Samurai Jack

Most of the time, getting your hand caught in a vice means you shatter all the bones in your hand, but even if you don't then if you pull it out you rend your flesh and end up with a bloody stump.
People in the Samurai Jack universe are too fucking hardy.

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It's a cartoon.

You have autism.

muh realism

It's probably just stylized to look like that. If it were drawn in a more realistic manner, there would be more of a gap that wouldn't absolutely crush her limbs.

Ashi has Aku and Jack's blood in her veins.

This. Calm your autism.

She's sweating and there was a barrier of clothing between her skin and the machine.

Perfect conditions for slipping out.

it has always been like that

Pretty disappointed that she simply freed herself, that's not how it usually happens.

I was half expecting another sister to jump in and save her.

Yeah I was thinking similarly.

>Sweden's immigration policy

fucking kek

she powered up by emotional distress

Maybe I'm crazy, but I found it unusual how she was able to "slip"her hands and feet out of those machines. It didn't look natural at all.

Maybe she has some Aku blood in her after all?

>Aku... blood in her veins

That's obviously not true. Did you not notice how none of them exhibited any sort of powers and all except Ashi died really fucking quickly and easily and just bled out normal human red blood when they did? Pay attention next time.

Nothing new, just the Jump Good montage should have crushed Jack's knees. It's a cartoon, so you are as sturdy as the plot requires

Related. (Skip to 1:08 if the time stamp doesn't work.)

This assumes that they're dead.

seriously, it's like these people never even seen the show. jack has taken way more punishment.

remember when jack was brutally beaten by the yeti? or any episode ever?


Of all the scenes from the show, this stuck out the most. Just what the fuck is Jack made of.


Clearly that cliff is made of fine talcum. Talcum is a lubricant.

So when i my nigga Sah-Moo-Rai gonna come back with his Funk Sabersword and magic tune runes?

The scot ghost is only going to be temporary. He'll start fading away for another tear jerking moment.

daughter postin'


She's the only cute-ish one.

She's probably like the youngest one, only 13 or something ridiculous

Braid girl is fine

Thes an't one ah yor Chinese cardtoons laddie



Ashi looks so fucking cute in that pic.

Y'know it might have just been holding her hard enough to keep her immobilized but not to crush her limbs, right?


That was a certain pun towards migrant crisis. Strange no one went reee for it.

I'm not sure if I should be mad about them making me laugh at the Scotsman's death or not.


It's established lore so I doubt anybody would get upset over it now.



>all those scotslasses
will they all grow up to look like their mother?







>tfw you realize his right eye is just covered by a plaid eyepatch and isn't robotic



Kill yourself.


>All of that samefag at the back

>No Sudoku Jack this episode

I was hoping he'd be there trying to tell Jack to kill the children if he wants to live so badly.


Rewatching this I have a question.

Did they just retcon Jack's ability to "jump good"?

I mean, yeah I get he was stabbed and all but even before that there were plenty of instances where he could have used that Goku style jumping to good effect.


Not sure which particular instances you're talking about. He does superhuman jumps lots of times, particularly in the first episode fighting against Scaramouch.

He didn't even Jump Good after that episode in the original series.

I think you're forgetting just how high Jack was able to jump in that episode.

I'm just assuming that his jumping skills faded as far as this season goes. So it's more like he jumps okay.

I think this was pretty much the writers showing us Ashi has some aku magic of her own
A human can't stand being shocked since muscles contract that's why people instantly fall to the ground when it happens
Ashy pushed back against it

I remember when he was facing Demongo he was jumping up canyons and shit. There were a few other times he jumped good as well.

Tru, he's spent fiddy+ years not jumping good most likely. Even at the end of episode 4 he did an okay jump. He didn't maintain those gains too well.

>She doesn't have akus blood because she doesn't exibit these random cherry picked powers my autism picked based on nothig but an hinability tondistinguish between headcanon and what actually happens in the show
>It's pretty obvious

Boy, I hope someone got fired for that blunder

Jumping from the ground to a rooftop

What if jumping good just gives enemies enough time to target or just prepare themselves at the landing spot?

Jack was a fighter, not a coward. Though now unarmed it would be a good idea to jump good away from most fights.

Nah, she specifically got the anger and strength to break out once the guy talked about children being gullible and easy to manipulate. He unknowingly hit a sensitive spot for her.

Jumping one story high, then from the roof to the ground

Landing from over treetops to the ground

She might have some literal Aku in her. If so, that would add to her parallel with Jack - Jack needs to live to save the world and doesn't want to, and Ashi needs to die to save the world and doesn't want to.

Reminder that Jack survives atmospheric re-entry and falling to Earth from space.

Third to the right with the bent knee. Not as good as girl in fronts turned in knees, but still the kind of body language that does it for me for some reason.

I usually hate "muh stronk women" in my cartoons and video games, but for some reason I didn't mind the Scotsman's daughters. I wonder why that is?


I know you're memeing, but I think what sells me on them aside from being thicc redheads is that they genuinely look strong. Most, uh, "over-powered women" in fiction look very waifish and delicate.

They don't make a big deal out of them being women.

Not too into man-faced women. I prefer Ashi's body type too.
Would breed though.

I want to kiss that mouth

Their dad tells them to cover up and back off, and they are obedient.

>they cover up
>they immediately go into combat and they're not covered up anymore

Is Gendy redpilled.

Yeah, I think part of the reason is because they actually love and respect their dad. And unlike usually feminist made stronk women these daughters make sense considering who their parents are, especially their mom.

Btw, do you think their mom is dead yet? Didn't see in the in the battle. Imagine how upset she would be when Scotsman's dies if he let anything to harm their daughter's.

My dick aches for her.

Is Genndy /OurJew/ ???

Jumping out of a tomb

probably waited until she died to take his daughters into battle kek.

yea that did happen. damn teenagers.

Scotts had all those daughters to fug jack.

He mentioned jumping good at least once, I think when he was competing with Scotsman

And this jump I guess

Jack is officially redpilled.

It was a good explanation as to why peaceful villages keep getting slaughtered for no apparent reason.

Why does the one with the neck fur look like Pat's Girlfriend if she was more HUEG

Yeah, that's that episode. They were seeing who jump the highest.
>Scotsman jumps
>Jack is already on the tree top
>Jack: Jump good!
>Scotsman: Yeah, yeah...

Just living in a world created by America's foreign policy