How's Your Webcomic? #361: Easter Edition

You've got a webcomic, right? Post about it here. Share WIPs, pages, drawings, scripts, whatever. Get comments and critique.

Previous Thread: Thread Activity: Does your webcomic feature real life holidays? If not, do you make up holidays and festivals for your comic? Share your ideas!

Other urls found in this thread: to draw comics

Scrub Authors GOODIE Bag
Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist/writer will find handy:
>*-Struggling to find that perfect FONT? Create your own using this link;

>*-Don’t forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:

>*-What’s a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?

>*-Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE: (surprisingly not a typo)

>Links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme:
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a site:
>Contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:

>DISCORD CHAT going on,
Ask for an invite in the thread.

>Wise words from John Cleese:

>Invisible Ink:

>Paper Wings

>Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:

>Writing Resources:

>Guide to promoting your comic:

>Comics for makin' comics! to draw comics

Ok, now I am going to dump my pages one by one.





i think ive outgrown these threads. Note this as my last post in them, only because I said I would show yall my next page in the last thread.

i recorded my self drawing this, its all cky songs this time

starting with familliar realm:

and ending with 96 quite bitter beings:

*first time i watched the video for familliar realm and the fucking sky turns red... like whoa... ya know... this is my destiny to be a super rich and famous comic book artist confirmed! lol :P :^)

sketchbook pro, original characters and original story by me!

*you can read this webcomic on any of the following websites:


let me clarify, I meant to say this is the last page im going to post in these threads. I will answer questions and reply to haters but then its time for me to move on. :)

im so good now i no longer have anything to prove to you haters, i drew this page in basically the blink of an eye and with minimal effort, just imagine how good i am if i decided to take my time on a page, easily better than any current tumblr tier marvel artist, better than squirrel girl, and hell cat, you cant deny this people. just saying lol

dewd... none of your """comics"""" makes any since. I never read them but sometimes i click on one and look at the... um... """"art"""? but you completely fail at catching my interest to even look at a whole page of yours.

see this is kind of interesting at first, but then it deteriorates towards the bottom of the page, like really really bland lazy ms paint tier shit. you should work on fixing this man, just saying.

damn im feeling pretty damn good people:

happy easter everybody, i have to go, i will come back here tonight or tomorrow

Bones expects us to believe he will actually leave.

he almost had me for a second, i guess some things really are too good to be true

So you're too good for this place now?

>its a bones is leaving and never coming back again episode

isn't this literally his 100th time doing this?

>These fucking desperate bumps
Just kill yourselves.

>No, Mr. user, I don't expect you to believe me. I expect you to reply!

Exactly and I didn't even give him the (You) he so desperately craves.

A friend helped me add sound to one of my comics. We're using Macromedia Flash 8 to create and export the files. I'm hoping that if I ever get the hang of it myself, I can add actual music to the comic for better feels and emotion.


I watched the soundless version first. And the sound that played in my mind was an old 8-bit melody. Just seems weird to me to combine animation like that with realistic sound. Something like this seems much more appropriate.
Also, do you have any other places where you post your stuff other then your website. Something like an art blog of sorts.

I've actually been meaning to use 8-16 bit type songs for the soundtrack, but I'm having a difficult time looking for musicians who can work with me and my project. I really like the remix video you shared with me. Do you think anyone from Sup Forums would help?

Unfortunately, I don't really have much else apart from my website. I wrote the story to be safe for work so I could share it with my friends and family. Everything else I've done up this point is a lot of adult erotic art. I just have my Fur Affinity page, but not sure if you want that.

>i think ive outgrown these threads

Thank God. The one bad thing about that is that it isn't true

>lot of adult erotic art
Boy, sure wasn't expecting that from a comic this cute. But I still wouldn't mind seeing more of your stuff.
I'v never been to Sup Forums so I don't know. You can try your luck, I suppose. If it's just like everywhere else on Sup Forums, they are probably both terrible and unwilling to help.

I only want eros from people who have mastered kawaii. otherwise you just have disgusting whores. pents don't lie.

You have no idea how hard it was for me to resist writing the plot and characters without turning them into furry smut. The story I'm working on is the final draft of revision 4, and I'm sticking to the script to keep it cute and light hearted.
That's my gallery. I don't post my story concept art there though, because of spoiler reasons. If you're interested in that, I'd rather share that on discord or something.

I'm really wanting to put my best foot forward with the comic. Resisting is hard.

was not expecting all the round bellies. but in any case, you're good at anatomy

Somethings I will never understand. But I will withhold my judgment. Nice art overall.
So why did you go for the "Made in MSpaint" look? Seem you could go much more in to detail.

Yeah, I'm into weirdo stuff. It's why I wrote my story ahead of time to make sure none of that leaks into the story itself and harms the characters. But thank you for the compliments either way. I'm not sure sex would add anything to the plot, apart from giving people eye candy. I wanted it to be more than that I guess.

All things considered, I'm a lazy artist. I feel if I put my 100% into everything, I lose motivation and go do something else. MS_Paint has a low threshold for being complete because it's flat, and I can paint bucket and adjust things easier when needed. That and I love aliased art from old video games and old computer art.

I never finished this portrait I started a few months ago...

plus aliased art has a charming look, and it suits this setting.. it's a world where art has a special meaning and everything's abstract and magical

So i wanted to design a character after a Malay eagle owl (seeing as this owl caught my fancy). The character is suppose to give off a sense of strict, yet wise and compassionate leader.

I know this is just a messy sketch without shading and other details added in, but what do you think?
Would you like look to this guy for guidance?

I fucking love eagle owls. you don't happen to read Cat Nine by any chance...
looks pretty strict and wise, I'm not sure about raising the eyes up high like in the middle shot, without lifting the beak equally high..
I feel like an extra dose of stoicness would make him seem more wise. This amount of exasperation would only happen in the most extreme situations, having to deal with people like the warner bros and sister.
also I know perfect realism isn't your main goal, but I do think you'd benefit by looking at real bird wings a little more closely. It'll help you understanding how to fold them up under that cloak, and how to arrange the feathers. This is already really good though, better than 95% of bird characters.

Going to try and hit 200 boards tonight. I probably won't make it, but if I make only a little progress, it's still progress.

I'm getting close to the end. Then, finally, I can rip this draft to pieces to build it into something great.

>I never finished this portrait
Then don't. The right arm of the first one is pretty off.Keep improving and don't waste time on past projects.

I think this is part of the current comic.
right? looks like the same character.
but yeah pull that elbow in. it's easy to accidentally elongate limbs when you bend 'em. You have to look at your action figures and remember there's a difference between an inner hinge and an outer hinge.

and heres the video:


You don't have a vore fetish, do you?
Asking to find out how common it is among furry artists.

Something I made the other day. This is my first time making a comic entirely in Photoshop. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also I would like to know if I should color the rest of the comic or if it's good as it is.

I finally decided I'm gonna do it. I'm going to make a web comic.
I've started doing character designs and have the concept down, tell me if it needs work.
A shut in NEET takes a drug that's supposed to make him more socially confident. He trips out and ends up as a important figure in an Alice in wonderland type world, and is sent skyrocketing out of his comfort zone.
What do you guys think?

now that is a concept. it's like yume nikki but, i assume, less depressing? because he's actually someone important. there's a LOT you could do with that.
My suggestion is to avoid the cliches that usually make situations like that too obviously-a-dream. you can't take any of it seriously when it's so hazy that you know none of it matters

its gonna be great

Maybe it's just me, but I'v never like the idea of wonderland. It just seems too far fetched for me.
What if he takes the drug, blacks out, and when he comes to, he realizes he has become an important business executive or something. And with all of his social confidence lost. Would make for a decent gag comic.

My "Bits & Bytes" webcomic always celebrates Easter with some little mischef from Cooking Mama (who works as kitchen helper). This year the restaurant is closed, so I moved the Easter joke to a side story in a bar attented by the main characters, Nolan and Gretha. Pic is today's Easter comic.

You will most likely NOT get the OUYA joke. It's a running gag. It's the third time now that Gretha has been pranked into getting an OUYA.

My other webcomic, "Wilfreda the Wanna-Be Witch" celebrates Halloween (main character Wilfreda Wintercaster's birthday) and it recently celebrated Valentines Day.

just one question

is it semi-autobiographical

Very nicely done. I know ALL of those feels, and you have gotten them across really well. I can almost smell that sickness. I have so many 'ugh i forgot something / missed the bus, fuckit I feel too sick to go anywhere anyway' moments lately.
I am okay with the idea of only coloring one panel, but if I may suggest: finish that one panel. Otherwise it just looks unfinished
other input: include at least one shade of gray just for simple shading (or just flood fill a few parts) just for contrast.
and finally, those text boxes are atrocious for a number of reasons. The font, the color, the background color, the fact that the two colors make it unreadable, the way the text is placed within them, the lack of tails (though I realize these are thoughts). sorry, I love the rest of the art, but you need to straight up scrap those puppies.

Even better, first it appears to be that, then it slowly becomes clear he's not in kansas anymore.

Chapter 07 is out. Setting up for the big finish.

How do you guys rationalize making a webcomic vs pitching it to a company? Like the idea of not being beholden to deadlines or management sounds great but at the same time indie marketing looks like a bitch

Getting an Ouya is ALWAYS a good joke.
we don't really say "the" Easter in english.

Ouch, thanks for the correction. It's those little grammatical details that haunt me when ever I translate the comics.

And since we're at it... Have last year's Easter comic.

I chose webcomics because I started my comic when I was 17 and I wasn't planning to create a marketable product, I just wanted to start drawing comics and try to get my name out. I really do want to try pitching a comic to a publisher someday, but only after I've improved my art and writing.

Pitching it would be better, for me it wasn't the deadlines, it was wanting to do it my way with no restrictions. To be honest though the downsides of webcomcis far outweigh the upsides. But I still choose creative freedom over any kind of edits or censors. At least for now with what I'm currently working on.

Getting published is definitely something I'm interested in for the future.

is this because some of my aliens look like animals? And humanoid ones no less?

Isn't vore some fetish people got from spiders eating their mates?

gonna repost my old shit from the other thread
beginning is very edgy

im thinking of skipping it or redrawing it

point of this part is just to show the gods that govern each world, but each god's state of mind makes their world what they feel
babaloz's world would be the cringiest shit you've ever seen


i think im going to have to make a fb page or a tumblr for my stuff, cause i have too many pages to just keep reposting them
which would be the best way to go on about it guys?

yeah english is freaking weird.
Man, the world needs more crossovers of Cooking Mama and Nancy (easily the best paper mario cook. fuck Kathy)


You're dodging the question.
But yes.

I'm pretty sure the vore fetish derives from old cartoons, that's why it's so infantile in its nature, and usually involving cartoonish physics.

yeah i know my english is off haha
think it makes the dialogue a little more interesting

get a normal website


Well THAT guy's english is meant to be weird, and I think you do it well

noted, thank you. I'll look into it.

I thought he meant Bacon's as well.. sometimes I just fly by with the dialogue because I want to continue drawing/practicing with the tablet.

almost done, sorry for the massive dump


aaaaaaand that's it for now, do i continue or scrap it and work on something else?

yeah actually the other guy's english is pretty fine.

Thanks for the advice on the Speech bubbles. I seem to always have trouble with speech bubbles.
Any advice on the speech bubbles? You said the font was terrible what font do you suggest?

I got pretty lost between page 8 and 9 and I never really understood anything after that, but I still like your shit. The meat and potatoes is the weirdness, not the story.

well for one thing, black and white is fine. If you want colors though, make it either dark text on light, or light on dark. The specific colors don't really matter, but "pale puke yellow" and "slightly deoxygenated pepto-bismol" are amongst the least appealing shades you could choose. They almost look like a colorblindness test.
the font you chose looks very elegant, I would think for a regular normal person you'd want a soft, normal font. a normal thing like arial or any other common font.. hell, I love comic sans, even if I'm the only one.
You can really pick any shape, though no-outlines is always going to get you in trouble if the bubble gets lost in the background somehow.. the tradition for thoughts is the cloud, but plenty of cape comics use rectangles, so that's fine. Still, I'd use smaller rectangles leading to the thinker's head, in the way a cloud bubble uses small circles.

I love that sensation of speed in page 1
laughed my ass off at 'ostrict'.. i also love every word out of the girl's mouth. her dialect is great.

I want to put a comment section in my webcomic, I don't plan on running ads on my site but I *do* want to start a patreon once I get some readers.

Can I use disqus plus with no issues? It says only for non commercial and I don't plan on making any money from the site itself.

i need a good coloring tutorial
my art is too easy

I've never had any major trouble with disqus. Well that's not true, it used to give me fits, refused to stay signed in, etc.. but it hasn't had a real issue in years. Just have to re sign in every so often.
however requiring people to register in the first place is a big pain in the ass. or it WAS, until Disqus became the standard, and now almost everyone has an account and the account is actually useful enough to justify its existence.

Thank a lot user! I'm glad you're finding Tat's so enjoyable, we pride ourselves on how awful she talks haha!



I've been struggling a bit trying to figure out how I want to color my webcomic, it's kind of a struggle between a softer airbrushed approach and a less subtle approach using transparent layerings of marker (both are using Manga Studio). I like both but which u guyz think works best with my style?
>1st with softer colors

>2nd with transparent markers

your style definitely doesn't work well with the 3d effect of the softer colors, it's too surreal imagining them having depth.
and yet the depth given here still works. maybe because it seems like an arrangement of flatter faces.
I'll say this, the cloud in the background of the first seems better, it's not so completely smooth and gradiented. If you wanted that to be your compromise, I'd go with that. Otherwise, the second one.

How do you vary your lines? Like, what rules do you follow when doing your line-work.

I try to use the usual line thickness variance rules, things that are nearer having thicker lines, lines tapering towards points, all that good stuff

Ok glad to hear that, since the second image is from a later page. I kinda came to the same conclusion, but wanted some validation. My comic's gone back and forth a bit from one method to another.

Here's the next page of West Tree!

thank you for stopping in the stream yesterday it was fun listening to concert music while talking about comics for a bit. I'll be making some leg adjustments and move on to color.

It's been like 2 years now and now I feel I've got to know the characters really well. I am happy.

Is comicfury and taptastic good places to upload webcomics? What Other sites are good to upload to

Finished this page. Just need to add text and then I can add it to my stash of finished pages.
Meanwhile I'm also trying to get better at backgrounds and interiors, so I'm wondering if the classroom doesn't look too empty? I gave both the classroom and the building an old fashioned look since the story takes place in the early 1900s.

Got this page done. Would have finished it earlier but I got caught up reading Christian manga. How do these colors look? I played a lot with the color scheme for this location, though I made little consideration for how the character's colors would look it it...

Hope you guys will like this new girl, her name's Katydid.

Looking great! I think your backgrounds look fine, though I think the reason the classroom looks a little empty is because the desks are all so far apart. In most classrooms I've been in the aisles between desks are just a bit wider than one's hips, while you could fit a whole 'nother desk in the aisles here.

yes and no in that order.
any of the free sites are fine. usually they have some kind of automatic system to make updating easy

if anything it's more full than classrooms i've seen from that era. well done
but shouldn't they have inkwells?

I can safely say if I had four arms, I'd do just what Katy did

I agree with , there just seems to be a lot of spacing between the desks. Maybe you can try breaking up the space by adding a few things on their desk, like a piece of paper or a pencil.
The first panel looks great! Totally gives the impression of an early winter morning. The second panel however, seems like it's too cold, just because of how much space there is between each table, how shaded the second row from the light is*, and the high contrast between the light and dark areas. The highlights in the picture appear white, and that really gives me the impression that it's cold in this room.
*This also makes it seem like there's a low window and not a lot of light is coming in. It just seems dark on that side of the room, and the desks closest to the light is too bright.

The shading palette don't seem to match to me, maybe that's the look you were going for but I find it distracting. Ramparts and Mildew look cold-shaded, while Katydid looks warm-shaded. In the second panel, I think you could bump up the contrast on Mildrew and Ramparts to really match the contrast on Katydid.
Also, second panel, Ramparts' other horn appears to be missing.

Welp i just finished my webcomic cover and 2 pages. Thinking about doing black and white for the next few pages

first page/prologue

I made some adjustments to better explain what I mean.
>Outer edges of the panel are darker in color and airbrushed.
>Shadows on Katydid are more blue in color, reflected light is violet-ish.
>Shadow of boots follows vanishing point.
>Ramparts and Mildew have a higher contrast from the light behind them. Their edges, as well as the edges of the door are slightly blurred from the light.
I hope you don't mind.

Thanks for the advice. I used different shading palettes because Mildew and Ramparts were supposed to still be the cooler light from the outdoors, while Katydid is in the warming lighting of the shop. I totally get how it looks jarring, though. I tried playing with the shading a bit more, you think either of these look any better?