Name a worse post-cancellation Futurama episode than "Attack of the Killer App"

Name a worse post-cancellation Futurama episode than "Attack of the Killer App"

Good luck. You're gonna need it.

It gave us "shut up and take my money" so it's not all bad.

>That whole bit with Susan 'BOIL'
Nah, I can't.

The Susan Boyle one. that the same one?


that one with the butterfly roller derby or whatever

It's the same one

2-D Blacktop. No contest.

The one where Amy and Bender want to get married, but Robo-Human marriage is illegal.

Also, the best episode, and imo the only great episode, is the one about Hermes and Bender.

All Nu-Futurama was fucking dogshit

I must be some kind of retarded fag cuz I liked those.


Oh yeah that one sucked. The one with the white 4D whale

What was that one about again? I remember some sort of time travel bullshit being involved?

the naked aliens i didnt like

2-D Blacktop is the one where the Professor becomes a road racer or some bullshit and Leela and him crash two ships together and enter Cheap Animation Land. I can't even really remember how they got out.

That other user is confusing it with Mobius Dick, which was about Leela getting obsessed with a fourth dimensional whale and shanghais the Planet Express and its crew to hunt it.

Oh wow, I don't even remember that episode at all. But another bad one was where they think Bender lost his memory and became Amish, but at the end they accidentally get the guy killed and Bender was completely fine.

You're mixing up episodes again.
Fry became Amish in "Ghost in the Machines".

Bender became a moon farmer in "Silence of the Clamps" and was killed but turned out it was just a Bender look a like.

Are you doing this on purpose?

You mean when Fry kills Bender by accident and Bender tries to haunt him so he had to go to Planet Amish? He came back at the end because he saved Fry's dumb ass and RoboGod thought that was fly.

It was an okay episode. It was trying to lay on Bender and Fry's friendship a little too hard though. That's kind of one of the biggest problems of the later seasons. Futurama was never really consistent with relationships, but the reboot was just all over the place with how everyone thought about each other. Every other episode was a complete contradiction and then the cherry on top is that is that we're supposed to care about Fry and Leela in the finale.

Futurama > Simpsons

the last episode was good