Voltron Legendary Defender

What are your thoughts on this show, /co?

I just started watching it about a month ago, and BAM I'm already waiting for season 3 with anticipation. I love that it's the same animation studio who did LoK, and they have some pretty good voice talent as well...

Favorite character? Where do you think season 3 will go? Who do you ship with who?

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Sendak is my fave, though I'm a big fan of pretty much all of the Galra.

Favorite character is this perfect being
Season 3 will be like an 'empire strikes back' situation
I ship Sendak with Shiro outside of the bbshiro lore these threads set up, but otherwise he's with eyebrows

How about this one?

Love this man

gotta love the mice

I actually considered Keith boring as fuck in the first season, but I kept my mind open to see what they'd do with him. He's vastly improved in season two to me. When he stopped constantly going "muh Shiro" and actually started to focus on himself and question his origins, he got interesting.

He better turn purple in season three.

Ohh, keeping it relevant to the holiday as well, nice

I agree, not a big fan of Keith from season 1, but season two Keith? With all of the questioning who he was and his bond with Shiro HE FUCKING TOLD HIM TO TAKE OVER GOD DAMN IT
And then the whole team's reaction to the fact that he was part-Galra? Wow.

Good show, cancerous fandom.
Shiro is best boy and I alternate between shipping him with Keith and Sendak.
I expect season three to continue the horrible Galra slaughter of season two.

Im a fan of pidge even though her little adventures arent as exciting

Oh my god where did you find that???

Also, what do you think about the theory that each mice represents one of the Paladins?

Fav is def Sendak but it's hard not to love all the purple goofs.
Not much of a shipper though. I'm happy with anything /shrug
Season 3 can't come soon enough!

How is it possible for sacura to be so based?

And also Space Dad.

They left out their reaction to his Galra reveal though, at least the immediate reaction. Hunk seemed awkward about it afterwards, and kinda weirdly racist, and Allura went full on Sup Forums about it.

I wish they had left the immediate reaction in though.

>Space Dad

Its a good show tho It could do without Princess whatever the fuck her name is bitching about the Galara all the time.

>And also Space Dad
Mfw we get a glaringly obvious tumblr user who thinks we do space dad here

Patrician taste.

she's just upset cause she overslept for 10,000 years.

LOL as in the fact that he acts like a dad to the team.

Even Coran doesn't bitch about it as much.

Yeah that shit got really tiresome, but she at least forgave Keith and was shown working with Kolivan and Antok without bitching, so I think the worst of it is over. Plus she got her worldview thoroughly rekt with the Haggar reveal.

Her entire world and race was destroyed save for Coran and a couple of mice, what did you expect her to feel like?

My current phone background.
Love my paladins.

He's a leader, not a dad, my god would people please stop thinking in 'leader=dad' sense

seeing space witches terrible in need of a dye roots would destroy anyone.

dunno, maybe not group all of the galra together as a bunch of fuckers?
ex. blade of mamora

Coran is taking it like a champ because he clearly knows something.

New interview by the way.


They're saying shit I already knew was going to happen. Only a blithering retard would think otherwise.

And finally the latest sacura patreon!

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Especially right after Ulaz had just given his life to save her ass.

maybe being in cryo or whatever that long with mice mixed in gave her a natural born hatred/sense towards cat people?
Or she really hates furries
or best bet genocide /shrug



Poor Zarkon. He has to live with having such a weirdo deviant failure of a son.

I wish sacura would do some Galra porn. I'd commission her but I'm broke as fuck.
That's what pissed me off the most. The guy killed himself to save their sorry asses, and she called his death a trick and said "Zarkon doesn't know the value of a life".

>claims Zarkon doesn't know the value of a life, which to be fair, is true at this point
>immediately ignores the death of an ally who saved Voltron because he is a Galra


"Or she really hates furries"



I found it by mere luck on the Voltron tag from Tumblr, it's so strange to see fanart of the mice there, or a post mentioning the mice at all, so I saved it before it disappeared before my eyes. I should've also remembered the source.

And what do I think about the Paladin theory? well, that depends on how similar the current mice are to the old ones. The mice from the original show were a family, Chuchule and Platt were parents and Plachu and Chulatt were their children, if this is also the case in the current show then it seems very unlikely to have a family of paladins. But what do I know? The show is going in its own unique direction and pretty much anything can happen.

>I wish sacura would do some Galra porn. I'd commission her but I'm broke as fuck.

I'm not broke and I'm a total Galrafag. Which Galra pair should I suggest to her? Sendak x Eyebrows?

Yes, please. We can give her a few reference images for Eyebrows too, since he isn't that well known.

All the Lotor talk has got me hype.

I want to put my face on Eyebrows' crotch.

I'll go ahead and gather a bigger reference image of Eyebrows since that's ant sized for an artist to use.

that sounds like a pretty good pair right there.
I tried to do a Sendak but he needs some work :/
bara body all wonked up and I took liberties with the claw.

Shiro! Did you lay this egg?

naw man, that looks great

Yeah, it's small, but it's what I had immediately on hand. Thanks!
It looks good though! i actually like the liberties you took with the claw.


He looks great so far though, you do him justice

bc why the fuck not?
bonus points if you get what anime this is referencing.

He's looking great, especially his crotch.


i want to fuck katie

I love Morvok. He reminds me of Pilaf or Ozzie.

I hate how gay this fandom is.

I love how his ears move.

there are only two girls in the main cast, what did you expect?

Romelle is inevitable. Hopefully Merla will show up too.

99% of the fandom hasn't seen the 80s series and doesn't plan to, so they're not going to do anything about them until they show up in the new show.

Pidge being gangbanged. Duh.

Still won't stop the gay.
Voltron is now officially a fujo show.

They're so fucking retarded. I mean if I heard of a reboot, the least I would do is read the wiki about the old series.

I can't wait for these fuckers to get BTFO when Romelle appears.

All of these fit well enough except for Keith.

To be fair, Joaquim and Lauren did say they were doing their own thing with the show and I could understand not wanting to put in the effort if you're expecting stuff to deviate from the source anyways.

>To be fair, Joaquim and Lauren did say they were doing their own thing

Every time someone says this, they get proven wrong.

>Where do you think season 3 will go?
Alfor booby trapped black, where Shiro went will remain a mystery throughout the season, Keith will panic and Pidge snaps him out of it by turning his own words against him, Keith mans up and says he'll lead the team until Shiro returns, Lance objects and then runs off like a bitch when both Allura and Hunk support Keith as leader.

Lotor is surrounded by Galra fan girls, Lotor effortlessly shifts between campy and deadly, Matt was rescued by Romelle's faction, Allura pilots black for now, Keith finds out he was born in a lab and has lion ESP, Lance's rivalry with Keith is more or less resolved and he's the last to accept Keith as the new leader, Throk is more evil than you think and also stages a coup, Haggar and Lotor are imprisoned, comatose Zarkon goes missing, Earth is attacked, Sam and a bunch of other slaves get combined into a robeast.

And some other stuff too.

Not an argument

Just saying.

If Joaquim and Lauren wouldn't have said that there would probably be less shit flinging in the fandom.

Isn't he like academy graduates and like almost 20 ? The other paladins are like teen/freshmen. So he's the only adult in the team.

A lot of fans really say that phrase as their mantra and live by it.

But the show has already deviated significantly from the original series. Using that logic to get your hopes up too much may eventually backfire on you, as well. Keep those fingers crossed I guess.

Coran and his fellow teenagers won't know what to do without daddy Shiro around for a whole season.

No one is saying it's going to be exactly like the original series, however they are bringing the big concepts and plot points, not the literal verbatim, to the series.

Romelle was one of those concepts.

He's a leap year babby.

I want to show Pidge the pleasures of being a woman with my seven inch long, four inch thick penis.

I think she'll make an appearance, but she may not be what we expect.

I think she'll be even better.

But user, she's an icon to asexuals. And unless you're nuclear powered and made out of titanium she's probably had better.

jesus christ that filename

You need to add a 'DY' to dad then you'll be welcome here

Makes sense that you'd quadruple the length and girth of your dick since you're writing a fanfic and all.

I think a lot of the people clinging to the "do our own thing" stuff were expecting the show to be an entirely different animal with a few superficial details pasted on from the original instead of a love letter.Not unlike their AU fanfictions.

>there are people who unironically believe Lance is the protagonist

I unironically think Lance is hilarious and can't wait to see him profoundly suffer in S3. I've been saying it since the S2 premier threads, this is going to be his angst/growing up season.

I really hope he sticks with Blue. That one image has got me more worried though.

The best angst and development involves a lion swap. Having Training Wheels: the lion will not help Lance with his piloting and insecurities.

I know, right? That's how we ended up with that shitshow panel at Wondercon.

>Too much gay Shiro shit
>No Pidge/Princess yuri

You faggots are the worst kind of faggots.

That panel gave me more second-hand embarrassment than the NYCC panel.

I'd prefer if they worked that in another way. Even so, the main source of his angst will be acknowledging that Keith is better than him and coming to terms with Keith as leader/Shiro's favorite. That and he's already realizing that he as an individual brings the least to the team especially outside of the Lions, as evidenced by the prison episode.

That's already a lot to work with. A lion swap would be in addition to all that. Not that it wouldn't add anything, but I don't think it's nearly as essential as some make it out to be.

I suppose I can hook you up a little, but not much. All Pidge ships are love, but my heart belongs to Pance.

Can't wait to see what type of cringe SDCC will bring.
Where do you think you are?

Maybe the lion swap will mark his character improvement.

I like the notion that Blue is the easy mode lion, the most willing to work with newbies and nurture them, Graduating to Red as Keith graduates to Black would make sense.


Maybe but I personally hope he reaches that without them playing musical lions. But if that's how it goes, c'est la vie.



And that's pretty much all I've got of just those two.

I swear to god she must lurk these threads

What if she's in the thread right now.
You might have called her a faggot and you'd never even know.