Man Rape

I've never read this arc and stopped reading the series a long time ago

what was the outcome? did it happen again? did she get preggo? how did mark handle it?

She gave birth to his kid but nobody other than her knows it.

After a five year time skip due to time travel shenanigans, she's mellowed out and isn't a psycho any more, and is trying to tell Mark about the kid

wow user, this is not what i was expecting at all!

i was expecting real, psycological ramifications, but this is okay

thanks senpai

Mark had ramifications, he was fairl disturbed by the event and still brings it up from time to time.

When she came to talk to mark there was a fight but mark had to stop because he hadn't told everyone about the event.

how did he get an erection if it was horrifying and disturbing for him

>OH shit, bro! I wish a crazy chick would force herself on ME! You're so lucky!
Would you bring it up, this being the typical response?

The pussy game ridiculous

I wasn't implying Mark should have told anyone, he was raped which isn't exactly an event you share with the world.

Your body can react without you wanting it to.

Gonna need a sauce fampai

Simply touching or even thinking about your dick can get it erect.

The same way women have reportedly gotten wet during rape, your body just act against your will sometimes yet the scar remains.

We'll find out in about ten years based on the current release schedule.

But you can't rape a man?

Are you a grill? Its impossible to be a guy and never gotten an involuntary erection at one point or another.

Plus based on his race's history, violence is probably apart of their native mating process.

Are there even any more comicstories with reverse-rape in them or is invincible the only one?

The body responds to stimulation. It wants to reproduce, it doesn't particularly care about consent, unfortunately.

Haha nigga what?

Men are raped all the time at DC.

Erections are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, guys have no control over them

Midnight erections are the worst.

If the positions were revered there would be a shitstorm


Not really, unless you mean it's Nightwing doing it and not a R63 sort of thing.

He could tell his wife at least, this can snowball fast if she finds out trough other means and assumes Mark willingly had a child with someone else.

go burn yourself on a stove before you use that term again you fucking underage twat

Best solution I've found? Drink some water and go back to sleep.

that is the core question of all male rape claims

and I've yet to find a satisfying answer to that

The answer is simple biology user.

>After a five year time skip due to time travel shenanigans, she's mellowed out and isn't a psycho any more, and is trying to tell Mark about the kid
So she's still a bitch, eh? Is there a dicker move than try to tell the person you raped that he has even a kid no?
She's awful.

The name is rape. It works both sexes.
Dick Grayson had another infamous one, but without repercussions of any kind.

She knows. It had to pass a bit of time because melodrama issues, but she was told.


Women are also known to get lubricated and even orgasm from rape and it gives them all kinds of emotional problems afterward.

>Is there a dicker move than try to tell the person you raped that he has even a kid no?
Well, that's the exact reason for why she even did it, she wanted his kid.

When it happened I was surprised Mark even lost, she didn't seem that powerful on the viltrumite scale and Mark had gotten a lot stronger by then.

>how did he get an erection if it was horrifying and disturbing for him


Look, found a fem-user!

"Horrifying and disturbing" covers about half the erections a young dude gets.

Yes, for serious. Like your dick listens to you.... It's not a fucking pet.

She probably think images like this are just jokes.

I know it's what she wanted. But honestly,. telling him that she finally had the kid, is kind of cruel.

I think it was baiting, user.


I have to assume this is a question that only femanons ask because what guy hasn't had morning wood or the unfortunate classroom boner in their youth?

Sometimes it just activates on its own. Biology is fucked up like that.


If a man is erect during rape he cannot legally claim to be raped as arousement manifested in an erection counts as consent in most if not all western countries.

>The body responds to stimulation. It wants to reproduce, it doesn't particularly care about consent, unfortunately.

>"You have failed me for the last time, hUman."
>"Penis!? NO!"

now try using "it's not rape if she got wet" in court lmao

The same shit is brought up to discredit raped women, it's a really shitty argument


Sexist double standard. that's why we need true equality.

After a lot of work filling holes in my run recently, 110 is the only issue of Invincible I don't own. And just because of the rape, it sells at a premium on ebay. Maddening.

>and I've yet to find a satisfying answer to that
You need to take a biology lesson femanon.

I wonder how this story would've unfolded over a couple hundred issues had it not been ending at 144?

New to comics friend? Rape is old hat.

Not a long time ago in Aquaman he had sex with the sister of his wife while she posed as her sister, Arthur did not know anything until the deed was done so technically it was rape.

quite possibly he exhausted the hormones that would make you anxious enough to not get hard during the fight, so he couldn't stop himself

also violence being part of the viltrumite mating process if quite a possibility

>The name is rape. It works both sexes.
Tell that the porn sites.

But that is for easier database searches. I mean half the mongs already use femaleOnMale to tag maleOnFemale, we don't want them fucking up another tag.

vril dox got raped

his face makes me laugh in this page

to be fair I think this one is almost a double rape since she wasn't exactly in control of herself

Reminder that more women orgasm from rape than they do from consensual sex. This is documented fact. Men can also get boners and cum while having sex while asleep.

Ah yes, rape rabies. When will they find a cure?

Educate yourself.

Is that a happy trail of fucking back hair?

This, this also works in reverse.

you can force a semi-boner when you are about to piss yourself and it will help you to hold a bit more until you find a restroom.

...pretty much.

male rape victims btfo lol

The solution is simple:
Enjoy the rape, no psychological issues afterwards.

mane would be more of an appropriate term

This mindset is result of justice system built during the reign of toxic masculinity tho?

Documented fact, yet where is your source? Each shit.

The odds of conception and pregnancy also skyrocket when the female is either raped or is "cheating".

But whether this is the result of female reproductive system responding to power and danger with ultraheightened fertility, or if it's the male sperm that is more potent in the agressive alphas than the gentle average betas, remains to be seen.

Men get involuntary reactions, you could just be walking down the street then BAM, boner for no reason. Hell, a man can get an erection just by having his dick touched by someone else, even if he REALLY doesn't want it to happen.

Someone say man rape?

Who could rape Superman?

She's better for him then barbara


Well user you see humans are violent apes and violent apes make babies by raping eachother, consent is a social construct made by civilization(and pussy males)

That's literally Maxima's gimmick.

physical stimulus can work for both men and women, even if the person is afraid of it
that's why one of the reasons that some of the people who has been raped feels ashamed about what happened because they might even reach an orgasm
I've read about it on a BBC report some time ago

....are you serious?

It was satisfying to see Tarantula get killed with little fanfare in Secret Six

Anita nosekessian isn't relevant anymore

ok. I didn't ask if she was relevant anymore.

I hate it so much when people make this same argument about racism.

>"You can't be racist against white people! It's prejudice plus power!

What about Black people who hate Mexicans? What about Asians who hate Black people? If there's no power dynamic in the situation, then who's at fault? The whole idea of racism only being a "punching down" thing is just a way to justify hate. Anyone can be racist, and we'll never ever move past this if hatred against white people gets put in a special, it-doesn't-count category.

Sex is hard wired into all living species, user. Except pandas.

Fuck pandas that don't fuck.

how did Stealth die anyway? i remember been surprise when we saw her as a black lantern later.

, God pandas are stupid.
How do you fail at something so basic as procreation? It's like failing at failure, but still somehow not managing to succeed.

they even suck at it in the wild. There a damn evolutionary dead end.

A free lesson gents.

Sjw faggot spotted.

Damian Wayne is a rape baby. Talia drugged Bruce. Night Wong has also been raped.

