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really makes you
t h i n k

Huh, really makes you think.

>Trump's approval ratings are at 35%

You can't say that they're losing sales over this anymore

>mfw I once ordered some trades from the Internet and they sent me a copy of Savage Dragon because I assume they wanted to get rid of it and use it to package the actual good books

Fake news

How many people buy Savage dragon though? Like 1,000?

This is just obnoxious and doesnt do the book any favors.

I for one agree with this thinking

and how many of them like Trump?

>Trump's pollling at 1% approval 99% disapproval in this poll we did of the Huffington Post userbase! He'll NEVER win the election drumpflets! Hahahaa!

Last issue sold around 6k.

Enjoy your new war and the wall youre paying for while you wifes kids schools get defunded

That number isn't from huffpo tho, it's from Gallup.

This reaffirms my loyalty to Glorious Leader.

So are you're saying that he isn't at 35% approval rating but what makes you believe this?


poor whites don't need no ejumacation

Gallup isn't a news company tho.

Their ASVABs will be shit though.

In the defense off all the people who supported him who are now leaving him, he IS backpedaling pretty fast.
I mean, he promised everyone everything so I'm not sure what they expected, but he's not holding up his end.


Trump besides, its a pretty good cover composition. Old school marvel cover. Easy to read and iconic. Too bad it's an homage.

Well , what can you expect from someone that just tells you what you want to hear ?

There's always the Infantry

>Erik pushes his personal opinions and resorts to boogieman arguments.

You act like this is new. I don't give an ass about Trump, but Larsen has been doing this for years, like the time he talked mad shit about Gaiman.

>liking North Korea

I expected better of you, Eric.

>author pushes his personal opinions in his own work

If it was a liberal figure like Hillary or Anita Sarkeesian Sup Forums would eat this up.

Not that user but he forgot to mention it's zone with zero nuance and comes off like the guy is 15 years old.

That's the thing, modern comics are just poorly written, writers knew how to insert their political ideals into their work without turning the work into "my ideals on colorful paper"

To Trumps defense, the opposition is defying and obstructing him anyway they can, so that he can't keep his promises. Anti-Trump people are so devoted to stopping Trump that their willing to throw the country in a state of confusion and chaos till his term ends in 2020.

I personally see Donald Trump as a threat to the Washington Establishment more than the American people.

I wonder how many people on Sup Forums know where this came from. Pretty obscure these days.

doubtful they don't call it Sup Forumsmblr for nothin'

>i'll just fudge these easily verifiable numbers a little, nobody will notice

tsk, tsk.. intellectual dishonesty won't help your case

rarity increases value, user

>I personally see Donald Trump as a threat to the Washington Establishment
Trump is the personification of money in politics. He is the exact opposite of a threat to the establishment.

So far everything he's done and attempted to do screws over everyone except for him and his rich friends.

I figured it was either Sliders or The Princess Diaries

Sup Forums is Tumblr in the sense that it gets offended at everything and has a persecution complex the size of the moon, but for all the opposite reasons. It's the right-wing equivalent.

>l'm a special snowflake so no bully
>the post
>the movie
>the musical

Guys how do I become God-Emperor of America?

I am not rich or famous

So it's Sup Forums then.

Trump didn't get in cause of his money though, he didn't bribe his way to the top.
Not to mention it's weird he's not a threat when the establishment tried so hard to keep him out.


you can try to bully me, i don't mind at all


That's cause the establishment knew Trump would've been terrible for America.

kek confirms.

And Hillary wouldn't?

Trump admitted at his rally that he bribes politicians, that he is in fact the corruption in the system.
>better make him the president.

The politician side of the establishment, yes. The money side of the establishment are cumming all over.

The establishment cares more about themselves than America. Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Cruz all lost because they were Establishment candidates pretending to be the Washington Outsider to appeal to the same people they hold in contempt of.

They're the same side.

Not to the same extent. Hillary hasn't done anything in her entire political career as retarded as what Trump's done in the few months of his.

This timeline is a fucking wild ride.

Fake news.

Is this issue out yet? If so, is Trump actually in the issue?

>muh public edumachayshun system (remember boy, public indoctrination is good for you)
>muh uncontrolled immigration is good (look at me, an alleged leftist, defend a neolib corporate talking point)
>muh wars are bad (but also as a democrat pls remove evil assad! no its not imperialism when we do it)
I fucking hate american liberals.

Signed: latin american.

Ye except that whole Hillary Foundation bullshit, which meant she was in the pocket of countless out of country parties.
Also that child rape situation showed she had zero morals and is a possible sociopath.

He lost the popular vote.

Honestly, you faggots could do so much more to hurt the liberals you hate if you got him thrown out of office and let Mike "take it in the butt, eat a megawatt" Pence and the rest of them actually run things like they planned. Trump's handlers realized far too late that he's not even a useful idiot like Reagan, he's just a dangerous idiot who fucks up all their plans.

>muh uncontrolled immigration is good (look at me, an alleged leftist, defend a neolib corporate talking point)

well those aren't mutually exclusive

holy shit, latin america must be a bigger shit hole than I imagine

Hillary over relied on densely populated cities like New York, Chicago, Boston, Los Angels, and Miami. Trump still won the most counties and states than her. Plus it doesn't change the fact that the American people hate Hillary Clinton more than they hate Trump.

You can prefer Trump over Hillary because he's the lesser of two evils.
You can prefer neither and hate both cause they are both shit.
But you can not prefer Hillary over Trump without admitting you're either incredibly ignorant or incredibly evil.

>Also that child rape situation showed she had zero morals and is a possible sociopath.
Trump actually raped a kid.

>Trump still won the most counties and states than her.
Trump won empty space.

I'm sure you have evidence for right, that?

He prez doe.

Are you actually defending a child rapist user? Are you some kinda sociopath with zero morals?

Not if you ignore the 3 million illegals that voted for Hillary.

>in supporting a clinton, i'll accuse someone else of rape

that's a brilliant move

>Hillary over relied on densely populated cities like New York, Chicago, Boston, Los Angels, and Miami.

It's creepy how the Left is trying to turn America into the Hunger Games nation.

I don't need to do much to hurt liberals. It's just easier to let liberals act out and cannibalize each other over failing the 2016 election. Pence is just too well adjusted and disciplined to be President.

They aren't mutually exclusive because you fucks have no idea what "liberalism" mean, your politics as a whole is so far to the right that being a capitalist who likes gays is somehow being left wing.

t. another latin-american baffled at american's stupidity.

There's not 3 million illegal immigrants in this country.


There's about 11 million, actually.
>Couldn't even do a simple google search to save himself looking like an idiot

If this number is true, it only makes it funnier how fucking retarded americans are. In a 320 million people country they consider 3 million of them to be dragging the whole economy down while Wall Street still exists.

Nigga there's probably 3 million illegals in Commiefornia alone.


I didn't accuse Donald trump of rape, now Marla Maples did and we have audio recording of trump admitting to unwanted sexual contact but no I'm not accusing trump of raping a kid.
>that's just a matter of public record.

>we have audio recording of trump admitting to unwanted sexual contact
Can you post it?

It's the hollywood access tape.

The individual states and counties that make up America don't have the manpower or resources to deal with a large surge of illegal immigrants.

There isn't a large surge of immigrants.

The one where he says
>They let you do it

Cause that's the opposite of what you just claimed

>zero nuance and comes off like the guy is 15 years old.
> a comic by an Image founder

Larsen is a guy who called Vertigo "pretentious"

what are the chances of Sup Forums claiming this is Marvel or DC?

>he's not holding up his end.
Come on lad, he's been in office for like 2 months. He is going to have to make some adjustments having never held political office before

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about, "large surge"? Look at what Europe is going through, countries receiving DAILY a tenth of their population in refugees.

You're just a bunch of incompetent sacks of shit who found yourselves on a extremely lucky position 60 years ago and did nothing but fuck the rest of the world for the whole century with your power games and proxy wars.

I sincerely hope Trump acts as some sort of Nero and completely destroy the fucking meme that is the US so we can have some civilization in the west again.

>Anita Sarkeesian
Is she even relevant anymore? I thought she and her producer finally said enough crazy shit to lost all but the most fanatical supporters

> The Civilization series is offensive because it supports imperialism

Do you realize how hard it is to vote, let alone illegally?

It's not exclusive to OP's comic

You are very confused.

Sup Forums's too "tumblr" for Sup Forums and is called Sup Forumsmblr.
Sup Forums's also too "Sup Forums' for tumblr

>To Trumps defense, the opposition is defying and obstructing him anyway they can, so that he can't keep his promises

So let me get this straight: despite having all the power, he's too weak of a leader to get anything done?

I can't believe these modern comic creators putting their politics into comics, not like in the old days where that never happened.

Not very. I literally have an illegal friend who voted ironically he voted for Trump though.

Do you know anything about how the US Government works, friend?

>I sincerely hope Trump acts as some sort of Nero and completely destroy the fucking meme that is the US so we can have some civilization in the west again.
As an American, I think this would be an interesting change of pace just to see what comes after.

Great arguments you got there americunt.
Don't you have any sovereign power to topple so you can get cheap oil for your overweight population to drive around in tacky SUVs with strass wheels or some shit?

Blame Hawaii.

Justice finds a way.

>the opposition won't let him do anything!
>has majority of congress and senate