Is this quite possibly the greatest television show of all time?

Is this quite possibly the greatest television show of all time?

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It's quite possibly the best show about a samurai who time-travels and fights demons, though I'm not sure about this.

You know it's good when the only thing shitposters can complain about is something that hasn't happened yet



I'm looking forward to when the hype/anti-hype contrarianism wears off and we can actually discuss it critically.

>The only way the West can make a cartoon above 6/10 is to copy everything Japan does, right down to the Tsundere love interest

Oh my~.

This flag seems false.

I don't remember any anime being much like the original Samurai Jack - care to name one?

The new season, on the other hand...

It's by far the worst.

I fail to see why the season is considered an anime rip-off when it doesn't heavily reference any Japanese cartoon.

Doesn't have to reference anything, only be very similar to it.


It certainly is.


Hello caped baldy babe

Nah, it's a good television show but it isn't the greatest

well it clearly has all those anime gasps and grunts and very autistic conversations and phrases like "I was only pretending to be at my full power"

What new synopses? Still goes up to episode 8.

these kinds of threads only serve to promote criticism of the show

Ashi romance route is terrible and I will be very upset if it happens.

It's not even the best show on right now.

Now here's an user who's making some sense.

Sure, if you're a retard autist with low standards.

SJfags are cancerous.

Hi Sup Forumstard, go back to fapping to your busty animu figures.

It was never good

Anyone has the mega of the last episode ?

This year, maybe.

Wait for every episode then ask that question again

It's far from being great so far

It's very, very good, but I wouldn't go that far, anonymous.


Fuck you, season 4 is absolutely stunning.