Last's over

Just got back from the Last Jedi. I had read the spoilers earlier this week, so I was prepared for everything I saw.

It's a well put-together film, just like George Lucas said, but it completely falls apart the moment you try to think about it. All the flaws and criticisms that have been posted about it are true and valid. The end result? Apathy. If I'm being honest with myself, I really don't care what will happen in Episode 9, or the Han Solo movie, or whatever else they make after that.

There's obviously a market for this franchise still, and Disney will continue to make billions off of it. I'm just not going to be a part of that market anymore. And that's ok. I'm not sure where they are going to go with these movies, but it'll be without me. I'm at peace with that. After 30 years, this movie has shown me that it's time to move on.

cool, I'm glad you feel your opinion is big enough to not be posted in one of the other 10 threads

OP just broke up with Star Wars

god damn son are you me?
it's been a long time and i've finally laid it to rest. star wars is kill.

Pretty much this, thanks user.

I felt this way after ROTJ. I have never seen any SW film since 1983.

hug me anons, I feel exactly the same. it's like a part of me broke.

>It's a well put-together film, just like George Lucas said, but it completely falls apart the moment you try to think about it.
It sucks because I was in the theater with a huge Star Wars nerd and we were both freaking the fuck out over it and enjoying ourselves. Then I come home and literally EVERYONE is shitting on it for totally valid reasons.

I want to love it.

No George, no Star Wars. I don't care who's paid for the rights to display the corpse.

That's just the way it is.

I'm not disappointed, I never expected much. I'm not really sad, never was a fanboy.

It just feels like the closing of a part of your past. Like when your childhood pet finally reaches old age and it isn't unexpected or unfair, it doesn't break your heart cause you know its for the best.

But still. "Its gone, wherever it goes, for good"

This is how I felt after VII

I've moved on at the age of 14 when Revenge of the Sith was released. Man, the anticipation and those final words in the official trailer
Made me realize that 2005 will mark the completion of Star Wars. It was a satisfying ending and a great transition into the originals.

Now sadly Disney, much like the Disney sale, is beating on a dead horse in hopes that something good will come out. Nothing will, though. Star Wars is done but many cannot move on. Disney execs see Star Wars with $$$ eyes and fans get raging boners when they see or hear the words Star Wars, but, like stain on a carpet, nothing good will come out anymore.

ye this is how i felt after episode 7
glad i dropped it sooner than this

It's okay lad. We're here for you. We all have to come to terms with the fact that star wars is dead now.

Looking back, I should have let it go in 2005. It was right, but I felt like I could let it go on.

I never expected another film, I thought it could just be my little bit of geekdom. That I could carry on reading and pretending and it would never bother anybody.

I probably did know better but I was a kid. I was happy.

So what actually happens? So many fake spoilers I have no idea what to think. I am not seeing it until this weekend and I just wanna know how bad it will be.

What did you like about it? I want to have hope it is alright but I can't tell if people are just lying or being truthful.

Good riddance, that shit was never good.

>so many fake spoilers
uh huh

It was tough realizing that there wouldn't be anymore Star Wars movies but I've learned to get use to it.

pls, this is a rip thread, show some respect


I fundamentally disagreed

>all those stupid jokes

let me guess you another pathetic white male. fuck you. you don't deserve good star wars movies. star wars is for females and minorities now.

I felt it had its moments and was certainly better than 7 or R1. However, it had poor pacing and editing at times. I don't want to nitpick the film, but its enough to say that there is a good SW movie somewhere in Ep 8. It just needed to dial it back a bit at times

It was good. A long time ago, far far away.

EU gave you the ending you really wanted anyway.

Fuck Disney, Zahn's trilogy is the true sequel trilogy.

>its been 30 years,

go get a fucking life gramps, you should have stopped watching kids films years ago jeez

;___;7 "pottery"

>It's a well put-together film, just like George Lucas said, but it completely falls apart the moment you try to think about it

Just like Looper and all the other Rian Johnson films.

Alien was always for females & minorities. It was still a good franchise

>After 30 years, this movie has shown me that it's time to move on.
This. This is what it all boils down to. Soybois will never understand this.

I don't want to believe leia flys into space and makes weird noises user. I want to hope people are lying. Let me have some fucking hope.

>It all comes tumbling down...

There were points where it genuinely felt like old Star Wars must have felt. Awe and spectacle and intensity. Points where I was fucking speechless.

You’ll know what I’m talking about when you see them. The rest of the movie just feels a little weird though. Off.

>flies into space
No. She flies out of space into the ship. No weird noises.

1. Is the Stormtrooper/Phasma action worldwhile?
2. Did Rey actually collect ALL the books in the tree before Yoda destroyed them?

Op here - most of the spoilers floating around aren't fake, just go into any of the other threads on Sup Forums or to reddit or wherever.

- Luke Skywalker has a moment where he wants to actually kill his newphew, causing Ben to freak out and go bad.
- Luke shuts himself off from the Force, gives up on the Jedi dream and runs away to live like a hobo on an island as an abject failure.
- Neither Luke nor Leia believe Kylo can be redeemed or has any good left in him. Rey doesn't either.
- Reys parents are a bunch of nobody alcoholic junk dealers who are dead in a peasant cemetery on Jakku. She learns how to become a full-fledged Jedi in the span of 18 hours.
- Snoke dies like a retard after gloating how powerful he is, and isn't even given a throwaway line as to who he is or why he's so powerful or how he escaped the notice of the Empire.
- Kylo has a moment where he almost becomes an interesting character, but it passes and he doubles-down on being even more of an edge-lord than in TFA.
- Luke dies for some reason after making himself a hologram.
- The movie could have ended in the first five minutes if the First Order ships just engaged their hyperdrive for .5 seconds to jump in front of the Resistance ships.
- Phasma dies like a chump, and the entire Finn/Rose sub plot was literally pointless.
- Poe and Holdo are both idiots that could have prevented hundreds of deaths if they had just took 5 minutes to explain their plans to each other.

And on, and on etc.

That's how I felt after episode 2

>Rey doesn't either.
she does though? only by the end of the movie she rejects him but she 100% still believes he can come to the light

Phasma dropped the ball yet again, and there were only like 7 books or so in the tree anyway. They're in a drawer in the Falcon now, but they were only shown for a few seconds.

That's not how I interpreted it. She literally and symbolically slammed the door shut on him.

I'm in the process of trying to watch ESB to recapture the magic. I've seen this movie a few dozen times, and it's always been at least mildly interesting. Now? I can't find a fuck to give. Burn in hell, mouse.

1. No. She's in it for like 10min, gets 30 sec of action and then dies.

2. Yeah I think so.

I'm actually so fucking mad right now. That movie was straight fucking garbage. No real lightsaber fight. Snoke just dying without finding out who he is. Luke dying in the dumbest way possible. You mean to tell me that Luke fucking Skywalker's endgame was force projection? I kept waiting for him to start deflecting shit with the force or to launch rocks or shoot lightning. But no, he just sits on a rock and dies.

i hope you're right, user. or at least i hope JJ goes by your line of thought

Isn't Kyle possibly lying about Rey's parents?

At first I was genuinely offended I'd paid to watch this trash, now I'm just done with the franchise. Embarrassed I gave Disney my money in the first place.

Thank you bro.

After losing everything including luke (whom she met for like a few hours), her options are stick with the resistance or go back to a ruined Jakku. Kylo did a 180 after killing snoke and asking her to join him so that ship has sailed (for now). As much as i want to know what the fuck this force link will go (romance obviously, i know that much from KOTOR 1&2) I dont like the fact that it will have take another movie.

>most of the spoilers floating around aren't fake
They are ridiculously out of context tho, especially the Yoda scene

Any explanation as to why Luke fucking dies?

do they kill her off in the movie? been wondering how they would deal with her character since actress is dead.

>20 minute sex scene
Was it hot?

Force link, its like a vulcan mind meld but only between two people whom luuuuuvvee each other. Kylo was able to see all of Rey memories including her happy childhood with her parents before they dumped her in a ditch and flew off. Its pretty much the closest thing ur gonna get short of another movie that recons this.

fucking this you retards

i don't buy for one second that there isn't some gay ass "twist" headed our way with this one

the the kylo gets with rey is fake or real?

Not that guy, but even if that IS the case it's handled so poorly in this film it doesn't even attempt to generate hype for a potential truthful reveal in the ninth film, it just felt rushed, there was so little thought put into delaying the answers we've been waiting years for.

I feel the same way. What is even left for IX? Few characters I don't care about? It's over.

Why is there no stickied general? I'd like to know where I can just talk about the movie without getting the wrong thread.

She doesn't die - they kill off Holdo instead. But she doesn't actually do anything of worth after she wakes up, so they could have killed her when she was spaced and had a far more cohesive plot.

Might've made it bearable.


I thought that they'd be able to tie in JJ's mysteries with interesting ideas and not totally shit on Luke, Yoda, the OT and go full Sue with Rey.

I'm out.

If the normies like it, then good for them.

what are some of the worst "spoilers" you bought into Sup Forums? For me it was:

>story about Force Tree and little boy and girl becoming first force users
>anakin somehow being some sort of force walrus

I am genuinely astounded by this... And convinced they altered the story and replaced Leia with this literal who??? Because Carrie Fisher died irl, I simply can't believe this was their intent from the start.

hes obsolete

They both saw it.

>anakin somehow being some sort of force walrus
I was actually excited to see this.

this. rian clearly didn't make it so it could be a lie

when rey went into the dark side hole I thought we'd see it. what a let down

I grew up with Star Wars as a kid through and through, TLJ makes me pretty sad. That said, I've been watching Star Trek TNG on Netflix in the background, holy shit that show is good.

He was tired or something.

>luke milks a giant sloth and drinks it

Everyone saying "I'm done with SW" including you will just torrent the next movies anyway.

>- Reys parents are a bunch of nobody alcoholic junk dealers who are dead in a peasant cemetery on Jakku. She learns how to become a full-fledged Jedi in the span of 18 hours.

This is what confused me the most. What the fuck training did she need? In one session she basically learned everything she needed to know. I half expected her to raise the fallen X-wing out of the water as some sort of callback to Empire, but that didn't even happen. She was talking about the force on the same level as Luke fucking Skywalker after like 3 days on that island.

If Leia and Holdo had more or less switched places and Poe/Holdo actually talked like adults, there might have been the bones of a reasonable storyline in TLJ. Holdo should've lived so she could head up the resistance, Leia should have died to round out Carrie's last role and reinforce the message that it's time for old stuff to go like Kylo and Luke kept yammering on about.

They blew their load early
Why did they go ahead and kill skywalker? Why didn't he face kylo ren? Why let leia live??? WHY WHY WHY? This felt like the conclusion, except for the loose thread of the dwindling rebellion. FUCK THIS GAY MOVIE it orgasmed like a one pump chump

I think there is a throwaway line early in the film by Kylo that creating a projection would have 'killed' Rey, it's glossed over so quickly in literal seconds but I think that was Rian attempting to foreshadow creating this projection would ultimately kill Luke.

At first I thought 'well why didn't Luke just sacrifice himself in person?' But I guess this plays better into the films themes pacifism and the futility of conflict but nah, that wasn't the way for Luke to die and it felt massively out of character, Luke wasn't Yoda nor Obi-Wan, I don't care how long he's been stuck on his Island fucking porgs, it was a shitty way to kill the character.

Yes and no. There's definitely some sexual tension there (including a "humorous" scene where they're looking at each other via the force and Kylo has no shirt on and she blushes a little bit and asks him to put a shirt on, before screaming at him about why he killed Han Solo, the joke itself is very weirdly placed and poorly timed), and Kylo definitely could've gotten laid if he chose to get with Rey instead of wanting to become "da supreme leader" or whatever.

By the way, I'm having a hard time believing Kylo's reasoning for wanting to kill Luke isn't justified. Luke tried to kill him, isn't he right to be sort of pissed off about that?

He ascends

>a "humorous" scene where they're looking at each other via the force and Kylo has no shirt on and she blushes a little bit and asks him to put a shirt on, before screaming at him

This sounds like something straight out of anime.

And not give Disney one more $.

Same as Yoda, he served his purpose and the Force let him move on to the next world.

Does Disney have to pay Fisher's family to continue to use her ghost in the sequels or is it possible to sign off on that?

>the whole casino scene

>mfw i dropped it with TFA

>Any explanation as to why Luke fucking dies?

Lost the will to live


Long time fan since early 90s when I was a little kid I loved the original trilogy then the prequels ruined it forever.

Tlj isn't as bad as tfa but the ending is such a let down I just can't watch it anymore

the quips from poe to hux about 2 minutes in told me everything I needed to know. there was actually potential with this one but holy shit...really bad, feels like I put the family dog down

How can I watch this movie without going to the theater?

I don't understand why there's star wars fans that were disappointed with ep7 bought tickets to see this one. Star Wars died as soon as I heard that disney was injecting some gender identity politics. This isn't science fiction or fantast, it's propaganda. It's just cheesy. Imagine disney deciding to promote clean teeth and toothpaste in their movies. It feels just like that, it doesn't feel genuine or inspiring. It's just a dull promo.

They took a massive shit on the original trilogy. What a fucking horrible way to treat the character of Luke Skywalker. A literal middle-finger to the fans of those movies.

>the force confirmed for the villain
>Kreia was right

You forgot dem titties

Honestly, it would have been better than what we got.

time to live life user. star wars is over

Luke dying as a result of projection was retarded and unnecessary. It makes way more sense that he would show up in person and simply let Kylo kill him after fighting for a bit (he even says "if you strike me down in anger I will always be with you") , showing that he has learned from Obi Wan after all these years. This explanation is just a total mess and is completely unnecessary.

Yeah, I will likely end up seeing it eventually, but I won't be buying tickets, going on opening night, buying any merchandise, etc. There's no point.

Hyperspeed ramming scene was pretty cool. Everything else not so much

How about that scene where luke sucks on dem titties whiles staring into reys eyes.

Yeah, me too. I've been watching TNG lately and it's pretty comfy.