Edgar Balthazar, the butler from the Aristocats movie, did nothing wrong

Edgar Balthazar, the butler from the Aristocats movie, did nothing wrong.

It's not his fault that the Madame he was serving was fiscally retarded, I mean really, who the hell lets their cats inherit everything and not the man who assisted them throughout their senior years? The cats shouldn't have been sedated and disposed in the countryside, sure, that's rather mean-spirited, but that's a much better choice than letting your money go to waste.

I'm shitposting, don't take this topic seriously

Cats have no power of attorney. He would have had control over the estate regardless. All he had to do was feed the stupid cats and be a millionare.

Is there any Disney villain worse than him? Sequels not counting.

Worse on which way? He is more stupidly funny and pathetic than menacing.

Barely even manages to be a bad guy.

>did nothing wrong except for this thing that was wrong of him

Worse as in least memorable or interesting or just a good villain in general.

The only one that comes close in my mind is Hans or that sheep from Zootopia.

>pic related

That considered, did Madam have nice boobs?

I thought that at the end it was revealed that he WOULD HAVE gotten a vast share of the fortune.

Also, it's pretty safe to say Edgar fucking died on the way to Timbuktu, shipping back then must have taken forever and the dude was already kind of old.


That one from Cars. All he did was be slightly more egotistical than Lightning and not stop to help an injured racer.

he wasn't even framed as the villain and wasn't even near integral to the conflict and plot
if anything the villain was Lightning's ego

and his "comeuppance" was relatively light as well, he's just outed for being kind of a dick and lost a sponsorship under completely reasonable circumstances: in this race it would have been Lightning, despite him losing, who'd get all the media attention, not the guy who won.

>I mean really, who the hell lets their cats inherit everything and not the man who assisted them throughout their senior years?

The rich lady from Catscratch.

I agree. That's why I think it's funny.


madame medusa from rescuers?

Medusa still has points for kidnapping.

I couldn't agree more. It was obviously a rare example of capitalist propaganda. Not joking, think about it.

Absolutely this. He'd get paid to live in luxury and probably could just pay someone else to give a shit about the cats.

they were cats. they wouldn't require that much to take care of. then again his dumb ass thought cats really did have nine lives and when one died, the next one's nine lives would begin

Its a good thing you are intentionally shitposting, because being the guardian for your employer's beloved littler of pet cats is a straightforward and entirely logical decree to be included in a will.

He's still the one in charge of the money, its not like they are going to go out and blow it on catnip and slutty cat hookers.
All he has to do is provide for their wellbeing.

What's even more pathetic is that he wasn't able to pull off killing some cats. That's easy shit.

It was a good show. I specifically liked the cat voiced by Plekely from Lilo and Stitch.

Scar did some things wrong but was he really that bad? think about it.
He's basically a genius, he was too weak to defeat his brother so he made a plan to assassinate him on a very subtle way and made a huge coalition with hyenas, he also doesn't kill by himself his nephew, because actually at some point he appreciated him but infortunately can't let him alive because he will grow up and become a dangerous rival against him and his authority.

his army of predators was so effective that they need to go more far to get preys, also he was a rejected outcast (his scar on eyes) and even hyenas were a banished specie because Mufasa can't handle competivity for food, who's the real dictator?

Let the hyena's overeat, was basically a stupid asshole with no foresight once he got what he wanted.

Stop posting during school, kiddo.

The hyenas weren't banished they had their own land and Mufasa respected their territory (except for that one time) it's not Mufasa's fault they ran their lands into the ground.

>the hyenas and hyenas are considered evil or bad
Lions kill an animal and eat 30% of the carcass.
Humans will use 90% or more of a cow.

Lions are looked up to as noble hunters while they waste more of a kill than humans do, and people bitch when an animal isn't killed and then completely used 100%.

You know it's sunday, right?

If you found out you were next in line behind a cat to inherit a fortune of several million dollars I'm pretty sure you'd be trying to kill that fucker too.

Yeah but this isn't real life. You aren't btiching about lions bursting into song, so why are you bitching about how much lions don't eat?

These aren't regular lions. The savannah was sustainable under mufasa's rule, so why did Scar turn it into liquid shit?

The point was why do so many people regard lions as nobility.

I haven't an answer for it other than they're big and pretty looking.

Yes but who would inherit the fabulously rich cat that comes with it's mansion and all that jewelry and land holdings and other things that a cat will never need? Edgar, that's who. What an idiot.

Because they rule the animal kingdom user. They're at the top of the food chain. It's not that hard to understand.

>so why did Scar turn it into liquid shit?
If I tried to answer that directly however, it would have to be far too political for this board.

Suffice to say, because it was shit for everyone else but not him.

Neither one of these are factually correct.

Pridelands work on Fisher King rules.

Which is textbook Shakespeare. Whenever there's a shitty king, the kingdom goes to hell.

She also called Penny ugly.

Facts are irrelevant. You asked why lions are viewed as royalty and that is the answer. That's how people see them.

Fair's fair.
It certainly answers the question.

Which would mean scar is a shit king and was wrong by wanting to be king.

He didn't want to be king to help other people.
He wanted to be king to help himself.

He achieved that.

Scar wanted to be king for entirely selfish reasons much like Simba did as a cub. Mufasa taught Simba that being king came with responsibilities and a sense of respect for all their subjects. Simba grew out of his can't wait to be king phase, Scar never did.

Scar's major fuckup was letting the heyenas overhunt and presumably overbreed. I imagine the first few years under Scar's rule would have been a pretty sweet free-for-all buffet where everyone was allowed to glut themselves, hunt for sport and pump out babies. Obviously, this was unsustainable, especially when the drought hit.

When the heyenas were restricted to their own land, they could only shit their own bed, and couldn't fuck things up as hard prior to Scar's reign.

Scar also lost the respect of the lionesses after treating them badly, and probably disregarded political and social alliances with other animals. We see Simba in the show go to elephant funerals and shit, I doubt Rafiki ever visited Scar. Obviously there is a predator and prey relationship, but there are still relations to be maintained on some level (Morning Report song) which Scar would have neglected.

Scavengers in any given ecosystem arguably do more than predators and help more than they do.

They're far more important in the "circle of life" than apex predators.

>Also, it's pretty safe to say Edgar fucking died on the way to Timbuktu, shipping back then must have taken forever and the dude was already kind of old.

There is no way that people didnt noticed before that he was in the box. The workers just heard noises and saw a weird man coming out of the box, and thought that it was weird.

Edgar must have felt humilhated as fuck, and decided to fuck off in shame. Poor man actualy, wasnt even evil enough to actualy kill the cats.

Exceot that both lions and hyenas are predators and scavengers, and the hyenas on the movie are show to be predators multiple times.

I'm going to be brutally honest.
The only lion king I've ever seen was two things.
The first movie.
And timon and pumbaa.

You can tell which I liked more.

But it was her money to be fiscally retarded with. What right does the help have to decide what should be done with his bosses money?

>Scar wanted to be king for entirely selfish reasons
>Implying being a king is not being selfish
Mufasa excluded Hyenas and was triggered everytimes they hunt on """"his land""""" (maybe because there are nothing to eat on an elephant cemetery?)
He literally can't handle competivity and considered Hyenas like an inferior degenerate specie. (what young simba said to nala about) but in fact it's actually for food reasons and predator dominance.

>poor English
>infantile reasoning
It's clearly a kid in a part of the world with a later time zone. Not everything takes place in burgerland.

fuck you asshole, being infantile is taking the side of "good character" and I don't care about your saxonic language.

The heyenas were a bunch of assholes with no self control. They had their own land and it was a shithole. They were let into the pride lands and it became a shithole.

They overhunted. They could barely resist attacking the Wildebeast even though that would blow Scar's plan. They were lazy and liars. Also, Ed -a literal retard, was a high ranking heyena. A retard was in the top three.

There was food in the Elephant Graveyard as evidence by all the bones. I'm guessing sick or dying elephants instinctively make their way there?

Mufasa had good reason not to trust the heyenas, and he left them alone up until his son was in danger.

the Hyenas kept fucking things up. they're part of the reason things go to shit when scar takes over

>The heyenas were a bunch of assholes with no self control. They had their own land and it was a shithole. They were let into the pride lands and it became a shithole.

You know when you say shit like this, it's kind of an invitation for the conversation to veer off topic.

Maybe Mufasa should have invested some money into hyena re-education programs instead of spending it all buying blood diamonds from Kony.

Maybe the Hyenas should be encouraged to assimilate into the rest of the pridelands' culture, instead of refusing to abandon their own which clearly is running contrary to the rest of the pridelands, as much as being in direct conflict with its culture.

If their culture is dangerous enough that it has to be segregated from the pridelands, then why permit it to exist when it can never coexist?

It's a hazard we have to take, but looking back the hyenas almost attacking the wildebeasts really was good characterisation like said. Also the army scene with the hyenas and scar was 5/5 at establishing the mood relationship scar had with the hyenas.

>It's a hazard we have to take,
Why take unnecessary risks, when the hyenas clearly have nothing to give.

a lot of people have the typical Lion mentality.
All animals are equals, but some of them are more equals than the others. :^)
Keep sucking your Mufasa.

Lions don't win a pride with guile and trickery, it's always a feat of strength. And for all his "genius" they almost starved to death, he didn't even kill Simba when he had the chance. You don't let a male lion cub live unless it's your own son.

Mufasa is arguably more capitalist than Scar, who seems to want to "spread the wealth" among the proletariat.

>the villain in Cars 3 is going to be a millennial stereotype

I don't really know who they're trying to endear with that. Kids don't give a shit about millennial and the 20 somethings who watch Pixar films are going to be put off by it. So, older parents I guess?

Hyenas and Male Lions scavenge more than they hunt. (And they will eat 90% of something like an Antelope)

The real hunters are Lioness, Leopards, and Cheetahs. Hell even Alligators hunt more than they scavenge. Male Lions can't hunt for shit because of their mane, and are only a not detriment when they're trying to take on elephants and water buffalo and shit.

Cheetahs and Leopards are more apex predators desu. A cheetah will pull a fucking antelope into a tree when it's done eating to eat it later.

Also they're not particularly keen on sharing. Whereas apes and chimps will actually actively participate in sharing the kill when the alpha makes the kill to encourage the other members to participate more in the hunt.

Shadow Man did the unthinkable and managed to kill somebody but he never even got to phase 2 of his big plan whereas most villains (within Sup Forums and without) are finishing stage 3 by the end of the movie

>lions aren't at the top of the food chain
Name an animal that preys on lions.

I mean, I know that, but he's still just so...boring. Forgettable even.

Anyone else not realize the villain was the guy driving the cart and listening to this when they were younger?

I never realized it was the butler. I thought it was a totally different person.

>There was food in the Elephant Graveyard as evidence by all the bones. I'm guessing sick or dying elephants instinctively make their way there?
Common Myth in real life, remains to be unproven. It comes from the fact that elephants do in fact grieve over the body over other elephants. Among other things, like attempting to avenge their deaths, as only an animal that size can.

Let's not get too ahead of ourselves, the guy stepped on a bug.

Besides, Scar beat him to the punch.

>Among other things, like attempting to avenge their deaths, as only an animal that size can.
That may not always be the best idea though.

Is it really so easy to drop a charging elephant? What the hell tvshow is this anyway?