's about temperature
If you had boiling blood here your vessels would be damaged, this doesn't happen in space
vaporize is probably more fitting

You're just a brainlet who doesn't know what boiling is tho

>throws you 0 degrees boiling water

At 0 pressure yes also it would still remain at body temperature for a while since the only heat loss would be due to radiation

not really considering you are literally conducting heat by touch

Touch with what?

I'm throwing water at you mate
with your face I guess



That movie was fucking awful.