Final thoughts on this?

Final thoughts on this?

I thought it was a masterpiece. Best thing Moore as done in a long time

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It was pretty great, I fucking hated it during my first read but I came back and started noticing all the subtext which accounts for like 50% of the story

Gave me endless enjoyment.

Especially that rapist fishman. He needs to be a meme.

oofff Neonomicon was garbage. Providence more than made up for it though.

Agreed. The final issue was just insane, and the storytime on here was incredible. I'm certain I appreciated/understood less than 10% of everything in it though. Need to get more involved with Lovecraft and come back to it in a few years in the collected format (if they do the collected format, fingers crossed)

pic unrelated

Complete collection when?

I loved this series and desperately want an omnibus. This is one of the few things I've read that caused a really visceral reaction. The pacing is perfect and it hit me just right.

EVERYTHING else Moore did in the last 10 years is one of the worst comics ever made. All this had to do to be "the best thing Moore has done in a long time" was not be one of the worst comics ever made.

I need to reread it, because I think I’m missing something other people caught on.
I do think it’s clever, and it’s really unnerving at times, but I can’t call it a masterpiece, because, I dunno, it just kind feels like “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” with a coat of Lovecraft thrown on. Sometimes I couldn’t get into the story because I was too busy being reminded of preexisting novels, “oh this is from dunwich horror oh this is insmouth, oh this is the colour from outer space oh that character is that one other character”.
And I get that was the point, all myths are true and the lovecraftian apocalypse happens, but I still, dunno, left me kinda cold.

I don't care enough about Lovecraft to give this a chance.

>EVERYTHING else Moore did in the last 10 years is one of the worst comics ever made.
Holy fuck you have shit taste. Any random capeshit book is much worse you retard.

I barely know anything about him and was able to enjoy it. Of course I'm assuming if you have an encyclopedic knowledge of his work you'll probably have a deeper appreciation of it.

I would so love to follow the characters at the end and see how they make their way into the world in its ending state. Fucking great final issue.

Neonomicon was _________________perfectly fine__________________

its only sins were completely missing Lovecraft's tone, which I think was pretty much done on purpose. The characters themselves discuss how subtle and veiled HPL's allusions to sex and depravity were, which makes Neonomicon's harsh explicitness very appropriate in contrast. It's also probably more fitting for a modern day HPL story.

Did the rape thing feel somewhat comical? Again, it was the point. It's all so brash and sudden, which makes it perfectly understandable for you to find the whole situation both horrifying and ridiculous.

Fight me now, if you wish.


>the world in its ending

It's BEGINNING, user

the book's companion site will give you everything you need to fully appreciate the thing in the annotations pages.

it's sickeningly thorough.



You just cost me 129 bucks plus freight, motherfucker.


I don't think it's an understatement to call it the best piece of Lovecraftian fiction I've ever read.

Same here. Well worth it though.

No his Nemo comics were still good, even when LOEG wen downhill

I don't disagree with the LOEG comparison, because that's pretty much what it rides on, in terms of construction. But with LOEG I think it overextended itself. With Providence, it really has the ability to zero in and focus all the way through.

I was left cold as well, because I think we've all become expectant, even with Lovecraft's stories, of something coming to stall the inevitable. So when confronted with the inevitable, at last, it is a deflation.

So it includes all three Acts, a full Cover/Convention Art Book, and the Courtyard/Neonomicon Hardcover.

I really hope they don't do an omnibus that has something "exclusive" after this, cause this is perfect packaging.