My childhood self insert died!

>my childhood self insert died!
>my snoke theory was for nothing!

These seem to be the only criticisms.

Other urls found in this thread:

>t. Mouse shill



That's four good ones to get started

shit i wish i was on their payroll. hit me up disney.

The complaint about minorities is of course typical invalid /tpolv/ shilling

The rest is warranted
The tone is off balance
The humor is the wrong type
The plot makes no sense
Snoke is a nobody they made up in the previous film no big idea as to his identity and were still working on the design and changing it just weeks before release, so criticism of him and their use and set up AND THE FACT THAT THEY SAID IT WAS SOMEONE FROM THE PREQUELS
Is valid


>The complaint about minorities is of course typical invalid /tpolv/ shilling

Fuck off retard. Like captain problematic and fat chink were good characters

Why dont you fuck off. Finn is based.

Shes a Jedi
I distinctly remember in the EU books I read as a kid Luke performed several EVAs without a pressure suit thanks to the Force

it's too bad they went with force projection, this would have been the perfect explanation for Luke suddenly appearing to help the rebels

I have a very valid complaint. Kylo's unique outfit has gotten a simplified design so he doesn't look as cool anymore. I can't believe they did this.

>$300 for a plate of sushi

good or bad characterization and dialogue has nothing to do with the performers skin color or gender
>captain problematic
who would think that in a galaxy far far away some humans might have purple hair?
>fat chink
well you're clearly making an honest argument here and not based on preconceived biases

when user says "captain problematic" they are talking about Poe being replaced by the purple haired dyke for command instead of him, to give women their power fantasies or whatever

Those are some pretty BIG criticisms dude.

(((they))) fundamentally misunderstood what star wars is about and are literally parading a dead corpse around with chi and beating a dead horse over and over yet you pick at the actual fans that have the balls to say they don't like it? Fuck you soyfemenist

You're saying them like they mean absolutely nothing.

>Luke is completely mishandled
>Snoke equals to nothing
>forced jokes

I don't give a shit about minorities though.

How are the user reviews, mouse shill? Are they everything you hoped for?


What about the fact that the entire movie is one giant exposition fest?
Literally every scene and action is explained before it happens and after it happens on-screen, it's like a damn Dr. House episode where something happens and then they all gather around and tell the audience what exactly happened, how can they fix it and what will the result of that be.

I mean even TFA atleast had some air in the first act with Rey just living and scavening on Jakku, this was just an endless barrage of line reciting to the audience

The movie was not as bad as TFA but about half of it was unnecessary.
I am still kind of upset about how the fucking leader couldn't share her plan of escape. I mean the dude literally comes to her, tells her "hey we are worried, what's the plan?" to which he replies with what's more or less a verbal shitpost. She doesn't even say anything when the dude goes through with a mutiny.

Nice downplay retard. Nobody is dumb enough to defend this movie. I saw it 6 hours ago and have not read anything positive about it on here or how it adds worth to the franchise, aside from Kylo now being leader of the first order.

Who cares about those angry white men its not like they ever mattered.

All those women and minorties who are represented will come in droves! Believe it!

Fucking retard why did you give the mouse money?

I thought all the characters were handled well. Story was pure horse shit

it's obviously a setup for a lightsaber fight in the next star wars

*lightsaber fight in space

also i ayy lmao-ed at that scene in the theater

but poe was legitimately an asshole. Was i the only one who was against poe? He seemed like a stupid han solo. At least Han solo got scared in the trilogy and wasnt so cocky.

Unfortunately, there are still some OT dinosaurs around that that think their trilogy was good. They think that their OT characters were good rather then then the losers they are rightly depicted as in the sequels. Fortunately, they will be dead soon. The new generation will only care about the sequels and to a lesser extent the prequels.

The real question is why does the barrage/artillery curve downwards without gravity?

>implying the ships themselves don't have gravity

so the same retard who made this garbage thread is also a spineless cuck with no integrity who would happily shill this garbage on this board for some paltry sum if he was able, by his own admission?

makes you think

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Leia the Wise?

Literally no one said that because they never planned a backstory for him in the first place.

I'm not gonna see this shit fest but I wanna know:

Does Luke die? How?
Is Snoke really Luke's Grandpa?
Does Leia die? If not, is it clear how they'll explain her absence in the next film?

Luke dies from exhaustion
Snoke is a nobody
Leia is still alive at the end

Legit crying with laughter
Those ITT who've actually seen this travesty, did even one thing go right?

Kylo Ren was done well. That's literally it, everything else was horse shit

Holy shit.

I liked the movie but if they really don't plan on explaining Snoke it's probably going to retroactively ruin this new trilogy for me. I guess the wanted to recapture the kind of mystery the OT had with where the force comes from, but leaving a character completely unexplained and a sith at that is not the way to do it.

Only other thing I found to be absolutely retarded.

Some of the other criticisms are valid but are mostly from the kind of people you just can't please anyways, like the comedy for example.

>suddenly has full blown force powers despite never training
Is this the new thing now?
All female force users are just innate master of the force?

She's been shown to be force sensitive, it would make sense for some level of power to emerge when she's about to die, it also wouldn't take a lot of power to move through space since there's no resistance

I fucking hate the movie for the record

>earning their achievements and self-improvement
>not being innately magically better than the stupid stinky men with no effort or deeper understanding
yikes user, that doesn't sound very FEMINIST to me, i might need to have words with your employer

If I wasn't so lazy I'd make a list of all the things wrong with this film but I don't have like two hours of time to waste on this franchise anymore, it's not worth it.

Nah, genuinely upset I paid money to watch this film for the first time in my life.

Honestly I can buy Leia having some basic control over the force by this point but this is clearly just an absolutely retarded way of showcasing it

Snoke is alive. There is a reason for his scars, they tried to kill him numerous times, but he found a way to cheat death, like sidious said. It is obvious he is darth plagous or whatever he is called

For people defending this: This scene isnt retarded because shes using the force. We all understand shes a powerful force user.

This scene is retarded because it was completely and utterly unnecessary. Her character's only relevance to the film at this point is the older films. She doesnt say or do anything beyond 'We need to abandon ship'. Of all the OT characters to stick with, they picked the weakest one because MUH FEMALE CHARACTERS

This would have been a poignant and fitting death scene to the character, but they had to turn it around in the most 'forced' way. The theater literally burst out in laughter. Everyone was stunned kind of looking around with smiles on their face, my brother was pinching himself because he thought he was actually dreaming.

And the best part is, shes fucking dead IRL so it was all for nothing and they're gonna have to write her some lame off-screen death or CGI her.

>I don't give a shit about minorities though.

Surviving the vacuum of space is beyond basic.

I'm not really 100% sure about this, but I've read somewhere that humans can survive in space for a minute or two.

That's called a theory user.
And not a scientific one at that.
Unless a group of scientist conducted an experiment by putting another human being into space to see how long they survived or came close to death there is no proof that any of that is true.
No proof is someone could survive after the experience or have lasting damage either.

Why couldn't the emperor just do this when Darth Vader threw him?