Luke was able to see good in Vader even when everyone else abandoned all hope in turning him into the Light Side...

Luke was able to see good in Vader even when everyone else abandoned all hope in turning him into the Light Side. He was willing to die if that meant his father would become good again.

Luke made the mistake of being written by people who don't actually care about Star Wars


It was actually Luuke.

Unfortunately, this.

George Lucas should have never sold out to The Mouse. JJ Abraham Lincoln should have been given complete control of this new trilogy, at least he had a vision and a continuous arc in mind. I'm terrified to go watch this abomination of a sloth milk drinking Luke who becomes a 'soyboy' Jedi.

Luke is more popular and loved than Mary Sue. Can't have that when the force is female.

Drink bleach.

It's worse than that, it's being made by people who actively hate everything about Star Wars and will stop at nothing to ruin it's legacy.
This was 100% malicious

Within in the context of the Disney Wars, it's only logical to think of ethereal, mature, and stoic Luke in Episode VI as a period where he was actually insane due to what happened in V. Which explains why he wanted to save Vader.

Modern films are written by teams of dozens of millenial interns. Many of them probably only watched the OT after they were assigned to this project. They didn't put much thought into it.

I love how people are acting like this is mischaracterization and not a deliberate choice to illustrate Luke's fall from grace.

Because he didnt see any good in kylo only pure evil, have you even seen the movie?!


Because he is imperfect, and eventually fear crept into his mind.

>What is Hero's journey
>Every character must be edgy

End yourself you damn troglodyte.

>believe in redemption to the point you have to be goaded into taking a swing at space hitler
>this guy would take a swing at his nephew before hes even done anything

>literally almost gave into the dark side and not only resisted Palpatine's urging to kill Vader and take his place, he tossed aside his weapon knowing it could lead to his demise

>why doesn't anyone care about my nostalgia and headcanon

>Everybody who doesn't like something is autistic.

wtf im a jedi now.

>$0.05 has been deposited into your account.

But Kylo didn't even do anything yet. Why not talk with Leia about it? Luke didn't even try to do anything, his first idea was to murder the kid.

That's the point. He got seduced into taking a swing at space Hitler, and that is enough for the dark side to take root and years later cause him to do something much more drastic. This is such a basic idea.

That was the noble Luke, a Jedi knight. The Jewish cunts that write scripts these days have no concept of noble behaviour as they live like rats themselves.

Luke's motivations and the reasons for those motivations are just so far off what the character represents I just couldn't tolerate it. It's not that I wanted him to be some perfect force of nature but it completely reverts his position when talking to Obi-Wan on Dagobah in Return of the Jedi and it completely invalidates the fact that Luke was able to redeem Vader, who was far more steeped in darkness than Ben. He was able to pull back from the brink when the person he loved most was threatened and throw his sabre away. To ignite it preemptively against Ben while he was sleeping.... Luke would not have done that. And therefore Luke's entire exile frustrates me.

I don't buy Luke igniting that sabre and then hiding away because of that choice. Ben is his nephew and clearly more conflicted than Vader ever was. If anything, Luke should have rushed off to confront Snoke after seeing what he was doing to Ben's mind - that impulsiveness is Luke's weakness as well as a faith in the inherent goodness of people - a faith he should have had in Ben regardless of whatever darkness was within him.

That's dumb and so are you.

Thanks for reiterating the OP and not responding to my post at all.

hi there!

>"I dont get why this happened"
>explain why it happened
>ur dumb lmao

I mean if you can't see what a blatant mischaracterization it is you're just retarded. You can look at though he's got a good explanation as to why you're an edgy faggot.

>we could have had the Thrawn trilogy instead of this shit

I hate it tbqh. Even with the shitty stuff like Luuke

The whole point is that there is a huge difference between the young Luke and the man he has become. It illustrates that nobody is perfect, and you can not rely on a paragon to save everyone as every generation has its heroes. His fall gives depth to a character that was otherwise just a generic Gary Stu. His time is now over and it is tame for the next group of heroes to rise.

Because he's a fucking white male. He needed to die to make room for an all female force.


He didnt want to murder his nephew

he explains that he turned on his lightsaber instinctually after he witnessed the future Ben would bring.

Just as he is about to turn it off Ben acts, and you can ever hear Luke yell "Ben no wait--" before the building explodes.

>all known living light-side force users are female
>all known living dark side force users are male
W-what did they mean by this?

thats still retarded

>Luke is a gary stu

Oh you're trolling, got it

i hate this term, why not just say mary sue? sexist much?

>lmao ur dumb and trolling
Nice counter-argument, faggot. Stay mad over a character not acting in the exact way you imagined they would. You are like the tumbrinas who get mad when their ships don't pan out.

This website is full of idiots whinging because their legend struggled under the weight of his expectation and had a fleeting moment of weakness.

Any user who quietly and respectfully points out his real motivations is ignored or at best gets responded "thats uhh thats d-dumb!"

Muh infallible inhuman godlike paragon of good. Grow up.

>that reddit spacing
try harder, shill

Great retort. Arguably proves the point too.

Go back from whatever shithole you came from

Reminder that this shit
>Muh infallible inhuman godlike paragon of good.
Is the new party line strawman to dismiss any criticism.
It used to be “b-but Luke was a Sue in ANH!” To deflect criticism from rey, but they moved on to this.
Don’t give it any more (you) than necessary

Literally rose tintes glasses.


>reddit spacing

What? This some sort of meme I’m out of the loop on?

Even Yoda had completely given up on Vader, the fact that Luke was able to see it and bring it out showed he had potential beyond Obi-wan and Yoda. And yet, in the new movie Yoda treats Luke as if he's still the same kid that landed in his swamp. So much potential for how far Luke could have gone in the decades since the original trilogy and it feels as though he only went backwards.