What am I doing?

>What am I doing?
>Oh, nothing
>Just starring in two million-viewer episodes less than 12 hours apart
How can a woman be this based?

Years of practice


>MLP getting a million viewers for an episode

>Bringing up MLP outside of /mlp/

And I don't even hate her

>in alternate timeline she is doing the most hardcore porn you can imagine


>in alternate timeline you are Tara Strong

>You ever feel like you were born in the wrong universe?

in an alternate timeline you are doing tara strong.

>bringing up MLP
Just how schizophrenic are you?

when will she voice a crystal gem?

>in alternate universe she does Raven not in TTG but proper regular series continuation

As if that show needs to get any shittier

SU casts pretty much entirely literally-whos. And Nicki Minaj that one time.

Does SU even have consisting voices?

>Not knowing who Estelle was before SU

Did you not listen to any music in 2008?

Her left eye is fucked up.

To be fair, that was the year Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers were everywhere, it was hard to find decent music.

Shes good and her enviroment is tilted in her favor.

>Implying you're still the star.

You're not Kelly Sheridan.

>boy band #284
>Popstar created out of a tv show, a bad tv show
People have the worst taste in music.

I'm not looking at her eyes

the left eye on that picture always weirds me out. It's almost like she's covering up a week old black eye

I wants to fuck her rough-like

Is this thread an excuse to post Tara's tatas?

>implying that requires an excuse


God I want to fuck her

>Just starring in two million-viewer episodes less than 12 hours apart
I mean holy shit it's true
and she plays an important role in both MLP and SJ

she doesn't even have to do any voices, I just want to see those beautiful, expensive tits


>pretty much entirely literally-whos
>Not knowing Aimee Mann, Estelle, those bitches from orange is the new black or Patti freaking Lupone

Tbh if anything SU needs more literally whos

AJ Michalka was huge on Disney Channel when I was a kid, and I've at least heard of Aimee Mann and Kate Micucci. I didn't know her by name, but Susan Egan has that Disney star power.

>>Not knowing Aimee Mann, Estelle, those bitches from orange is the new black or Patti freaking Lupone
I don't know what any of this is.

I really doubt either SJ or the horse toon pull that kind of viewership anymore.

She is the kind of woman I would call "mommy" while I'm balls deep.

Estelle's a pop singer most famous for American Boy, a hit song she made with Kanye West. Orange is the New Black is a popular series on Netflix. Patti Lupone is an older actress best known for her singing tenure on Broadway, but I don't know how much sway that has outside of theater enthusiasts because I'd never heard of her. Aimee Mann is a middlingly popular singer; I've really only heard of her through Portlandia but I'm sure she has a decent fanbase.


I would trade my life to fuck her for a single day.

SU cast stage actors and musicians instead of voice actors. They are mostly more famous then most cartoon VAs, but you just don't recognize them because you only watch cartoons and play video games.




I don't know about you, but in 2008 I listened to Two Gallants, Brian Eno, LCD Soundsystem and local revival math rock. Do you even Sup Forums?

Being her kids must be suffering


She shoulda been in porn.

It's not about what you had on your MP3 player, it's just hard to avoid popular music if you leave the house. I was in 8th grade and it played on my schoolbus and at dances.

I also found Sup Forums in 2009, as a high school freshman. I'm 21 now.

SJ had well over a million viewers last week, I don't have the image with the stats saved but I assure you it's true.

Last time I checked MLP had trouble getting over 300k viewers. By now it's half dead.

>it's just hard to avoid popular music if you leave the house. I was in 8th grade and it played on my schoolbus and at dances.
Maybe that's why. I found it pretty easy to avoid all normie music at college.



>Last time I checked MLP had trouble getting over 300k viewers.

>local revival math rock


You do realize that ratings don't mean jackshit for Hasbro, right?
Discovery Family doesn't reach a lot of homes to begin with due to its placement in premium cable packages, so they couldn't really care how many people they reach.
Since Hasbro sees their shows as essentially 30-minute advertisements, the fate of their shows depend on how much their toys sell.
e.g. LPS which got cancelled after Season 4 because their toys weren't selling.


>LPS got cancelled
It didn't, they just switched formats. LPS still sells a bucketload of toys, but the show didn't help sales so they retooled it.


It's not a question of whether there's homemade porn of her, it the question of when we'll get to see it. It would be a bit sad if we will have to wait until she retires, or worse, dies before it's released by someone. The reason she hasn't leaked it herself is obviously her children's media career.

Not me god damn hearing the latest fucking hit in the dorm played on every floor of every building for a month straight can make a man go fucking crazy

>Last time I checked MLP had trouble getting over 300k viewers. By now it's half dead.
No wonder, the new season opened today with two episodes focused on Poochie. And the new one is a fucking baby episode.


An hour. Just an hour.


I won't lie, I would too but my mouth would be too full of tit to speak

I'd smash honestly.

20 seasons, 4 movies.


Is funny how her skin look smoother than Jessica Nigri skin, even if nigri has half her age.

>>What am I doing? Oh, nothing, just-
fuck off with this embarrassing shit