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They're still gonna watch the rest like the good goys they are, and so will most of you.

It'll still make a billion though. And then so will the next one. I don't know what can be done.

Does that mean we like it now?

Except genderfluid gentlexen in her claimed it was going to hit 3bn with ep2 alone.

good, it was atrocious

Holy shit I've been looking through the tweets and I've only seen TWO good reviews, normies are even questioning RT. This is gonna be fucking great.

Daisy Ridley will have to be accused of sexual harassment before the year is over, that'll fuck it all up.

Nah it means we like TLJ. We'll praise it as the one that normies don't understand.

Do you think there will be some sort of reviewgate where people start questioning why such a shit movie has such good reviews, and all the paid reviews and articles get outed?

Leia flying is the part many hate the most. Jesus christ JJ im sorry for the comments i made in the past, please save this shit

Wtf I love the last Jedi now?

>please raise this franchise from hot garbage to serviceable

the first 5 tweets i searched were positive


It's kinda nice seeing people aren't nearly as excited for these Star Wars movies as they were for TFA. Rogue One and TFA helped to kill off so much good will that the franchise had going with audiences.

This is the BvS of Star Wars.


keep scrolling buddy

>beat for beat copy of Episode IV
>Less than serviceable
You keep telling yourself that

Let see how Disney will try to damage control

JJ Wasn't supposed to direct Episode IX. He's directing Episode IX now. Disney already knew.

All the positive tweets aren't even positive, it's just them being bitter about "star wars fans not liking muh new disney movie" which says a lot about the target demographic the movie was aimed for.

twitter threads are the lowest form of discussion

can't expect much from amerimutts whom take their direction from their cheeto emperor on such a trite and meaningless platform

the laura dern kamikaze silence is just BEGGING to be heckled

Just because they tried to copy it doesn't mean they succeeded.
nu-Star Wars is all shit, the last good Star Wars thing was the Clone Wars.

but user, you'll only truly appreciate the movie after you see it at least 4 times in the theater, so fork over your cash.

oi vey.. all those bad reviews.. it's like anuda shoa in hea

Sure but the hype will die down if this continue.
I expect a public sorry for fan and promising that Jew Jew will save what's left of the corpse kek

What were they honestly thinking? How could they possibly think that was in good taste to her memory?

Go back to redit

scrolling more doesn't change the fact that there are more than two positive reviews. Also honestly embarrassing RT and favs lmao

>inb4 tomorrow morning Sup Forums suddenly love TLJ, calls it kino and the thinking man's movie

>the Clone Wars cartoon

>JJ im sorry for the comments

don't apologize to Jar Jar abrams

Never wached any Star Wars, Star Trek or whatever the fuck it is movie or episode in my life and im never going to.


ITT: films women will never understand

I know people say it a lot but the more I think about this film, given it's context, this is probably one of the worst films ever, period.

The worst people are the ones bothering to screencap these random twitter posts from nobodies as if they're somehow meaningful.

is he right

>most uniquely creative
This faggot obviously doesn't know what star wars is. If it were creative at all that dumb asian would've been a Duros or something non-human

as long as they aren't cherry picking the tweets, it should be a good slice of the general population's feelings on the movie

who gives a fuck what some shitskin literal who thinks

stop doing this you brainlet cocksleeve

Seem like it's a divided reaction again
Either you're a manchild playing with toys and hate it guts or you're a brainlet that love everything shit out by Hollywood.

jj on suicide watch

I can assure it's not, look at the tweets. For every positive one there are 10 calling the movie garbage. I actually didn't expect this.

It's not cherry picked, check the hashtag.
Star Wars is FINISHED. If only

>Star Wars hype ever dying
The Prequels couldn't kill Star Wars hype. This won't either.

>it should be a good slice of the general population's feelings
>several badly spelled tweets by idiots from bumfuckistan and whoville

eat cyanide senpai

Are you people actually retarded or am I biting bait? People talking about bringing back Lucas. Thinking the prequels were better! The prequels! Yes there are a ton of stupid moments and plot holes but let's not pretend this was even in the same galaxy as the worst movie ever made list. We are still in the same year valerian and Ghostbusters came out ffs.

Holy shit people hate this film, JJ has to save this franchise from itself.

No wonder John and Daisy don't want to continue after episode 9

No plot progression for Finn at all. Rey's whole story revolves around two dudes now.


It didn't die because Disney promised "it will be a totally Star War experience for the fan guys"
Now after this movie many won't buy their bullshits anymore

Episode eight was filmed before she died numb nuts

I didn't see anything wrong with the flying thing, it was nice to see a force user do something actually cool.

What ruined the movie was the boring as fuck larger plot and the half dozen subplots.

>Vader kills Sheev in third part of OT
>Kylo Ren kills Snoke in second part of NT


it'll be like you never watched it so long as you pirate it

JJ didn't do TLJ, he's in his mansion sipping away on TFA money while laughing at Disney

Maybe they've rehashed everything possible, and episode IX will finally be original.





>twitter normies and Sup Forums have the same opinion

hmm, really makes you think

yeah that's the general population.
Think of the dumbest person you know, half the country is dumber than that

Just like DCU.

nice try disney

searched through a bunch of tweets and the normie scene make me disgust
What the fuck is creative and difference about this shit? They just grabbed a bunch of plot point from ESB and Return of Jedi and slapped them together. Or are they considering more quips equals news and changes?????
Some even suggest academy award for this what the fuck

You forget. There's still the prequel trilogy to 'take inspiration from'.

fuck you, latinas are way better than white women

Just got back, I liked it more than 7.

Star wars space battles
doesn't feel boring in parts, unlike 7
kind of feels like character development is taking place, especially with poe and finn
why are they dropping bombs in space
if a ship at hyper can do that, why do all craft not have hyper missiles or why doesn't everyone just make giant rams with hyperdrives and shoot them at each other
imagine what it would do to a planet
why do porgs exist
why is being force sensitive near automatically unlock talent now
why is Rey the only person in the entire rebel fleet that has been "awoken" in this way
that whole casino part was pretty meh
fuck porgs
need more captain phasma

This will be sufficient cause for Disney to double down on rehashing shit like they did with TFA. Once they do everybody will say how great it is.

I think in terms of how easy it would be to just copy the originals and dole out fanservice, he's not completely wrong. Star Wars movies could be made on auto-pilot and fans would eat it up. It took a strong sense of pride to release a steaming pile of shit like the Last Jedi, a sense that you know better and can keep the franchise going after wiping the slate clean of everything that came before it.

>why do porgs exist

After the Ewoks, you should know damn well why.

>waited 2 years

That's the problem. You can't make a good movie in only two years. You need at least three.

But this movie was a huge rehash. It was literally Empire Strikes Back with some elements of ROTJ.

Mate, its OP, it's literally the trending hashtag #TheLastJedi and its all the top tweets. Just check for yourself.

Why are there so many quips
Every serious moment a character had to say something snarky or do something "funny"

vaginas are nice but their opinions are discarded asap stop thinking women have anything worth saying

Oh god RLM is gonna have a field day with this one.

It really is strange how critics praise the movie yet the fans dislike it, the mouse marketing department really does the job good

The positive thing about the prequels was that they expanded the universe. Unfortunately the sequels haven't progressed the setting at all from the OT.

>why are they dropping bombs in space
>I literally know nothing about Star Wars

You know something sucks when fanboys defend it with adjectives like “bold” and “creative”, especially compared to previous installments.

They were. Apparently their reserved in advance tickets for an early showing were 'lost' mysteriously.

the RLM review is going to be the final nail in the coffin.

it was kino
wait until the armond white review btfos the normies hating it

>the normie are pissed guys

It was so bad.

Code word for "we need to wait to see what the majority opinion is and copy that."

idk seemed like a normal ep bro

yeah that was pretty shit too, it makes a cheap joke at the expense of any dramatic tension
"yeaaa suck it chrome dome wew"
pls no

Yes, but they will interpret it as being bad because they were too risky with their deviations from the source material.

Nah it wasn't like ESB but it was shit. I give em props on trying to be original but christ Leia flying, Snoke being a litteral WHO, and Luke dying because of..... force magic from being a hologram basically was horrific

Fuck Nu Wars



How can so many normies hate it when all the reviews were so glowing?

>proof of the kind of nerd you are

That's Whedon's style, and it's basically the norm nowadays.

Nothing can ever be sincere, and all tension has to be undercut

Armond White review, you mean


reviewers give glowing reviews because they don't want to get on the wrong side of Disney and Star Wars

nigger WHAT? B wings, Y wings used directed, guided bombs (torpedoes), not "dropped" bombs. How do you not get this difference?