What if in the new movie The Hulk turns out to be Edward Norton? And then Thor looks at him and says "Your not Bruce."

What if in the new movie The Hulk turns out to be Edward Norton? And then Thor looks at him and says "Your not Bruce."

This would never happen, but man that would be a great twist even if it means zero fucking sense.

Multiple hulks would have come up previously, they might have mindwipe Hulk which really makes the most sense to me with his absolute brutality towards Thor

Unlikely at best. Universal was the ones pushing for Norton, but Marvel wanted Ruffalo from the start. Not to mention that Norton is notoriously difficult to work with at the best of times, so I doubt Marvel would want that kind of headache just for a silly moment like that.

Multiple Universes another group did the Planet Hulk bit and he ended up there.

Amazing thread, thanks for making it.

You are a complete retard. Unless they cast Norton and kept his name and filming schedule completely under wraps (a damn-near impossibility in this day and age), he is not going to be in this movie in any capacity. Mark Ruffalo is The Hulk, and you need to learn and respect that fact. Now go play in traffic.

Think that would confuse people. TIH is still part of the MCU whether people like it or not. Still, OP had a really cool idea.

are you mad you didnt come up with it?

itd be a pretty cool twist, however unlikely it may be

i would personally love it because I think Norton is a better Banner

>OP had a really cool idea.

>itd be a pretty cool twist

There is nothing in the MCU at the moment to suggest the existence of alternate realities. Springing it on people out of the blue with a reversion to prior casting that has already been handled would be a completely idiotic maneuver for no reason other than to answer a "wouldn't it be cool if" question.

Nothing that has ever been done to answer a "wouldn't it be cool if" question has ever turned out well.

>There is nothing in the MCU at the moment to suggest the existence of alternate realities

Okay, so I fucked up. But what point would Norton!Banner serve in regards to the overall story of "Thor: Ragnarok"? How would Marvel get around already having re-cast Banner/Hulk years ago and announcing Ruffalo's involvement in the film well ahead of its actual production? What purpose would this idea ultimately serve besides answering a "wouldn't it be cool if" question?

the current mcu hulk is very obviously patterned off of ruffalo's face. norton's emo hulk has a totally different face and body than ruffalo's.

Angry lil fella

When Edward Norton gets only kinda angry, he turns into Mark Ruffalo.

>What if in the new movie The Hulk turns out to be Edward Norton?
God i wish, the new actor is so shitty i don't like Hulk anymore

Agreed. Fucking can't stand ruffalo, all he does is a stereotypical cliche nervous scientist. Norton actually had a personality.

Well that sucks for you because Ruffalo is going to be Banner/Hulk through at least the Infinity War movies.

> I know him from work lololol

i think it was a fictitious scenario captain autism

Wouldn't it be cool if I shot the Pope? HEY IT'S JUST A FICTIONAL IDEA, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT AT ALL

Interesting theory, but one small flaw.


Oh, and it's pretty unlikely because AFAIK Norton didn't want to do it any more after one movie.

What if turns out to be Denzel Washington?

Holy shit, that makes no fucking sense at all, you're probably right.

Even dumber. How fucking retarded are you assholes? Ruffalo is Banner/Hulk, fucking deal with it, pissbaby.

Denzel clearly plays Cho hulk.

See, diversity, we cast a sexagenarian African-American as a teenage Korean!

Ruffalo is Banner/Hulk. Deal with it.

But would that make him more or less diverse? This is important.

What if Ruffalo isn't in it, it's not the hulk at all and is just an illusion created by the scarlet witch?

Final Boss: Red Hulk, who turns out to be Bana!Hulk

>asians have it good
>basketballs are on the come up
in terms of diversity points it's equal to one white man

Marvel has confirmed his involvement. He has confirmed his involvement. Deal with it.

it could be Thanos painted green we don't know

It is the Hulk. Mark Ruffalo is playing the role. Pull your head out of your ass and accept reality for once in your miserable existence, you diaper-hoarding shitpile.

You know what I just realized, it could be this guy.

it is Mark Ruffalo. Accept reality, fuckstick.

>being this easily ruffled.

Are you secretly Mark Ruffalo? Is that why you're so easily ruffled? Why aren't you appearing in Thor: Ragnarok?

Come to think of, it's probably Robert Downey Jr. They can't make a movie without him in it. So he's Hulk now too.

I am not him. I am simply someone who sees you imbeciles trying to pass off a "wouldn't it be cool if" scenario and asking you to accept that not only is it a dumb fucking idea to begin with, but it is not going to happen because Ruffalo is already cast in the role, the film is likely in post-production (making impossible a re-write and complete re-filming of the movie to work your idea into the movie), and the idea is stupider than the piles of shit that come out of your ass.

Aha, so "we have a hulk" was the Royal We.


>Aha, so "we have a hulk" was the Royal We.

No, it was referring to The Avengers.

But naw, I'm pretty sure it isn't Mark Ruffalo this time tho

Prove it. Prove it is not him. Go track down every bit of information that says he is not in it and come back to me with it. PROVE HE IS NOT THE HULK IN THIS FILM OR I WILL BOOK YOU ON A GODDAMNED UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHT.

I wonder if, and hear me out on this, if they're going to do a throwback cameo, it wouldn't be Edward Norton, I think it would be Lou Feriggno. Think about it, he's the obvious choice when it comes to this movie.
Marvel loves throwbacks like that, they did it with Howard the Duck.

They are not going to do that. It is Mark Ruffalo. Prove he is not in the film or shut your goddamn whoring mouth.

Mark Ruffalo aside there is nothing wrong with united airlines

The free market says otherwise.

man i think thatd be really cool

wouldnt really be any dumber than anything thats happened in the rest of the films either

What's it like being autistic?

Actual, PHYSICAL evidence of autism, people

Imagine the scene: Thor stands before a group of humans, each claiming to be Banner, but not one of them being Ruffalo. He's rightly confused, he would be standing there thinking to himself; "what in Midgard is going on?". That would be great.

What is it like to deny reality?

But would it make sense in the storyline? Would it offer anything relevant to the goddamned MCU? What the fuck reason would there need to be for this shit to happen other than "wouldn't it be cool if"?

Everyone who thinks you are a reality-denying horsecocksucker is an autist, huh?

What the fuck purpose would that serve in the larger storyline of the film?

Were you bullied as a child?

It would tie all the other story lines together.

(spoiler: no one is actually suggesting Ruffalo isn't Hulk, it's just hilarious watching you autistically trigger every time someone suggests otherwise)


Mark Ruffalo won't be Hulk. I have proof.

>would it make sense
yes why is this concept of norton being another hulk so confusing to you

>would it offer anything relevant
second hulk plus a twist, dont see how that isnt "relevant"

>what the fuck reason other than "wouldnt it be cool"
thats the reason, dude, its more than good enough for me and what im trying to tell you is that its probably more than good enough for the writers

How? How in the fuck would it tie into any other goddamn storyline in the MCU? What the actual fuck is your damage?

You have no proof. You are a liar and probably a fucking pedophile.

There is no prior setup for there being two Hulks, two Bruce Banners, or anything else you would need to do to justify this stupid fucking idea that exists only to answer a "wouldn't it be cool if" question that never needs to be answered because it might be "cool" to you but it would make no motherfucking goddamned sense in the context of the film as a standalone film, the third film in a trilogy, and the latest film in the overarching MCU.

This niggas actually autistic

>Norton's one of my favorite actors
>The Incredible Hulk was my favorite Marvel movie
>totally obliterated from the canon
This is a deep pain. Ruffalo's generally affable portrayal shouldn't have the power to hurt me like this.

Holy shit I bet it's general Ross.

It is Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk character he has already played in other Marvel films. Deal with reality, pissdrinker.

>no setup or justification

that hasnt stopped marvels writers before

I think Chris-Chan is in this thread.


They've totally set it up to be Ross though. How can you not see reality? Banner will be on earth the whole time and Ross will be this new, angrier hulk.

I am not a Christian.

It is Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk character he has played in previous Marvel films. That is reality. That is what you have to learn.

But the hulk is just a big dumb monster. Ross would be able to keep his senses enough to do pic related. That is how Ruffalo has played the hulk in the last few movies, he's not going to change that now.

Mark Ruffalo is The Hulk in "Thor Ragnarok". Deal with reality, just like you had to do when you walked in on your mother blowing your five-year-old brother.


woah what

Nah dude my dad works for Marvel and he said the Hulk is actually Stan Lee.

Your father works for the local school as a janitor and he is as full of shit as the toilets he cleans. I bet he eats a little bit of that shit, too.

Ruffalo calm down. I'm sure they'll let you play hulk again in the next movie.

Mark Ruffalo is playing The Hulk in "Thor Ragnarok". Provide incontrovertible and independently verifiable proof to the contrary or go piss on the nearest electric fence.

You'll just have to wait and see my man.

But that's dumb, The Avengers don't have a hulk any more, he's in space now.

And played by Denzel Washington, I guess?

>The Avengers don't have a hulk any more

They did in the first Avengers film, which is where that "we have a Hulk" line was from.

That is not proof of anything. Go fuck your father's ass after your grandfather gets done with it.

>>>>>>>>>roblox (dot) com

The fuck is a robloxdotcom?

>btfo'ing and autist this hard
haha holy shit user

Fuck off back to Sup Forumsmblr newfag

>Fuck off back to Sup Forumsmblr