Eobard Thawne Appreciation Thread

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>Eobard Thawne Appreciation Thread
>Posts garbage New52 Thawne



Posting classic Thawne.


That's the wonderful thing about Eobard; he will just keep coming back to troll.

Oh, make no mistake, New 52 Thawne was garbage in every way...but his suit was pretty bitchin.

I want to see the Earth where Barry is Reverse-Flash and Thawne is regular Flash just so the catchphrase can be



This is fucking amazing. Barry is an unapologetic asshole, gets speed, runs into the future because he's too chicken shit to change the past, and he runs into Thawne's time and ruins his life. Thawne becomes obsessed with gaining speed to run back and stop Barry.

Fund it.





Or Thawne is a hero throughout time and when Barry finally gets a chance to meet him, he asks Thawne to go back and save his mother and Thawne refuses because time rules

Barry becomes Reverse-Flash and undoes all the good Thawne has done to make himself seem like the hero before Thawne decides he has to go save Barry's mother

Barry hates Thawne so much that he kills his own mom to make sure he gets to fuck with Thawne

Zolomon was faster than Thawne

It's about charisma buddy

Wasn't he faster than everyone because his powers were time-based rather than speed-based?

The villian of a time traveller existing because the hero didn't fix his past,never heard that before


It's complicated. I think Zoom was faster in the present and during actual fights, but Thawne was more dangerous overall because he could actually fuck with things in the past.

Yep. Original Thawne was a speedster, but Zolomon could stop to like itself.

Thawne is a better character overall, though.


>snow-posting in a thawne thread

Meh I think it's about taste,Zolomons a fucking tragedy,plus all that weird attachment to his wife and his own denial of any wrongdoing was great,although Eobards fuck everyone attitude was also pretty good

just FYI - there's a Flash thread on /wsg/

she was way cuter before those lip injections. I mean good for her if she feels better but man I miss them

I honestly really like both of their backstories.

Matt Lescher is the best possible actor for younger, punchy Thawne that gives no fucks. Prove me wrong.

What's your favorite line or moment in the comics or shows from Thawne or Zolomon?

I don't want to.

>Thawne is a better character overall, though.

Thawne is a better villain, Zolomon is a better character.

I never thought about it like that but I have to agree.


>My fist hits like a white dwarf star
Wouldn't all that energy also destroy Wally's fist?

The costume is alright

I'll probably be playing Thawne more than Barry. His super works better for him anyway

Not really. It makes him look some sort of tiger.

>At light speed, my fist hit's like a white dwarf
>Not hitting like a motherfucking neutron star instead
lol what a weakling


What about Hunter Zolomon? I love Thawne, but Zoom gets overshadowed these days. Doubt he'll come back soon thanks to the Wally situation

Why are evil/good doppelgangers so fun?

Other user but I think the design is fine, I just hate Booth art.

I like Zoom but I feel like he wasn't that big of a deal in the larger context of Wally's run. He only really had one story. Kadabra is more the arch foe there.

>actually trying to draw the speed vibration effect and not just blurring him with photoshop

I really, really liked that effect in tandem with the (admittedly kind of silly) habit of running all his words together randomly. It, and his blue-and-orange morality just served to add to the fact that Zolomon was a man displaced in time.

On a slightly different topic, has any extended gameplay of Reverse Flash been shown from Injustice 2?

No. They only thing they've revealed is his intro. Hes exactly like Flash gameplay wise, only he has different lines, voice actor, and lightning effects

yeah i liked tom cavanagh as an older thawne who was more conniving, but matt letscher is fucking glorious as a younger thawne who is more smug and arrogant.

>yfw they still haven't put these two actors side by side as thawne together

Ah, oh well...I guess that's more than I was expecting from Mortal Kombat : Batman.

Seriously though, I feel like there are way too many goddamn Batman characters in the game...

Cavanaugh was a fucking genius in that role...he really elevated a decent first season into something really damn fun and complex. I just feel like the Zoom and Savitar lacked...something, so far. Like, Teddy Sears was an awesome actor, but I feel as though Zoom was just poorly written...and it's like they're trying to shoehorn Savitar into being Barry's greatest nemesis.

And Savitar is obviously future Barry, I mean come on.

Well on the bright side, Flash's moveset has been completely revamped.
>Lighting throw
>Hurricane Hands
>Mini Tornado
But yeah it is kind of Batman heavy, blame the casual audience and WB's need to pull in more cash. If they got rid of Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and arguably Damian, it would have been a tad better. Although its a solid roster despite the batwank

No. For the same reason running at near lightspeed doesn't dissolve him in fusion explosions and plasma.

I think Zolomon's slow, depicted descent into a broken man is a lot more interesting than Thawne.

Thawne's way better for memes, Zolomon's way better as a foil for his respective Flash.

Zoom's got a lot of problems.

One, he's Wally's villain. He doesn't work as a Barry villain, for obvious reasons. Wally doesn't have a book where Zoom can show up in. So he just gets forgotten because Barry's the main Flash and Wally's specific villains don't matter.

Secondly, he only ever showed up in like 4 stories as Zoom. Two Flash stories, that one big villain society thing with the JSA, and that terrible Bart Allen run story arc with Iris. 4 stories is not a lot of exposure. Only Wallyfags really care about him.

Whereas Wallyfags also care for Thawne. Heck, Wally's best story is with Thawne. Barry's best story is with Thawne. Thawne's clearly the best character for a comic book villain.

So How hard is he gonna fuck Bruce's shit up come wednesday?

Not at all. Batman never loses. Even Flashpoint, the Barry Allen story, ended with Batman winning while Barry was laying on the ground, beaten.

Nothing stops Batwank. NOTHING.

Thawne actually sucks but people love the potential implied by the meme instead of any execution.

The TV show might've done the best version of him which also explains some fandom

Return of Barry Allen is the best Thawne.

It's a fight between two Barry fanboys taken to their good and evil extremes. It was the best role possible for Thawne and the best Flash story ever because of it.

TV Thawne was basically a combination of comic Thawne and Zolomon. If they ever decide to bring back Zolomon in comics, I wouldnt mind seeing him sport the CW costume (practically the only thing I liked about that iteration). Could Zoom come back kind of like old Wally?

They could give Zoom a redesign based on Wally's new suit and make him pop up in Titans. Of course, there's no hurry to do something like that, so I can see why he's just forgotten right now.

Zoom doesn't work in a world where Barry's alive.

His entire character arc is begging Wally to time travel to fix things and Wally refusing, driving Zoom to insanity and hatred because he thinks a better hero like Barry would totally do it.

In a world with Barry alive Zolomon could just ask him and Barry would just go "Yeah sure wait right here" and go fuck with the timeline.

I like the redesign that Brett Booth gave him

Never do an open cowl with short hair. It looks awful.

I though Booth learned that when his first Wally design got lambasted for the head looking stupid (and he even changed it before the issue came out).

White Manta is the best

Agreed. WellsThawne really made s1 amazing. Feels like the producers have been trying to replicate that success ever since, hence Zoom and Savitar

I get the feeling we're going to be building toward Zoom returning. I mean sure Abra being the one to hijack Manhatten's plans and take Wally out was neat and all.

But I still await the moment in Titans when just when everything is turning up for Wally, that's when Zoom shows up. Afterall, Manhatten or whomever returned Thawne's memories. Sooner or later their gonna turn their attention to Wally. And that's when they send in Zoom.

The problem with Zoom was they were aping what Cavanuagh did. They really should have gone with the comic version instead of going all wonky with the alternate Earths.

How does Zoom work in a world where Wally has no kids to kill?

What? The show's about Barry Allen. You can't do comics Zoom in the show.

I want to see a Thawne/Manta team-up where they both think their rivals are dead and decide to open a detective agency and wear suits but they both wear their masks with the suits.

Their real goal is investigating their rivals' disappearance but they solve other crimes on the side so they can eat

He's still got Linda.

Not really. They're not together and frankly probably shouldn't get together after what happened.

Its White RAY user, and he's too good for this world

Zooms whole shtick is creating tragedy in Wally's life in order to make a better hero. So while we cant do the mourning after finger snap, Im sure they can still revive Zoom in the current timeline given his odd powers, and allow him to create tragedy in both Wally's lives

Zoom's gimmick is being driven insane by a lot of terrible shit happening to him and Wally not time travelling to help him.

None of that shit happened. Wally's like 22 years old now. It's not like Thawne where you can just go "lul SPEED FORCE" to shove him back into the new universe.

Fuck if Wally remembered Zolomon he could just avoid being friends with him.

Zolomon, much like Wally, doesn't work well in a universe with the legacy aspect ripped out. Especially in a universe where Barry Allen is The Flash.

Kill the Titans or anyone else close to Wally. It's really not hard to come up with an excuse. And why would he focus on Wally when Barry is around too? Maybe he sees more potential in him for some reason.

The reason he torments Wally is because he thinks Wally is a bad hero who wouldn't go to the lengths Barry would to fix things.

In a universe where Barry exists he can just go to Barry.

And again, we're ten years in the past. Zolomon's leg wouldn't even be bum, much less all the other shit that happened to him. Dude just does not fit.

>Kill the Titans or anyone else close to Wally

It's a real shame we never got that Flash family stuff post-Rebirth. Zolomon's so fucking screwed up. I would've loved seeing him go up to newly-Impulse Iris and doing his crazy eyed stare while telling her he's the man who killed her.

I'll never forgive the new 52 for costing us Zoom Corps War

Simple. Hunter has a happy life. Then he's hit with a blue wave of energy. He's back to Zoom. Happy life is wiped away. He remembers now who is to blame, Wally West.

Hey Wally has a new family in the Titans. Be a shame if someone killed them to make Wally a better hero.

I just finished the 2nd season of LoT

does anyone have a gif or webm of the army of Eobards

That was really great

Titans shouldn't just be a crappy Wally West book.

Somebody wanna post the real fucked up one where berry freezes reverse flash, and stick him in a museum?

That was Wally and the guy he froze was Inertia

Fucking TV show fans. Goddamn louses.

It was fucking stupid user. That many Thawnes jobbing that hard? Christ

Here's a protip: Calling one of the evil speedsters "Reverse Flash" is counterproductive and flags you as a casual. Either call them by their proper name or title

how about you stop relying on evil speedsters for your villains, flash

I love that whenever there's a Thawne thread, Manta's never far behind.

Honestly, we should get a team up of them sometime. Call it World's Pettiest or something.

I really wish we could customise premium skins - all that red detailing and the layout of the black armour really doesn't do it for me.

I'm looking forward to this, but please tell me he has the red glowing eyes.

Those are the best.

I hope Barry has gear that looks like Thawne's (but colors flipped of course). It looks better than his default Flash costume, thats for sure.
He has red lightning, and in his intro it does cover his eyes briefly

Might be unrelated but why has there never been a speedster that decided to deliver pizzas?

There's probably better paying jobs you can get with superspeed.

Lotta teen speedsters these days though

I guess it wouldn't speed up the cooking but it's one step closer to instant pizza