/CTG/ Channel-tans General

Wascally Wabbit Edition

Drawfags and Writefags are more than welcome to contribute

>What is a Channel-tan?
An anthropomorphic personification of a television channel.

>Why are you making these?
For the simple reason that we can.

>Why are they all girls?
Japanese -tan tradition. But we do have some boy -tans too.

>Where is the gallery for all the images?

>Where is the Pastebin for all the ideas?

>Previous Threads?

>How can I help?
If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them.
If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.

>How many Channels do we need?
All of them. but mostly those who are Sup Forums related.

And last but not least, remember to have

Previous Thread:

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Welcome to /CTG/!

So for some reason I picked the worst of my /ctg/ ideas to draw


I... I like it, for real draw a sequel, please

Damn Deida kinda lewd. I need more!

She looks so cute there, by the way - Good morning /ctg/

This is missing some UK console-tans (Sky, Dave).


Yes user we know, don't worry this isn't a weekly update. Usually the chart is update every two weeks.


I am not sure if that's sexual harassment, MTV Classic is enjoying the moment

Toony Dreams of Videogame Robots

hello hello /ctg/!
do you like bunnies, no?

Woah man that's freaking cool

Hey Flatwood!

Amazing art as always.

Hi Lune! Yes, we do like bunnies a lot!

Hey that was my request, grazie mille amici.

happy that you like it.

bonus round.

I love this crossover between Toonami-chan and Toony-tan and Nier Automata. Good shit, Flatwood.

I like bunnies.

I like 'em.

Afternoon/morning everyone.

Bunnies are love, bunnies are live.
Bless your soul sweet child.

sup noir.
go and tell that to axn, he doesn't want to wear the bunny outfit. ;')

She's just looking for a new patner imagine a world in hands of Vis and Foxes.


Vi, AMC and Discovery are up to something. I'm legitimately surprised with how Viacom is actually working with other companies, what's up with that? First he works with Fox and Turner and now this? When did he get this friendly all of a sudden?

I legitimately hope this happens, I hate sports.

Poor Toony she wants to be 2B but at the moment she's more like Yorha No.9 Type S

Is there a Disney Tan as Oswald or Nick Tan as a Rabbid?

Oh sweet jesus that's great

Not really, if you wanna try drawing this idea then go ahead user, and good luck

Sadly no, user. but that's a good idea.

He's trying to be stronger but he needs to shut down his enemies first or they will try to stop him.

Good Morning everyone! So for the past week I've been "bedridden" with the flu so that gave me a lot of time to doodle so I did a lot of Vivendi
ohhh get your cute butts ready ctg, I may or may have did lewd and will post later when I'm done coloring it

You're my savoir, DS Stoner. not a request but it would be cool to see Vivendi and the French-tan together, he's like their grandpa.

sup stoner, nice vivendi, tho.

Hey DS! Welcome back, nice to see our crazy frenchy getting some love!

TCM-tan is really shy but she gotta do what you gotta do and sine is Eatern and Bunny Time she needs to show damn legs.

don't worry, user. paramount channel will make her show dem legs.

Whas' poppin' /CTG/

Here's a little something that I was inspired to do after reading the last thread.


She needs to eat more Pringles in order to reach that type of body!

Yo, welcome back Stinkii. I see you're ready to hyper-blass G4.

g4, you'll never get laid after this.

the absolute madman drew a comic!
very nice my fellow stinkymaster.

Remind me to never, EVER, have sex with Vi's daughter's without his permission first. Or assault them either.

This is why he's called the Vi of Doom.

G4 has been playing too much Silent Hill. Vi probably has thugs to do that sort of things.

Pure nightmare fuel right there.

Vivendi is my class of guy, a little bit crazy but always classy asf.

I knew what was coming but I was not prepared for the scene with those tentacles, Viacom is really scary.

Flatwood you and Necro have made my dream come true, this crossover is perfect.

>"Omelette du fromage."

Glad you're part of the Bunnymageddon this weekend. Lune!

i had to, desu. i liked the request and i did it.

G4 went after his own daughter. There are some things one must do on their own, this is one of them.

Y'a know, for a second there I though this was going to have a much different scenario. How wrong I was, good work Stinkii.

Got a little request:
redraw this comic for ctg
gonna keep workin
have a nice day /ctg/

Have a nice day, hua!

only 3$ for syfy?
sup hua, tho.

To create, something of equal value must be lost. This is the principle of Equivalent Exchange.

Ayyy, Poor SyFy

Also, howdy ho Hua!

That's a very old comic and common parody on Sup Forums no harm intended

i didn't know! still poor syfy, she deserves better.

>Hua drew the pothead trio

This comic gave me life, good luck at work my dude!

Keep dreaming my dear Toony one day your dream will come true! But right now Toonami-chan is shining with this 2B Booty.

I'm pretty sure GaS will use the Primal Slime to recover and even create a better donger for G4.

leave that to necro. c:

1. Vi will have it removed.

2. It will never be his dick.

3. G4 will suffer.

I'm curious


Its always nice to see these cuties getting into some kind of weird adventures or just being silly

We are all curious, especially when it comes to booty.

I have no preference, I like everything on these thread. Cute, lewds, feels.

cute and lewd, fellow user.

Welp SyFy can't smile she's busy making more shark movies and working on new shows, she's tired 24/7

Meanwhile Stoner and TLAN gave a lot of time to SMOKE WEED ERRYDAY! :y


Flatwood if you're around could you draw a ChanneltanxHotline Miami crosover? there's a lot of tans who use bas like AMC and OSM

Hi there.

I dunno if I did good for Disney giving her new outfit since I discovered she has a little graphic rebrand:


uuuu~ I like those.

That was the scariest thing ever.

Who needs a million dollar smile when you have ten millions eye bags!

so cute ~ i dig the new outfit.
and sup perla, ofc.

I had no idea they got new graphics and bumpers.
By the way that's a cute outfit very Spring-themed.

Tell me what to draw

hm... i dunno.
and sup!

w-well then. high on the list of things that shouldn't turn me on but do

In other news, I have come down with the flu and I'm feeling like death warmed up on a sun scorched footpath. I kinda wanted to draw a lewd easter Foxtel, or even a cute Foxtel/FX thing for the holiday, but I can't stay focused.

So I'll leave it as a request if anyone's feeling like being an angel.

Not sure what you're looking for but I really like this idea, could you give it a shot?

AMC and who?

take care, noir, then.

One Saturday Morning

Get better soon, Noir


Suggesting Disney-tan doing a parody of Steamboat the Classic Disney short film and first cameo of Mickey Mouse.

You like the tentacles, don't you Noir?

Hope you get to feeling better, man. The Flu is a bitch. Just stay hydrated.

Thanks a lot Famalan.

That sucks mate I hope you're getting better, you should drink less boze today tho.

It could just be the Viacom stubble. And the beating. Something about beatings...

What if I have water with my whiskey?

But yeah nah, thanks everyone.

Honestly? I like both, especially if someone draw these two together, I mean cute and lewdish.

>Teletoon at Night throwing a heart

dunno why that's so funny to me, maybe cause she has a heart-themed patch lol

Thanks for including the links for a moment I thought this was a version inspired by Dsiney Channel circa 2000-05.

>Something about beatings...
Have you ever read about a Fight Club scenario with Viacom and FOX, or was that created before you came here? Well, if you haven't read it, then here's a pretty good story to read while you're down.


I think this is the first time I see Teletoon at Night smile, cute. I like it.

I wonder if the author still around, I would like to see a sequel or maybe another rewrite but now with the plot of "Zodiac".

Hello and good morning everyone !! I have a question to ask I noticed there the channel tan on DA grown more lately have anyone think to make a group for the channel tan ?

why not? i would love a da group for them.

That sounds like a good idea but being honest most of us are on tumblr, just a few on dA and it's easier to talk on tumblr thanks to their chat.

What masks

Mornin Guys

My suggestions are Tony the Tiger and Don Juan, but if you've a better idea for the rest then that's fine too!