Shelf/Recent Purchases Thread

Just rearranged my shit so it actually fits on the shelf.

Post your stuff.

Other urls found in this thread:

And some stuff I have in another flat, mostly unread I'm currently working through while away from home for work.

More jealous of this part of your collection desu. Nice box sets, especially KLK.

My blu-rays are in utter disarray at the minute unfortunately. A total shambles.

that anime ltd merch tho. I got that nice Gurren set off them among others.

They make nice stuff, shame about the quality control.

I've had to get replacement shit for at least 3 or 4 of their releases, whether that be new boxes like Gurren Lagann or new discs like Cowboy Bebop or Durarara.

Waiting on IST to send me a replacement copy of Prelude to War of Kings.


Recent IST Haul, waiting on Prelude to War of Kings and hoping to buy War of Kings and Annihilation Conquest Omnis in the next couple weeks.

I've never posted my shelf before because it kinda has a bit of everything (including novels, law books, manga and sketch piles) so its kinda messy. Is thay still ok here?

I hate it when the creator's names aren't on the spine.


You pervert.

No credits on the pine for Legion?! WTF Marvel.

Shit is so good it's getting two more spin off series my dude.

I remember reading bits and pieces and liking it, but I'd die of shame having it on my shelf.

Didn't know Sunstone had hardcovers.

Sure. This is just an image board after all.

Man, most Marvel omnis are super bland looking. Wish more had interesting spines.

I wish I could afford them

Ok so I decided to partition my shelf since if not this would be a mess. Lighting is kinda bad but here goes.

1/3 (Fantastic Four, Superman and Haruhi Suzumiya books)

2/3 (Green Arrow and Shokugeki no Soma)

And 3/3 (Spider-Man and random Dc stuff)

I also have a Rurouni Kenshin manga boxset and a Bond novel collection in one of the compartments but its not Sup Forums related so oh well.

Most recent order. Also still waiting on my copy of Scurry. Also, the season 7 premier has me in hype mode. How are the MLP comic omnis?

You don't want people who will shame you for your kinks in your life, just buy the books and screw those who would judge, it's a fun book.

>Expecting the house of jew-dea's to put effort into their trades while selling them at non-jew prices.

Thats just not how they work, user.

I love them. They are the only thing I really buy these days. I like all kinds of comics, but right now, old and/or cosmic Marvel really have my attention. I especially like Kirby and the Doug Moench stuff like Werewolf by Night and Master of Kung Fu.

... is finally shipping out the omnis from the Marvel omnibus sale. my stuff should arrive on wednesday.

I seriously wish all of my books would look bland. way better if you have shitloads of books, but since I mostly collect science-fiction and fantasy stuff plus comics it's in all colors of the rainbow and ironically the "regular" books stand out like sore thumbs.

This is still my most recent shelf.
4 more Marvel omnis coming through next week as I said here

Is that Conan Omni TPB Busiek or something else? it has a diff spine than the one i'm looking to get


Yeah it's the Busiek stuff. It was released last december, vol 2 and vol 3 are getting released in the next few months.

Would have prefered the Colossal Conan but it's unavailable/moon prices again

How's the Fourth World?

Please Sup Forums I need your help I live in a small city in a shitty Latin American country (google translate help) so it's kind of difficult for me to buy stuff like comics and manga, bookdepository and amazon is where I buy most of my stuff but sadly out of 5 books 2 arrive with some details in the pages and corners thanks to the magnificent packaging they tend to use and this is more frequent with bigger books like the vig viz editions. so please I need recommendations of online stores that sell manga, I don't mind if they don't have worldwide shipping, but stores that really make an effort into the packaging so your books arrive in good conditions to your door.
image of my shelf with mostly shitty mangos.

How's Starseeds? Saw it the other day and the art interested me.

Here's my stack from this week! The huge stack is Exiles 1-94 ($35 at HPB)

Awesome. There's a new all-in-one omni coming out next december by the way, might want to pick that one up.

Great, thanks. I'll pick that one up.

here's my current shelf 1/3



Damn, nice haul
>New Frontier Absolute Edition
Didn't even know that exists!

Reminder to pre-order golden age Superman omnibus vol. 5 and golden age Green Arrow vol. 1

(1/2) Been putting together a Paul Pope collection lately. What's the white whale that you all have been looking for?

Also been trying to thin out my 40 book backlog, presently on From Hell.

Nice Hellboy, I have the same one about to murder Bat-Duck

I'm jealous of your Kirby hardcovers.

It's very loosely structured and is basically an action comic with a lot of spiritual subtext and an almost stream of consciousness writing style which is done almost entirely through narration. It probably won't be a top ten book of the year for me but it's very interesting.

>What's the white whale that you all have been looking for?
Until it was clear that they're going to collect them in the Silver Age Omnis, it was LoSH Archive 13.
Now it's Annihilation Omnibus, Colossal Conan and Infinite Crisis Omnibus, but I shelled out the money for Absolute Infinite Crisis instead and bought most of the TPB collections.
Also Paul Pope is fucking good taste and I love your corner shelf.

>I'm jealous of your Kirby hardcovers.
New Kamandi Omni in July, new 4th World Omni in December (both all-in-one), rest should mostly still be available at reasonable prices except for The Demon.

It came out originally a long time ago, it had a MSRP of like 50 bucks iirc

> $800 for IC omni
Holy shit. I'm not really into omnis, would somebody actually pay that much?
I'm all over that Kamandibus, but the 4th World omni is gonna be unwieldy as fuck, I've already got the paperbacks. DC fortunately seems to be reprinting most of the rest in paperback.

they're releasing tpbs of the shorter stuff like demon and newsboy legion

>would somebody actually pay that much?
no. that's why it's my white whale. it's aftermarket prices.

yeah, I checked it up myself and it says it's from 2006. no wonder it's OOP for a long time already.

How much did you manage to pick that Abs. New Frontier up for? Go ahead user, fuel my jealous rage...

Why do things have to cost money?


>edgar allen poe and not robert w service
i am maximun jelly of those 3 uncanny x-men omnis though. i just bought a gambit collection and AoA omni from amazon earlier today, cant wait. uncanny x-men omni vol 4 when? thats what im waiting for

what's with the batman comic on display? I get all the other ones but what's special about this one?

I have a fondness for the O'Neill/Adams run. I have a Batman 232, but there's writing on the cover so I'm going to sell that.

I remember in one of these threads a while back mention of some big amazon sale. werewolf by night and howard the duck omnis were discounted. anyone know any info on that? did i miss it?

ebay!! it's not too late

thanks! got both Howard and Werewolf for 70$. Couldn't afford any of those FF omnis or Mighty Thor but ill live


New Deforge

Highly recommend Batman: The Cult for anyone who hates Batgod. He is Batbitch here,

As for Gibrat, his only English translation prior to this was pic related. NSFW.

I'm torn Sup Forums.

Going to a convention next week, and have been saving $. However, there's currently a kickstarter for The Goon RPG (150$ for the whole shebang).

What do?

That Gorgo collection, is it any good?

Mine is like yours now: THB comics from Mars N.1. Also you need comics from Mars N.2, it's easier to obtain, and Giant THB 1.V.2
I love Pope, but fuck his numerology of THB series.

I found the first three ultimate collections of Stracynski's Amazing Spider-Man run for half off at a local book store and I'm tempted to pick them up, I have them on hold just in case. Idk if I should get it tho, you guys think there's a chance his whole run will be collected into Omnis down the line?

I'd say no, but they're doing the Clone Saga as omnis, so you never know.


I think thats only cause Clone Conspiracy was a thing, guess Slott would have to revisit the Animal Totems to get JMS' run as Omnis but I would probably find a way to shove Slott down an elevator shaft if he dared tried to touch on that lore.


Getting those last three for less than highway robbery is gonna take a lot of patience, but I have better chance of doing that than Pope collecting the series in color like he said years ago. Too busy with Battling Boy.

but what is it about?

I can't say I like The Goon so waste your money on the Con instead.

New stuff

How's the translation on those Blame? I heard they did some real annoying shit like change Killy to Kyrii.

Not that bad in my opinion. The name-changes are a bit annoying but it's not enough to impact my enjoyment. The dialogue is so sparse it's not that important anyway.

The large format makes it easily worth it.

Ordered Berserk 10-14, Vagabond 2, Gundam Origin 5 and The Complete Captain Marvel.
Gonna dip more into Bronze Age Marvel hi-jinks next month with Warlock and Simonson's Thor.

distinguished shelf

>Simonson's Thor.
wait for the re-released Omni in october

>wait for the re-released Omni in october
I guess an omni does look better than trades, but I don't know.

whatever you prefer then. omnis look better and are cheaper by the buck and usually are sturdier than trades but some people have problems handling them (just put them on your bed and sit cross-legged, easy reading) while trades are easier to handle in general but don't look so great and may break easily etc.

I'm the impatient type so just getting the trades seems more up my alley, never had any trouble handling big books. But I think you convinced me, I'll wait for the omni. Gonna get something else next month instead. But what?

How's Crepax?

Aren't the trades recolored garbage?

Omni is recoloured too.


> Solanin, AGOTS, Punpun
My niggah

I love DeForge, but who else here finds it annoying that all his books are different, non-standard size with no regard for shelves?

the og colors suck too.
I sold my omni, there is way too much Sal Buscema art in it.

You are a piece of shit and a retard and probably work for disney holy shit eat a dick and choke on it fuck you you retarded chimp those recolors are a crime against humanity and you should be put in jail and raped up the asshole daily.

other omnis?

I think it's good, I like the art but it really depends if you like trippy erotic comics

Regardless of color the Sal Buscema art sucks.

You post like an unlovable fatass.
Fat people are supposed to be jolly, try harder.

Still kind of mad they never collected the Green Lantern Corps run accompanying Johns' stuff. Would have made a great Omni or two. As it stands I need to pick up a mix of HCs and TPBs, which look horrible put aside each other, especially since I need to leave some of them out because they're in the GL omnis already.

Green Lantern it is.

they'll eventually do a green lantern by geoff johns trade series like they do with everything
maybe they'll do it then

yeah, i made a separate box titled for his comics where I dump everything in

When your discs get to that number you're better off just getting a large CD case.

I don't think any artist should take something like shelf consistenty into account when it comes to book design